Patrick Hand
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Everything posted by Patrick Hand
callenish gunner, check out Greyhound....... I have to take the bus from Miami down to Key West ... should be an interesting 4 1/2 hours...........
I saw a sticker yesterday..... "Who would Jesus bomb? " Well I thought it was kinda funny..... oh well back ter me rum......
Unfortunatly, I'm a bit inland....... But I am in Calaveras (Spanish for Skulls) County, in "The Gold Country"......... Skulls.... Gold ...... Of course thar be Pyrates about.... Sorry, it's a lame thing I tell people when they ask what a Pyrate is doing up in th' mountains so far away from the Ocean.............
Harbor Master, cool project..... it's fun to watch it all come together..........
Tieing people to trees was a fun one....... All we need is some rope, a tree, some evil Pyrates (have any idea where we could find those...) and a semi-willing victom......... <starts singing "Tradition" from Fiddler on the Roof..............>
THAT WOULD BE COOL.......... Hope to see you there........
Movie Theme Grubbin Tavern...not Planet Hollywood
Patrick Hand replied to Caroleen Cross's topic in Ports O'Call
But Caroleen, you could have done that anyway................ (just be thankfull that it wasn't a Star Wars resteraunt....... so you didn't have to dress as a wookie at work....... ) Anyway..... cool..... sounds fun....... -
Humm.... Harry Potter, Phantom, Star Wars, Star Trek, Model building, D&D, Historic Re-enacting...... We realy are a diverse group ..... Other than Star Wars (never got into it....) I've been interested in all of the above.........
From what I understand about period navigation, they could find thier laditude (shooting the sun at noon), but had no accurate way to tell thier longitude (and did they have a concept of longitude, but just no accurate way to measure it at the time) If they were trying to find a specific island, did they sail in the general direction, untill they got to the right laditude and then sail East or West untill they found it? Using known locations (other Islands) to correct thier course? Currents and the wind must have realy messed with thier "guess" of where they were..... I can find information about how to figure where a ship is now (modern) ... but not much info on how they did it then........
I don't wear buttons either...... but they are fun to read........ Not a button, but a bumper sticker I always liked..... "No matter where you go or what you do, out snipers can drop you at any time..... have a nice day"
Hummmm.... Well I could care less if another man has a beard or not..... and I'm not to fond of women with excessive facial hair.... I had a long stach (with the ends curled up) and little strip of a goatee, but got tired of shaving, so I grew out my beard, but now shave a strip off from my mouth down (kinda like Mr. Gibbs in PotC ) I have the interesting (Or wierd) habit of growing and trimming different styles of facial hair..... had a Klingon goatee and "rat tail" stach for awhile.... and once let my moustache grow to about 3" long (had to use a comb to eat.....) The cool part of it...... if I don't like how it looks, I can always shave, and then grow something else...........
Hummmmm..... I thought this was Random Thoughts..... not Random Topics.... oh well......... I moved my computer from my workroom out to the living room today..... had lots of fun moving the phone line.... but that's another story..... Anyway, now everytime I walk past my workroom, I want to go in an play on the computer (even when thats what I'm doing in the livingroom) Wierd.... jsut wierd....... Old habits or something like that.........
Nah..... they are not more pleasant..... you have to get drunk ter thier level for them to be so..........
There was talk (OK typing) eairlier in this thread about a Pirates of the Caribbean book... and that got me wondering..... Do they still sell the "Walt Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean...The story of the robust adventure in Disneyland and Walt Disney World" (dang long title.... ) It was a magizine sized booklet, with behind the sceens and picturs of the ride (and all the words to "Yo HO (A Pirate's Life For Me)" )my copy was printed in 1974. Is this the kind of thing that I should STOP looking at, and double bag it.....
Awh heck..... I paid some wench $5.00 to write that about me on the ladys room wall..... Still ain't got no replys tho............
Captain_MacNamara, you might want to check out a copy of "The Arts of the Sailor" by Hervey Garrett Smith. (it's a commonly avalible paperback...) It has a chapter on "rope strapped blocks" and another on "rigging beadeyes" Heck... it has a lot of good stuff...... rope work, sewing, making a dittybag.....
When I was in "The Gunslingers of the Motherlode" they had insuracne through the NRA.... I remember that as a club, we also had to do a live fire at least once a year.... but hey...... that was lots of fun........
Somehow, it be becoming kinda a tradition ain't it.........
Hey..... and neither Mr. Limpet or Underdog have a beard....... (OK...Underdog does have facial hair......fur........whatever...)
I be the nicest, most intelligent person you'd ever wanna meet....... NOW what others think of me when I'm drunk...... WEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLL
Cool... I tried it again.... and it worked this time...... I be in central California..... up in the mountains......
I just found this great photo of my Buccaneer stuff, from the Kearney Park Renn. Faire last weekend....... http://www.renaissancefaire.us/2005-11-12-...rk/page0320.htm I'm wearing a different hat, and the tankard under the hunting jacket.... welll it WAS a Renn. Faire.....
I'm listining to some spacy, Kitaro .... Hadda take a break from Jimmy Buffet.......
Finnaly tried some Tattoo........ didn't realy care for it.... to much like cough syurp..... (course we DID drink it all..... "waste not") Think I'll just stick ter th' rum flavored rum........
I thought yellow was the mark of plague... (but that may be WAY after the GAoP)