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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  1. ^ Everyone knows I'm biased, but I'll have to go with the Black Album (rock 'n' roll covers a LOT of genres!) < Watchin' "White & Nerdy" by Weird Al. (funnier than hell to see Donny Osmond in this video dancing! ) v What's your favorite music video (for whatever reason...)
  2. ^ I'm never ashamed of any music I've liked. Really. Of course, I haven't listened to a WHOLE lot of different genres, so......... < Not looking forward to finals and practicals for my EMT class, Saturday. v What's the one CD you wish you had never wasted money on?
  3. https://pyracy.com/forums/index.php?showtop...=0entry234584 Here's the link for the other thread, Morgan.
  4. ^ I wear cologne. Joop or Cool Water. I like a woman to smell good, but not enough perfume where I'm chokin' on it. < Really wanting/needing to find a way to release some energy. Maybe a little adrenaline rush would help. v Favorite movie quote
  5. That's a good idea. If I was more imaginitive and didn't have finals, I'd try my hand at changin' a couple lines for ya.
  6. ^ I'm a redneck, so I'll choose Country. < Matt likes a little spice. v Coke or Pepsi?
  7. There are those who you can give your heart to. Sometimes, they'll give it back to you in complete disrepair. It may take only a little while to get back on your feet or it may take an inordinate amount of time. Worse thing to do is to try and give it away before it's completely healed up again. Think of it as a physical problem. You can't walk on a bad knee until it's healed. Otherwise, you just aggravate the problem and it won't ever get better. I agree with Captain Jim. Keep the good memories and use the bad ones to grow as a person. Even the bad ones can teach us lessons.....
  8. ^ Sweet. That's why I talk to you. I'm salty enough for the both of us. Wait....that didn't come out right! < Listening to Young Frankenstein on the TV in the other room. Trying not to laugh while I type! v Favorite comedy?
  9. That's GREAT! If only I had th' coin t' spare....
  10. ^ Muppet Christmas Carol (Hey, I grew up in SoCal. Disney and the Muppets are a majority of the childhood entertainment memories I have.) < I like most versions of "A Christmas Carol" - even the Flintstones! v What's the one Christmas tradition you can't do without?
  11. ^ dead and gone. < Watching Muppet Family Christmas on YouTube v Favorite Muppet character
  12. ***Matt ceremoniously licks his finger and vertically swipes it in the air.*** That's ONE FOR CHOLE!!!!
  13. UPS isn't called "Oops" for nothing. I'd be in pretty bad shape by the time I was through with my overnight delivery.....
  14. LIPOZENE I swear if I see/hear ONE MORE FRIGGIN' COMMERCIAL FOR LIPOZENE I WILL EXPLODE!!!!!!! Every day it seems like that's ALL I see/hear from the TV is the SAME.....DAMN......AD!
  15. Well, somehow I think it's against the law to mail myself, so.........
  16. They make "adult diapers" for that, ya know....
  17. ^ If I could afford it, a Marine Corps NCO sword. < Looking forward to seeing my daughter for a couple days at Christmas. v Got any family you are HAPPY to see this Christmas?
  18. Matt accepts compliments from ALL beautiful wimmins. Especially, Chole! Thanks, luv. Now, PM me your address so's I can send you yer check.
  19. Wishing I could get a massage at 0200.... Wishing I could get a massage more than once every 2-3 weeks....
  21. I would say I'd like someone I can fit my arms around, but I'm 6'. That could be a BIG woman. I'd say someone I could pick up, but I'm kinda strong. That could be a BIG woman. Dang it....not workin' out the way I wanted it to! How 'bout, big enough so's I can pick her up and throw her on the bed without breakin' her?
  22. ^ "It's a Wonderful Life" < Would give anything to feel like I did as a kid around Christmastime. v What is your favorite holiday?
  23. Yes. That's called "chumming".
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