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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  1. Gay pirate (Ray Stevens) ala pirates of penzance
  2. Don't know, mate. Better keep up, eh?
  3. Thanks for your vote of confidence, Jacky!
  4. Maybe some of us have.
  5. She said "exposure".
  6. ^ Quiet. DEATHLY QUIET. I know. Hard to believe, right? Scares some people really.... < Need a good Indian recipe. Not "teepee" Indian - "red dot" Indian. v Favorite dish from another continent.
  7. Which one in particular?
  8. This site is specific to the French (the bastards...), but it does list dates along with the musicians. http://www.personal.utulsa.edu/~john-powell/theater/ Plus, the Costumer's Manifesto has a big section that you may want to (if you haven't already) explore.
  9. I would assume a majority of the music for the upper class would be Bach, Handel, et al. I would also venture a guess that much at this time would have been folk music for the common folk. I surmise that this time period would have bawdy music synonymous with common people, not upper class. Just my absolute conjecture. Take from it what you will. Chole - here's a place you may look, although it's not separated by dates. http://www.contemplator.com/folk.html
  10. Thank you, m'dear.
  11. Oh, controversy! Leave it to me to start it up. Shall I stir the pot a bit more? What about lacing in the back of the slops? AND if they DID do lacing on canvas slops, what would the lacing have been comprised of?
  12. Easiest thing to do is Google "dutch piracy" and read what comes up. There actually IS a book in Dutch piracy. Can't for the life of me remember what it's called, though.
  13. In regards to linings....were slops traditionally worn atop a pair of breeches almost like a pair of coveralls, to protect the clothing underneath? Or would they most likely be worn as the ONLY pair of trousers.
  14. My dear, sweet woman.... I am SO sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you. If I can be of ANY help whatsoever, please let me know.
  15. Excellent, all! Thank you very much! I had assumed that the heavier weight canvas would hold up to the rigors of ship work much better than the lighter canvas. In addition, I had assumed it would be a bit stiff. Glad to see I've been "straightened out". Thanks again. MERRY CHRISTMAS
  16. I was talking with someone else and the issue of the weight came up. Particularly, 17 oz. seems very heavy. Without asking more questions, can someone please expound on using 17 oz. canvas or any other weights for a pair of slops?
  17. ^ Nope. Next town over is the "Christmas Capital" of Arizona. Obviously, that bleeds over to the adjoining towns. < Already having a Merry Christmas! v What's the next holiday you're looking forward to. (And not just because you get the day off work.......)
  18. Very sweet, indeed! I just looked and almost choked when I see the U.S. price is almost $300. It's definitely something to save up for. Any problems getting them to make the latches 3/4"?
  19. Crikey! Where's th' pics and th' secret ballots?!
  20. New Age Girl by Dead Eye Dick
  21. Nope. I get off work at 0130. That's why I'm on here so late.
  22. Sounds "delectable" in more ways than one, mate.
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