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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. Hi everyone, check your in boxes for your recipients on Friday evening!
  2. And as the enrollment deadline approaches.... Tonight is your last chance to sign up for the piratey gift exchange! Play Benevolent Giver to one of your fellow pirates! Follow that up with a role of Excited Recipient! Sure to make your holiday season extra special!
  3. That's the one.
  4. And so please let us all welcome the inestimable Patrick Hand! The latest list: Myself PoD LadyBarbossa Laura Coughlin Quartermaster James wes1761 Gunpowder Gertie vintagesailor Fayma Callahan CharityRackham jaded Elena Bilgemunky Patrick Hand
  5. Hi Elena I need to receive a pm with the proper information before an individual gets added. I got that this morning, so consider yourself added! Bilgemunky, glad the extension made it possible for you. Remember, Tuesday at midnight, central time is the new deadline! Send in your PM's! The latest list: Myself PoD LadyBarbossa Laura Coughlin Quartermaster James wes1761 Gunpowder Gertie vintagesailor Fayma Callahan CharityRackham jaded Elena Bilgemunky
  6. I think we could extend the deadline until November 30th for the gift exchange and do no real damage to our gifting timeline. So be it! Current List Myself PoD LadyBarbossa Laura Coughlin Quartermaster James wes1761 Gunpowder Gertie vintagesailor Fayma Callahan CharityRackham jaded
  7. Glad to have you Fayma! Current List Myself PoD LadyBarbossa Laura Coughlin Quartermaster James wes1761 Gunpowder Gertie vintagesailor Fayma Callahan
  8. Do come play! Remember, you need to send me a PM with your information to get signed up. Current List Myself PoD LadyBarbossa Laura Coughlin Quartermaster James wes1761 Gunpowder Gertie vintagesailor
  9. Remember, you need to send me a PM with your information to get signed up. Current List Myself PoD LadyBarbossa Laura Coughlin Quartermaster James wes1761
  10. These hearty souls have signed up for the Exchange: Myself PoD LadyBarbossa Laura Coughlin
  11. I have a difficult time coloring within the lines.

  12. Just like a Secret Santa. But not quite... I'm fine with some Brits being involved. I'm sure the language barrier is surmountable. Oh you mean, 'cause o' the ocean and all that. It seems acceptable to me. You'll just need to be a bit forgiving on the timing and plan ahead for the shipping. If you can do that, I'm sure others can as well.
  13. Just like a Secret Santa. But not quite... I'm fine with some Brits being involved. I'm sure the language barrier is surmountable.
  14. The initial post is now brimming with information.
  15. Thanks for the offer, but it's mine. Alll mine.... You can't see it, but I'm steepleing my fingers and laughing mwah ha ha ha...
  16. It's time for the Secret Gift Exchange. Those of you who've been around know we've done this for the last several years with a reasonable amount of success and a few of us/you were looking forward to it again this year. So here's how its going to work: Who is eligible: In the past we've limited the enrollment to only established members of Pyracy Pub. This year, I'll simply split the participants into two categories one for established members and one for enthusiastic newcomers. I feel that this would put those newer members on equal footing, as both parties would be taking a risk with unknowns. Regardless of membership status, by signing up you solemnly agree that you will provide some sort of pleasant contact with your designated recipient. If you don't I'll be distinctly displeased with you. What you'll do: After the sign-up cut-off I will PM you the name and address of your Designated Recipient. Sometime in the near future you will put something in the mail, timed so as to arrive before December 25, for your Designated Recipient. What you will send: In the past we've set a dollar amount on what is expected. I'm going to change things up and not do that. Please don't let this lack of specification make you uncomfortable. Also know that you're not buying our friendship, respect or any other sort of attention, so don't bother showing off. We'll just mock you. Things that people have done in the past: Holiday Cards, CD's, dice, a deck of cards, belt pouches, glass pens, etc.... Basically anything goes as long as it is kind and reasonably well intentioned. If this section is really stressing you out PM me, and we'll come up with something or I'll give you quantitative limits to make you feel better. How to sign up: Send me a PM with your name (or something the post office will recognize as a name capable of receiving items) and address. Also if you would like to include a SHORT list of things you are interested in to help your Designated Giver, please feel. This list is by no means a requirement, as I've mentioned else where I think part of the fun in this is the mystery. Each interested party must contact me themselves, from their own account. I won't sign anyone up on someone else's say so. I MUST RECEIVE YOUR PM BY NOON CT ON NOVEMBER 27th FOR YOU TO PARTICIPATE! I will then mix up all the entries (keeping the pre and post six monthers separated) and pair up everyone. I'll then send you a PM by December 1st containing the name of your Designated Recipient. You will then find, craft, beg, or barter something for them and post it off to the supplied address. After the gift exchange is complete everyone should purge their PM's of sensitive identifying information (like names and addresses) and I will do the same. You're free to open your gift whenever you get it (or to wait for some special day)and post here in great detail about it. But lets have the exchange complete before we start identifying ourselves as "giver of ...." If you've any questions please post here or send me a PM. Thanks, Duchess.
  17. iPhone post. Here you go.
  18. I don't have any pictures on the main screen. Things in the threads look as usual. All the log in, messenger and profile stuff is on the next screen over. Use the double arrow button at the top to get there. I can send screen captures if you're interested Stinky. I'm viewing and posting on an iPhone os 4 Also, I like not having the images. They take up bandwidth and I'm not really interested in them.
  19. I'm just striving to preserve your meeting people in the order of reverse proximity.
  20. I've been all over that lake.
  21. Hands off there buddy this profile is mine, MINE I SAY!
  22. I've got a whole binder full of the Wizkids Pirates game, no complete sets but enough to cobble some fun groups. Unfortunately no one to play with. I've been trying to steal one weekly movie night a month and make it into a gaming night. (High on my list being Killer Bunnies, Pirates, and Munchkins...) Unfortunately the group is pretty much equally split between those in favor of and those opposed. Pleas of "Come on guys, you can still have three movie nights a month..." are falling on filmed entertainment addicted ears.
  23. My characters have been pushed off the ladder, actually I never really cared about the ladder.... Mostly I play single player or I host games for a select few. I'm not too big on playing with other people in DII, in Guild Wars I do occasionally play with others but mostly not for anything other than baiting and humor purposes.
  24. Diablo II ! and occasionally Guild Wars...
  25. Oh dear, infamy! I think I've got another rabbit diagram around somewhere, I'll see if I can find it and make a model.
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