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Durty Mick Moon

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Everything posted by Durty Mick Moon

  1. well knock me upside the head n' call me fred there now be a pirate on ice skates??? I better be sttin' down n' avin another pint, me own head is spinnin' , wi' what the world be comin to....what's a respectable scurvy ol plunderer n pilager to do I ask ye??? what next? a pirate goin to AAA meetings? singin' in the church choir? wearin' tights? (sorry Errol) .....better pour me the good rum, Ray....
  2. Avast! what's wi' the "diet cokes" ? I be steppin' out fer a minute and now ye be drinkin' sodas n not a smidgen o' rum? alas, 'ave ye all gone soft on me?.....aye, but I see we 'ave a young one 'ere, so meybe yer sodas appropriate.....damn, uh, I mean darn, I guess I be 'avin one o' them soda things too.....(pssssst, Ray, ifn ye wants to splash a wee bit o' the Morgan's in there me lips are sealed)....welcome to ye to the Pub lass, us crusty ol' scallawags'll try n' be easy wi' ye.....cheers
  3. ye looks so unhappy in yer picture there, Bonnie, dear,....is there some way we kin be puttin' a smile on yer face agin?.....here's a roses for ye....
  4. More: Actually, it only takes one drink to get me loaded. Trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or fourteenth.--George Burns I saw a notice that said "Drink Canada Dry" and I've just started. -- Brendan Behan You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on. -- Dean Martin The difference between a drunk and a alcoholic is that a drunk doesn't have to attend all those meetings." Arthur Lewis An alcoholic is anyone you don't like who drinks more than you do." Dylan Thomas When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading." Henny Youngman I drink to make other people interesting." George Jean Nathan I have made an important discovery…that alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, produces all the effects of intoxication.—Oscar Wilde "The problem with some people is that when they aren't drunk, they're sober." William Butler Yeats "An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with fools." Ernest Hemmingway
  5. aye, Rummy, I've been o'er to Ireland several times, me ancestors were from there n' I be tracin' me lineage back to 1600's....been to most counties n' I strongly recommend it, tis a beautiful country wi' friendly people....the pub life is especially good....ifn when ye are plannin' I'd be happy to suggest places, but ye must take plenty o' time to see it....at least a couple o' weeks I say if ye can.....a few days is too short n' not worth it....ye would love it.....too much to put here in one post...ye can PM me ifn ye likes.....
  6. I just have a cranky old cat....does that count?
  7. Aye, well, ifn ye wants te see really big balls go to the zoo. My good fellow, Big balls alone don’t impress meself….I be seein’ plenty o’ damn fools ever’day in the news been killin’ o’ injurin’ themselves that’s got plenty o’ balls but too little brains….smaller balls ‘n a bigger wiser brain N’ a bigger heart s’better n the biggest balls in the world wi’ small-minded direction ….Careful, Let us not be mistakin’ balls-iness for foolishiness
  8. I'll give you a plug nickel nay worth it
  9. Aye, I be agreein' wi' ye there, Diego, I be not thinkin' it's time yet either. Methinks the name is important, it establishes first impression n' represents all o' the members.....so's I sez give it a wee bit more time n let's decide on a good one....a poll may be the way te do it.....I be still thinkin' o' names meself yet.....I like somethin' mysterious, intriquing n' even whimsical yet easily understandable....maybe somethin' to do with the Pub itself....(?).....but ye gots me wholehearted support n' let me know how I kin be of service....
  10. A tip o' me hat te ye, Diego....methinks ye are the most eloquent of all in this here pub, I be 'avin a toast to ye n' yours this holiday, cheers....
  11. Caraccioli, ye are one interestin' dude.....as fer "Art", ifn ye wants te see interestin' thought provokin' art try lookin' in the mirror for awhile......now ponder that.....
  12. well, Bonnie, lass, may I jes call ye Bonnie, I be sorrowful te hear o' yer heart's lost n' I be writtin' a little poem jes fer ye, hopes ye likes it: The dream I once had, you held my heart in a smile, now I lay awake in quiet there is no warm embrace but my heart’s yearning of morning’s golden promise, like the night you are silently gone.
  13. Aye, me spirit be hauntin' the deepest recesses n' catacombs o' yer dreams darkest abyss....a shadowy figure yer heart cannot quite fathom but ye knows I'm there gnawin' at it with love's vicious venom....like an itch ye cannot scratch at....an ache ye cannot heal......only when we finally meet in this physical world will ye find the relief, the peace ye yearn for.....
  14. I figured in three days somebody would say something about my shyte??? well, sir, shyte is shyte....what can ye say....it all be shyte.....now when the case may be it ain't shyte n' it be a case o' something o' a different matter than shyte, in other words, when shyte ain't shyte....well then....we kin be discussin' this new shyte that ain't really shyte after all....now, in all serious,though, who drank me mug o' guinness?
  15. Aye, I be understandin', lass....ye gots a fine head on yer shoulders I kin tell. Know this from one who's sailed many oceans n' met many a strange character in this world, thar be good pyrates n' thar be bad....life be full o' surprises n' unexpected adventures....as me mate, John Lennon once said: "Life is what happens when ye are busy makin' other plans...." so's ifn ye passes through from time to time is just fine.....n' don't be too harsh on yer father though he may be wrong in some respects he loves ye n' 'is intentions are good I be sure o' that......some day ye'll see the world in a new wonderous light...
  16. oooooo me 'ead....my achin' 'ead.....d i z z y....v e r y d i z z z z y y y y.... m a k e i t s t o p....
  17. do not consider "drunks" good company?....."stay away from taverns"? lass, forgive me impudence but did ye read at the top o' the page here where it be sayin' this be the "Pyracy Pub"? it ain't a church gatherin'...... though I be guessin' ye got more folks o' high morals n ethics here than ye be findin' in most churchs
  18. "Chicken"?!?! Durty Mick be called alot o' things but n'er "chicken! n' Durty Mick don't be needin' ta hide, he be a bit busy takin' care o' business is all....I still be hauntin' the rooms n' hallways o' this pub n' I still also be a masterful booty-shaker so ye girls get yer behinds here n' start movin' n' grindin', ye knows what I be meanin'....I wanna be seein' the sweat glistenin' on yer faces n' the music not stoppin' fer all night....shake it don't break it
  19. Well, lass, ye be gettin' me attention wi' them "fresh meat" n' "damsel in distress" words.....be the fresh meat n' distressed damsel needin' savin' be one n' the same?.....arrrrrrrrr, now don't ye be concerned, I be but a nice harmless ol' pyrate who's been practicin' saving fresh meats in distress....er, damsels that be, I be meanin'......er.....meybe I be 'avin 'nother drink.....cheers, n' welcome to ye n' ye kin be keepin' yer sword sheathed n' so will I.......
  20. sounds like just another ordinary night in Mick's kitchen....'cept ye kin substitue dark run fer the takillya....
  21. Big hearts 'ave big dreams, so's keep yer dreams big anyways, lass.....don't be discouraged, sometimes it just be a matter o' timing....n' we all knows that pyrates not always be a dependable lot but their hearts be in the right place.....
  22. Aye...."dashing" n "swarthy" be the look a pyrate be lookin' fer!.....I be gettin' the swarthy bit down n' still workin' on perfectin' the dashing part :) ...n Scarlet, darlin', ye keeps givin' invitations ta tickle yer fanny....careful o' one o' these days I be takin' ye up on it!
  23. Or has improved dramatically from its former state. Depends on your perspective. I'd have been dead long ago had we not improved (and made ourselves able to invent things like insulin pumps) through education. Me own thoughts exactly.....it's called evolution or progress....don't think I want ta go back ta livin' like a caveman.....
  24. Ahhh, Christine Christine Christine.....ye are a unique piece o' work, did they not break the mold after makin' ye.....we kin always be countin' on ye to spice up (should I be sayin' "heat up") the boards here.....ye jes keep lettin' it all hang loose, sweetheart....(n' now don't ye be playin' wi' me words, ye knows what I be meanin').....
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