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Durty Mick Moon

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Everything posted by Durty Mick Moon

  1. me old cat purrin' in me lap n' the sounds o' the stars make as they be twinklin' o' winter's eve.....the deep rumblin' sounds o' the earth slowly turnin' 'neath me feet....
  2. ah, Black Jack....is good ta see ye back in the pub....me own nicknames?....most can't be repeated in public, but "God's gift" be me favorite....oh, an' "mister go all night mercy I have to go to sleep sometime so stop it fer awhile" is another I be havin' been called....
  3. well, I be keepin' the beard for sure n' Bonnie, lass, consider yeself virtually tickled.......
  4. nursin' a rum n' egg nog....'appy 'olidays!.....
  5. Aye!, a most merry Thanksgiving to all the Pub, the turkeys and not turkeys I'll be drinkin' a toast (an' a few more jes in case) to all ye's (n' don't be overdoin' it now like I probably will)
  6. Ye can be countin' me in, Diego.....I be doin' whats I can though I be a might ways from most o' ye (Santa Barbara)....but sign me up. I've been to a couple o' faires only as a spectator (mundane) not as participant....so's I be kind o' a beginner still but I's a quick learner, smart n' a hard worker....jes point me in the right direction.....ye's got me full support (n' I share me stash o' good rum ta inspire us)
  7. The "Rub...A Dub....Dub......Pirates....."?????????????? Ye best be soberin' up 'fore ye be writin' any more posts!
  8. well, I be likin' this idea o' yers, Diego. I might be even showin' up ta one o' these events one day.....so add me ta yer list. how can I help? The pyracy pub would 'ave the makin's o' a mighty fyne pyrate guild. I see I'm just gonna have to drive my sorry ass down there soon, aren't I?.....ye best be keepin' some guinness in stock....
  9. well, I be finally narrowin' it down.....eithers I be a pyrate or I be a buddhist.....still debatin' the point.....meybe I kin be both, eh?.....and, remembers, mate, curiousity be killin' the dog.....uh, cat.....
  10. aye, I be kneelin' down n' puttin' in a word fer ye wi' the big Pyrate upstairs ifn he'll listen ta me after me last rant (I do be apologizin', sir, I not be knowin' what I be sayin' the drink done went ta me head)......keep us informed as to how ye n' yours are doin', lass, n' never fear, there be a brighter day ahead jes beyond that horizon......
  11. whad ye's shay? >hick<.... hoosh drunk....I ain't drunk, ain't n'er been no drunk ... >hick<... no way no how......howz 'bout you >hick< ye donnot knew whad ye >hick< god damn hickups ....pissin' me off....whoops!....hey whooz makin' the room turn 'round n' round >hick<.......damn yellow bellied piss ant miscreant of a pond scum suckin'......uh, ....uh.....sober moderate Bush voter!.......>hick<.....whoa..... goin' down fer the count........ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  12. yea, right, mate....sorry but I seen yer picture, methinks ye bare more resemblance ta Long John there
  13. I jes be lookin' at the map n' pictures n' all....damn, we got a good crew here.....I raise me glass n' a toast: To all the Bretheren, whatever we each likes don't matter...we watch each other's back so's ifn ye mess wi' one o' us means ye be messin' wi' us all.......huzzah!
  14. now, Rummy, I be meanin' this...., I ain't tryin' ta kiss yer rear end like our friend Diego (but I understand why he does it, the old scalawag be ever so grateful ta have one special women as yerself lovin' 'im)....but, as I were sayin', in yer picture ye n' yer son ye look likes ye be brother n' sister, not mother n' son.....
  15. me own humble opinion....Captain Morgan's Private Stock be fairly good, especially in egg nog (try it: 1/3 Morgan's Private Stock n' 2/3 egg nog, a good pick-me-up fer breakfast) but the Planter's XO Rum is still the best I be tastin'....click here: Planter's XO Rum ....$19.99 here, a deal.......
  16. Caraccioli, I just gots ta hand it to ye....ye come up wi' the best topics. ifn we e'er meet we needs ta get sloshed n' philosophize 'bout the mysteries o' the universe, etc., mate, ....the more I know the less I know, I likes ta say .... kin ya tell I be havin' a few already? ...here's to ya n' where yer mind wanders off to.......
  17. I don't be thinkin' ye want ta' see me shakin' about on a table top luv. Nay, I'll be jes sittin wit' Mick an' admirin' the lustful gyrations of you lovely women.....as fer peepin', well I jes happen ta' have me own personal one-eyed periscope down, boy, down.. easy thar mate......."personal one-eyed...what!?" as in "up periscope"? ...
  18. Aye, "even if you are dumb, drunk and stupid "...don't be mincin' yer words thar mate, n' one out o' three ain't too bad... but that thar be Longgg Johhnnn Sil-verrrr who be the best at lookin' like a pyrate then, so's I be concurrin' wi' yer point....how 'bout this here pyrate: Well, Ladies? :)
  19. Oh, most excellent topic, Jib, I be always lookin' fer a suggestions o' a good read. O' course I have ta be puttin' "Treasure Island" by Bobby Lou Stevenson (sometimes I crack meself up ) near the top o' the list......
  20. well, mark me words our paths be crossin' o' some o' these n' sooner n' ye may think so ye best be savin' some o' ye's silver ta buy Mick a drink!
  21. DING DING DING DING DING n' Mr. Diego Santana de la Vega de la whatever else does win that round wi' the correct answer! Congratulations, Sir (don't ye just love how the thread topics wander.....)
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