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Durty Mick Moon

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Everything posted by Durty Mick Moon

  1. I have bought several items from them. Everything was shipped the day I ordered and arrived in perfect condition. I have sent them a couple of emails inquiring about something and they've always answered within the next day or two. I think they are top notch and customer service oriented. I've not needed to return anything so cannot vouch for that consideration but would assume they'd handle that as well I would recommend them very much. The clothing I bought, including a shirt, were of good quality not like some cheap costumey stuff. They are based in Oregon. Feel free to PM me if you have other questions about my experience with them. their address is www.dresslikeapirate.com
  2. Alright, mate!.....heads or tails?
  3. Aye, I be givin' the lass both me hands (n' a bit more ifn dreams come true).....upsy daisy, now....I'll take this end Matt, ye kin 'ave the other ....
  4. One of dem lords musta lost his jewel during a sword fight if'ns th'er is only eleven I like yer sword fightin' smilie/emoticon...where'd I download those on the net?
  5. Arrrrrr!....the both o' ye are too sweet it makes me head swim.....I'd be drinkin' less ifn it weren't fer the both o' ye mushy words n' all.....bleh! get a room....
  6. I be likin' the scent o' a women wi' no scent other then that comes from her skin when she be all sweaty n' happy n' excited like......hmmmmm
  7. hey, lass, ye gots 200 posts ahead o' me o' headstart......n' that's enough o' that "hey, micky" crap.....I just be gettin' that tune out o' me head already...it's taken a bottle o' rum. a bottle o' Irish n' more than a few pints ta clear it out, thank you.....
  8. "Death Penalty"....now ain't that a sentence fer all o' us after we be born?
  9. Quote: "I warn ye though; me dancing is like me poker playing - I've no clue what I'm be doing but I manage to hold me own." Avast!....any o' ye mates got a deck o' cards?.....e're hear o' a game called strip poker, lass? .....
  10. Arrrrr, another wench ta be foolin' round with, welcome ta the pub, darlin', ye can be buyin' me another pint o' stout n' leavin' yer number on that napkin thar ... does ye dance?
  11. well, I be kickin' round ideas for a name....meybe we should be startin' a topic and /or poll for name ideas, get the enthusiasm to build up, have fun with it.....a few off the top o' me head: The Bretheren o' the Free Souls The Bretheren o' the Dark Mysts The Bretheren o' the Dancin' Pub (for obvious reasons) guess I kind o' like the sound o' the "Bretheren"....or substitute the word "Pyrates" for "Bretheren"......I don't know.......what ye say?
  12. Aye, Ciaran, keep yer spirits up, mate,....like ye says, the operation be pretty much routine nowadays n' ye'll be up n' kickin' fores ye knows it , but I'll put in a good word fer ye wi' the Big Man upstairs (ifn he ain't still mad at me fer those things I said the other day.....), take care, mate...
  13. well, I 'ave ta be sayin' I be doin' much in depth study o' this subject 'n it not be fer the weak o' heart....tasted many o' the rums 'n like that Planters V0 in the hand blown bottle the best so far......
  14. no, no, no, no, no......now I be havin' that flippin' song stuck in me head....thanks alot, bucko!....."hey micky.....hey micky...."aaaaaaaaaaa!....holy bejeesus, good Lord 'ave mercy on this poor scalawag!......"you're so fine.....you're so fine......"aaaaaaaaaaaa!
  15. Aye, come 'ere sweetheart n' let's see what ye taste like......
  16. when I was but a very young buck I used ta play doctor wi' the little neighbor girls n' one o' me instruments were a pencil but I be wonderin' if that not be yer meanin'.....
  17. Rumba, have ye seen the movie "Bad Santa" with Billy Bob Thornton? He fits yer description perfect....it has some funny scenes....
  18. alright, here be THE big gargantuan earth-shatterin' Announcement o' meybe the year (!) or at least in the last few minutes......Mister Durty Mick Moon 'as now been deemed qualified fer the rank o' "Plunderer" n' he expects his 'rounds o' drinks from all ye soon as he's got a terrible thirst n' feels like plunderin' so keep yer daughters inside n' lock up yer pets....(?) 'n I feel like dancin' wi' the lasses, so come 'ere, who's first...whar's that McBayne beauty?....
  19. (blushing) aw, shucks, Christine....ye sure knows how ta make a fellow feel all warm n' giddy inside....I'll be always rememberin' fer the rest o' me days yer kiss, meybe next time though we kin be gettin' a little tongue action? ....thank ye, though, pretty lass....
  20. Well, I be havin' ta take care o' some business last couple o' days....but I be here now n' takin' ye up on yer offer o' drinks n' how 'bout a nice slow dance so's I kin whisper in yer ear n' press ye up aginst meself easy like.....everyone else will disappear n' it just be us sharin' a moment locked in time as the universe slowly swirls 'round in rhythym to our dance.....n' I be talkin' ta Scarlet herself not ye, Diego
  21. Hmmm....I like RPGs, StarWars, techy type stuff, and I sang, for a very short time, with an indie rock band. What does that make me? flexible?.....pliable?......versatile?....well developed?.....jill of all trades?.... renaissance woman?.....easily coerced?....indecisive?.....confused?...
  22. I be needin' three more posts ta make it to "Plunderer" from "First Mate"......I guess two more now.....
  23. after tastin' real haggis made by a real scotsman I realized why they invented whiskey......
  24. Proudly showing off his new apartment to a couple of his friends late one night, the drunk led the way to his bedroom where there was a big brass gong. "What's that big brass gong for?" one of the guests asked. "It's not a gong. It's a talking clock" the drunk replied. A talking clock? "Seriously?" asked his astonished friend. "Yup." replied the drunk. "How's it work?" the second guest asked, squinting at it. "Watch" the man said. He picked up a hammer, gave it an ear shattering pound and stepped back. The three stood looking at one another for a moment. Suddenly, someone on the other side of the wall screamed "For god sake, you sshole....it's ten past three in the morning!"
  25. owch!...there ye be off goin' agin' givin' me a headache, askin' me ta be thinkin' agin......I be sidin' wi' Rumba here.....methinks ye think too much...meybe ye aren't drinkin' enough, mate, 'r drinkin' at all.....but ye shows imagination 'n I likes that....now I not be any kind o' geek, freak, nerd 'r turd....but I be jes kind o' a cool dude 'n a loose mood, 'n Paris ain't cool in me own book, too skinny 'n stupid....but geek to me sounds sort o' eccentric 'n I like that . 'N "coolness" is all relative anyway, I be thinkin', a yellow frog be lookin' way cool ta another yellow frog, know what I be meanin'?....now ye gots me soberin' up agin......
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