Durty Mick Moon
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Everything posted by Durty Mick Moon
thay there fella, new in town?.....ouuuuuu, turquoise tights, tho nice....
Captain Morgan's Private Stock, straight up......
Pyrat "Pistol" Rum....hands down the best. Period. Nuff said.
Ah, loneliness....the one thing we all feel at one time or another.....I go to bed alone most every night 'cept fer the company o' me meowing cat....if I could I'd be givin' ye the best hug ye evers had....try this if ye can, put yer arms around yerself n' imagine the one who loves ye bein' there doin' it.....hold on, it's coming.....be patient....the future be full o' surprises
no need to get personal there, Rummy.....
Looking for a Pirate Air Freshener...
Durty Mick Moon replied to Phillip Black's topic in Thieves Market
"Pirate Air Freshener"!!!!!!??????? now ye be embarassin' Durty Mick here!....wha' the 'ell does a Pyrate be wantin' an air freshener fer??....wha's next?.....Pyrate Deodorant?.....Pyrate toothpaste???....mate, ye needs to get back on board ship fer a few months, drink rum every day, cuss.... be a god damn pyrate! -
There are many books on pirates, I would suggest searching on Amazon.com. Also there are some on the Pub here who are quite knowledgable if you look through certain topics and threads. One thing I found quite interesting was how life on board most pirate ships was about as pure a democracy as one can get. The captain was ususally voted on and elected by the majority of the crew. As long as he did a good job as captain/leader he got to keep it. If at any time the majority of the crew no longer wanted him as captain they dumped him and elected someone else. To be captain of a ship one had to be a very dynamic leader with much political and personal savvy (to quote Sparrow), ergo the colorful bigger-than-life pirate captain characters we know of so well today. Blackbeard, Kidd, Calico Jack, Drake etc. were all natural leaders and sailors who were respected by their crews, no matter how mad some of them also must have seemed. Also a crew on a ship needed to be very organized and work together as a team. Everyone, by necessity, had a role. They had to all depend on each other for survival.
Damn!....spare ol' Mick the tears n' violins....I be fifty two years on this planet (wi' momentary adventures in ta outer space but that be a story fer another tyme) n' single after a few bouts o' marriage n' I be havin' the best time o' me life....think quality not quantity here, lads n' lassies, 'course I always got me eye out fer that someone special where 'er she be hiddin' I find her eventually....but it ain't chronology....it be jes what's in yer mind....some be thirty n' live like their eighty n' some be eighty n' live like they be thirty...ye be gettin' me drift?....it be what's in yer heart that matters....n' Scarlet I kin see into yer heart n' the universe that lives there, it be full o' stars n' sights to behold....thar be oceans o' wondrous beings dancin' in yer smile....sorry, I be gettin' a bit wordy n' need 'nother pint.....
well, I be appreciatin' yer post, Mick (good name that be), as I just ordered a large felt blank from Jas Townsend also n' not bein' sure yet as how to shape it....I be keepin' ye informed as I stumble thru the process...thanks fer the post
Aye, the main thing thar, mate, is ye've gots that pyratical look in yer eyes...A tip o' me hat to ye
Rummy, ye be a most pithy wench .... I'm gonna have to be tryin' this Tatoo stuff....did try a rum I'd not heard of before call "Pyrat Pistol Rum" from Anguilla, British West Indies. It's a bit dear for coin but most excellent in taste. n' smoooooth.... Drink straight or with a cube or two. If ye sees it anywhere give it a try....ye be likin' it, I'm sure....I be lookin' out fer a breeze to set me sails to meybe blow Fresno way...we be seein', cheers
now I be mostly jes curious as I be noticin' thar be some red stuff 'round a couple o' yers eyes n' wonderin' bout what that be?
Aye, Sam's previous post....Diego, ye must be one 'ell of a character, we be needin' more like ye sailin' the seven seas. I were perusin' Rummy's photos on that webshots.com place....man, ye've got more outfits n' me ex-wife.....where does ye get them all? does ye make 'em yerself? I be havin' one outfit that I be modifin' fer when the weather be hot n' when it be cold...I still be havin' much to learn, monsignor, but I be learnin' much from yer own example :) ....whether that be a wise choice be another story...
"What do you like in a woman?"......Durty Mick
aye, methinks, havin' found out in me travels, that redheads be a most passionate lot...ne'r a dull moment n' full o' life n' I be havin' the scars to prove it . Jes if ye be befriendin' one ye best be learnin' to cover yer head n' duck fer cover n' bite the insides o' yer lip 'fore ye say anything ye might regret...eh, Scarlet n' the rest o' ye reds? As fer who 'ave I met from the pub?.....nada, zip, zilch, zero, noone n' no body.........(fun group, too)
Aye, it be soundin' like a grand time fer all ye's. I be the picture o' envy. Speakin' o' which I be lookin' forward ta seein' pics o' the faire posted. Diego singin' Dude Looks Like A Lady would be worth the price o' admission alone ....n' Sam, Mick gets o' bit a drink in himself n' thinks he be the big jester , but he be misfirin' most, wishin' 'is wit be quicker ...no offence intended,... let's have a drink to all us rogues, jesters or not ...I be buyin' the first couple at least.....
Aye here's to ye, Sam, me mate n' good luck in yer puerile endeavors . Ye be followin' in many a scalawag's bootprints. I be forwardin' yer message on ta yer missus (a fiesty lass)....now where might one be sendin' thar condolences to yer next o' kin ....
what's yer drift there, Rumba? did ye try me Irish cure? :) did ye use plenty o' Irish is the main thing ...as fer how I be feelin' as per thread subject....all the parts seem to be workin' what else I need? It be a good time ta be alive
Ahh, Scarlet, dear, have a little mercy ....don't be makin' Mick beg here on 'is knees n' front o' all 'is mates n' crew .....come on, let's all ye dance, turn up the music there, louder fellows , let's make some ruckus , I be buyin' all rounds ....what's all ye lookin' at? do ye be needin' a picture?
I owe ye a drink for the laugh, mate
Mick me lad....I were gonna give ye a spade ta' help ye dig that there hole, but ye don't seem ta' be needin' me help. Ye be puttin' yer foot in yer mout so much, ye musta be gettin' athlete's tongue I tip me tricor to ye lad....at least ye be puttin' it out there fer the ladies ta' behold. As fer Scarlet, yer on yer own there me hearty. I likes me head on me shoulders, an' I've seen her swing a scabbard mate. I don wanna be standin' next ta ye ifn' ye stir that McBayne fire much more. Ye best be bringin' out yer best spiced rum ifn' ye hopes ta' see those sexy baby blues a twinklin' again Good luck to ye, an' ifn' ye do bob when ye shoulda weaved, can I have yer boots? ye can 'ave me boots, mate, if ye think yer big enough ta wear 'em n' if they don't bury me in 'em after Scarlet be done with me poor self
Ouch! ....(ducking his head) hold on to yer bloomers thar, darlin'...ouch!....ye be messin' up the feathers on me tricorn....whoa, there.... ouch....Sam! help me out here! ....now I jes be makin' a wee bit of a joke, lass (ducks again)....now I were born a red head 'fore the color turned an' me baby sister be a fiery redhead ta this day...I knows about red heads (and yers be the most lovely cascading waves o' auburn a person's 'ere laid eyes on ...puts most sunsets ta shame)....now ye knows yer Mick's favorite in the pub n' he only has the most highest admiration for ye (maybe aspirations too ) Why don't ye put down the tankards n' sit down next to me. I'll even give ye one o' Mick's famous shoulder massages n' buy ye the rest o' yer night's drinks....here's a handful o' silver fer ye, lass, to buy yerself somethin' pretty...now I be beggin' ya to put down yer weapons an' brighten up the pub with the light o' yer smile, it puts wings to me heart it does....come on, ....now :) .....oh, one other thing I be wonderin':....."boyo"?
Shiver me own rotten timbers down to the nubs! ....would ya be listenin' to the two o' ye soundin' like a couple o' hyenas in heat durin' the matin' season .....can't a nice, upright decent sort o' gentleman pyrate sip 'is cocktail peaceful like without the likes o' ye both talkin' up indecent like n' embarassing me virgin-ears with all such filthy insinuatin' words....I jes hope the Monsignor ain't be listenin'......."buryin' bones" n' "rollin' over unto yeselves" and all.....ye be drivin' this pyrate ta drink! .....(any ol' excuse I sez)...[then aside, quiet-like: come 'ere sugar and say what that be 'bout rollin' over, agin?]