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Durty Mick Moon

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Everything posted by Durty Mick Moon

  1. Aye, Diego, all things be possible in this world. I remember a scuffle once awhile ago…..I just pulled in port, it was a wild night in some rowdy tavern, where’s I don’t remember….there was a lass with a smile that would strike lighting to yer heart…how was I to know twas her very spouse watchin’ from the other end of the bar…..when I opened me eyes again it were daylight and I were chewin dust on the floor of the cell next to another brother out like a light, lookin’ up at a pair a boots telling me I can goes now, I’ve been bailed, but watch who yer tryin to pinch next time, they says…….arrrrrrr….so we may have crossed paths….just take care when you pinch a wench….I be postin a picture soon and you can tell if ye seen this face…..
  2. Aye, What place is this I’ve stumbled upon? I been wanderin’ a vast wasteland of cyberspace, always with an eye out for a nice comfy tavern with friendly folk and the sweet scent of draught Guinness in the air. Have ye all room for one more? As I lurked a bit in the shadows I sees there’s others of me same ilk so let’s me step into the dim light and show me self. As I talk I must buy rounds for all ye. Line em up Mister Ray if you please. And when your glass is empty I’ll buy another as we know one’s not enough and there’s tales to tell. I goes by the moniker of Mick Moon and I be new in these parts so be patient with an ol’ pyrate workin’ on his wobbly sea legs. Ye can see I be a wordy one.....I hail from the port of Santa Barbara. Me mates knows me to be an easy goin sort with a bit o’ the Irish passion and an intermittent taste for the Irish Whiskey Jameson’s. But I always got a thirst for a pint o’ Guinness (we knows the best don’t we Mister Santana de la Vega, Sir). And I likes me rum dark. In time I be sharin’ more once me eyes come uncrossed and I can better think how to figure this contraption out, arrrrr….so all hail ye, ye most motley grinnin’ members of the brethren. I sees there’s jolly pyrates and saucy wenches. As me uncle once told me, Beware of a woman with much wit, but beware even more a woman with the sparkle of wit in her eyes matched only by the whole pleasin’ sight of her. Ye knows who ye are. I’ll tries and keep up with ye repartee . So drink up mates and let’s hear a song and have a jig or two. I hears there be table dancin’ the likes not seen on heaven or earth. But me ol’ eyes tear up at the sad sounds of a flute and fiddle. For me, I sings alone in the bath at night with a bottle ‘tween me knees so’s not to scare off neighbors (Durty don’t refer to me hygiene, wink wink). Cheers all
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