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Durty Mick Moon

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Everything posted by Durty Mick Moon

  1. HANG ON, Mates!...it might be a wild ride!.....
  2. "Sail"?....I be lucky if I kin even get up....
  3. "Down boy, down"???? watch it Barbados, next thing she'll be 'spectin' ye to go chase the ball or play dead or shake her hand and roll over and then feedin' ya table scraps! :) now we knows no self respectin' pyrate would roll over..... woof
  4. Thanks fer the laughs...I love looney tunes.... do you know if any of the collections available on DVD are worthwhile?
  5. Quote: "Please, no dead rats, cockroaches er dead man's fingers" What?!?!?
  6. Thar be no "common" pyrates, mate.....
  7. All female pyrate ship!!!!! where does 'ol Durty Mick sign up? ('course ye all be acknowledgin' ye be o' legal age n' all, right? Mick don't be needin' no trouble o' nothin') n' do I have to be cleanin' up after meself?
  8. Arrrrr ...watch what ye be sayin' 'bout me lassie/mate Christine, n' her derriere, the sweetest thing since the good Lord invented the sparklin' dew drops restin' in the fresh embrace of a flower's petals at the begin of new mornin' sunlight (smooth ye say, eh?) .....as fer ye, Matusalem (what 'ere is that name from?), thank ye fer the link it be a good one....
  9. Aye, I would be dearly lovin' to be at Escondido with all ye upstanding (figure o' speech, none o' ye rarely be "up-standing") pyrates but I be havin' prior commitments....have a drink on me...tell 'em Durty Mick be buyin' the rounds and to send him the bill..... ( )
  10. To all ye who agree with me I be buyin' a round...we know hands down that God is Robert Newton as Long John Silver. Period. End of story. :)
  11. OMG - I am still feeling the evils of grog meself, sister dear! Remind me to never do that again! I saw the pictures, so I know I was there, but my memory has failed me. Huzzah to Faires and friends! now I be thinkin' meybe ye both jes ain't had 'nough practice....I be practicin' drink fer more years n' I kin remember (like I even remember what I be doin' yesterday....oh, nevermind )...n' I still be workin' at gettin' it right. Drinkin, be a skill takes trainin'.....ye wants the "perfect" buzz...nots too much er not too little either, course,...so's ye be pacin' yerself n' go all night....('bout when I said that "goin' all night thing".....don't be payin' much attention to the lasses laughin' in the back o' the room ....ther' be too drunk to remember how long it lasted ....it were certainly longer 'n the count o' ten they be sayin': ) so anywhere's....whar was I?...oh, nevermind....let's drink
  12. Thanks again for the pics, Rummy....I appreciates it....oh, and I'm not a cop b.t.w. but funny you thought....
  13. Everclear and grog???? are ye tryin' ta kill yerslf lass?....yer lucky ta be alive.....make sure ye gets plenty o' yer beauty sleep and eat well if yer gonna be abusin' yerself like that, we don't wanna be seein' them nice blue eyes turnin' all sorts o' red :) ....take it from one who knows.....(yeah, Durty Mick likes to lecture once in a while tho' he be as big a sinner o' the rest ) now where I be puttin' me drink?
  14. thanks for making me day, Diego!
  15. a simple one: Guy goes into the doctors office with mashed potatoes in his hair, carrot sticks up his nose, and green beans hanging out of his ears. "What's wrong with me doc?" he asks. "Simple," says the doctor, "You're not eating right."
  16. Roast leg o' lamb! ......Carnitas! .......n' all the drink! Damn, damn n' double damn! Some o' me favorite stuff. Ye all makin' me drool on me keyboard .....somehows I gotta drag me sorry butt to one o' these here events if I can only get out o' workin' on the weekends.....>sigh<
  17. the beatin' o' me own heart as I be thinkin' o' [Name Deleted]
  18. aye, Scarlet, it most certainly may be in me own best interests or advantage to ask ye if ye might consider lowerin yer own standards n' expectations just a wee bit, might ye then be happier n' also be gettin' to advance ye own aquaintance o' one such as meself, just a lesser, more humble scoundrel of a pyrate who's bark is always worse 'n 'is bite 'n who never would break any lasses heart lessin' not intentionally 'n who also is most excellent when the standards are most low .....damn, I be needin' 'nother drink after all that
  19. well, my dear, I be takin' that round about now in advance seein' as how we know ye be a wicked heart breaker already ....but meybe ye give me the honor o' the next dance anyways and I thank ye fer the drinks (ye think one round'll do it?) .... on another note: Diego, my man, ye must give me yer recipe fer grog, after readin' o' the effects by Ms. Rummy n' Ms. Scarlet I be thinkin' maybe I could use some o' that grog to ease me soreness n' loosin' up me women....I also be admirin' a man who knows how to mix a good drink.....cheers, mate
  20. Aye, Barbados Sam, are ye sure that be a typo or maybe some sort o' not so subtle commentary? Well, sir, I be called alot worse than that by many a good pyrate, rest their souls .....as far as workin' me magic on the two lasses that remains to be seen . This roque has a bad habit, when it comes to the ladies, o' bitin' off a bit more n' he can chew, (if I may stretch the "bitin'" metaphor a bit longer).....but it be always worth a few bruises and bites if ye finds an agreeable wench....these ones here are a tough lot with the smarts to match their pretty's.....let's step up to the bar n' compare notes....I buy first round....."to the pretty lasses with their sharp wits though they be breakin' me heart"
  21. well Christine, my dear, I am come to the shocking conclusion the ye have a most shockingly dirty mind , especially for a lass......and I am deeply concerned ....and shocked ....really, really shocked ....and just a wee little bit.....uh.....curious...... .....
  22. Arrrrrr, now, I done mean nothin' by it but a wee bit o' harmless fun.....I wasn't really gonna bite ye....very hard.....lookin' into them blue eyes o' yours gets me heart all a flutter and me brain gets silly n' I sez silly things n' get all excited like, ye kin keep yer weapons away....I mean no harm....would ye take me hand and lets me give ye a graceful swirl around the dance floor?....seein' a smile from ye makes all the troubles in the world seem to fade from this sage's mind.....
  23. yes! use ye skirt to fan me face.....step a little closer, yea, that be it....now fan a little harder.....yea, now really be liftin' ye skirt up and down, really high,now, so's I gets a good breeze on me face to be coolin' down ...a little closer.....now I be readin' somewhere's how ye say the lassies don't be bitin'... hard, anyways.....well, now, neither be this ol' scalawag.....Arrrrrrrrr, now come 'ere you.....
  24. thanks fer the laugh! ...the day is downhill from here....
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