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Scarlet McBayne

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Everything posted by Scarlet McBayne

  1. Mick, I be gettin the impression that ye be a ghost! Ye appear on the pub, but never in person...hhhmmm We shall raise our tankards high te all are friends who couldna depart te faire-er ports.
  2. Jest a thought....fer those of you comin te the NEW YEARS EVE party, I have a Great view of the firework show every night, so ye shall get te see a grand firework display. Now New Years day can get very crowded at Disneyland, but it be worth the effort to play like a kiddy. Any of ye stayin in town that night, what say we all pile into the "ships" and head over on New Years day fer a bit o pyrate fun, we can hop atween the two parks and get into all kinds o trouble. hehehe
  3. Not to worry Petee, we shall put yer name on one o the tankards raised and drained this here weekend...too bad ye shallna be there though. pout, well we have new years!
  4. Scarlet flounces over and sits on Sam's knee...what about me love? Me tankard be a bit dry. As I bats me big baby blues at ye... A quick look around the room shows Sam's Lady frownin at me, as I jumps te me feet and trys te act all innocent, So Sam, will we be seein ye at Fresno this weekend?
  5. Yes, yes, and yes. there be quite a few motel/hotels a couple o blocks away. I be literally 2 minutes from Disneyland. I also have what floor place ye can find as well, mate. I am tickled pink that ye and yer lady are comin!
  6. Ok, ok...it be at...gotcha ifin ye are interested in coming, pm me and I'll give ya the address and directions, but I not be thinkin I be puttin me personal info out in cyber land fer all te see. Not that I not be trustin all ye fine pyrates and wenches, but a girl ( even a pyrate wench ) can't be takin chances, see. There be plenty o hotels nearby, high and low end fer all you smart pirates not wantin te be drivin. I hope te be seein many familiar faces and lots o new ones to ring in the new year.
  7. A girl can hope cant she?! Any suave/dashing/charmin' all round bon vivant buccaneers gonna be in Fresno????!!!!!....?????
  8. Petee the cannon is a must!!!! and Sam there be Many hotel/motel's all around as well as floor space to the first fall-first serve. hehahe we'll talk about firing the damn cannon later, K?
  9. Congrats Sam, could'nt ave appened to a better pyrate. A tatoo ifin ye please fer little ol Scarlet
  10. Caroleen ,I be there in Fresno, but I canna be makin promised te where I be and when. I be hopin te get carried away this weekend. hehehe
  11. ssshhh, its a secret party. Ifin ye donna have a compass that donna be pointin north, ye'll never find it!!!! More info to follow, ye know, Dead men tell no tales and all
  12. Best looking pirate wench...no doubt about it!---RUMMY Best looking pirate historically (movies) Earl Flynn o course. With Maureen O'Hara next te him. Best looking modern pirate (movies) duh, Johnny Depp! and I gotta say it Genna Davis in Cutthroat Island, she was HOT and nasty and great. " I have your balls." Hahahah And last but not least...jest about every fellow pyrate I be seein at the faires. I tips me hat te ye all.
  13. Delmar, yer idea might be havin merit...cept I be thinkin that Rummy and I should be chosen. Ladies first and all. Now itsy, mitsy.... hhmmmmm so many choices, so little time... :)
  14. Mick ,me dear, ye do say the sweetest things te me. And ye be right lovey, its a marvelous adventure out there and I be enjoyin it more each and every "single" day.
  15. I second that Hurricane. !!!MrPirate I too am single after too long ( 9 years ) and can't seem to find anyone interested in an 32 year "old",pyrate wench with red-hair ( and yes the occasional temper to match ) I seem to be to old or too different for the local boys, an yes I do mean boys. But being the eternal romantic that one half of my gemini personality is, I have hope that there is someone out there who can appreiciate me finer attributes and wicked sense of humor.LOL Cheer up lovey, ye have a mate in me and I'll even spot ye a round to toast our freedom from unhappy shackles.
  16. There be some mighty funny names floatin out there me mates, let me give it a whirl.... Porn star= Spunky Ragan Romance name= Leanne Aldgate Pyrate name= White Neck Annie....hmmmm Naw, Scarlets suits me better.
  17. Alright Diego, all is forgive seein as it were me own fault te be missin the "good" stuff. Now what be we drinkin in Fresno? I gots me a grand bottle o Almond Tequila I could be pursuaded te share... :) :) Mick it would be jest grand ifin ye were to finally make it to a faire with us. It be the last faire in California that I be attending ( last faire o cal period this year ). Hopes te see ye there, then we can see what mischief we can be gettin into...hehehe
  18. Did ye or didnt ye have Tattoo at Escondido? And did ye or didnt ye not offer any te yer soon-to-be room-mate? Shame on ye, but ye can make it up to me on monday....
  19. Oh yes Mick, do come to Fresno, twill be me first time at that faire and I would so enjoy meetin ye in person! And shame on ye Diego, ye had Tatoo an didnna share with yer own sweet Scarlet...pout
  20. I not be knowin signs and all that, but be there any lad out there brave enough to play with a red-haired, Irish, Scottish, Cherokee who be a Gemini? I know, I know..I be at war with meself all the time. LOL
  21. My, my...I do seem to fill in(out) many of your requests gentlemen...so why do I not seem to be findin ye at faire or at in the real world???hmmm Rummy sister, I do believe they be speakin o bout ye and me in many ways...
  22. ah Sam, ye have a wicked and wonderful sense o humor. I jest be sittin here (at home, not faire) when I read your post. Fill Mick's boots on your own, but don't forget my hug and kiss for sunday!!!
  23. Not to worry yerself Mick, me feathers be smoothed, I jest likes te see ye squirm.lol Now dancin be a right fine idea... I'd love to
  24. Do ye think there will be anything left o ye when I get thru with ye love? :)
  25. Congrats te ye Sam fer makin ships master! and a right smart man ye be te stay outta the line o fire. Now Mick, ye can put yer money away, ifin I be wantin some pretty bauble, I can be buyin or pillaging it on me own, thank ye vary much! But in yer attempt to make amends, I be lettin ye give me that there massage. Now heres a smile for ye, and if its a bit brite, that jest be the reflection o the light off me teeth! and ifin yer gonna be actin like a boyo, then I be callin ye boyo...now if ye want te be actin like a MAN, then we'll jest have te be talkin about it.... Now who's yer a pint o rum? :) :)
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