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Scarlet McBayne

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Everything posted by Scarlet McBayne

  1. Sam, it fair broke me little black heart to not see ye this weekend. Hopefully we shall meet up in Escondido?
  2. Ahoy Jill, I be plannin on goin to Kearney Park fer the first time this year. I havna looked at places to stay yet, so ifin ye know of any, let me know love. Ye can count on me help ifin ye need another pyrate wench.
  3. I repeat...Rum, Rum, Rum. Petee, the ale garden be the only place at Escondido that ye be allowed to imbibe at. Hence, it be a garden o ale. And the most popular spot at faire. I be at faire on the 23rd. canna wait to see me fellow pyrates and hopefully a few more new faces from the pub.
  4. BLACK JACK...( high pitched screech here ) have ye never heard o "mixed company"? I'll have ye know that there be ladies present here...and as soon as I finds one I'll tell her to be offended for the rest o us. LOL Foxe again I asks the question...what would ye do with me and Rummy in a hole with ye? I likes to hear yer formula for success with not 1 but 2 pyrate wenches...hum. Mental image here of me lickin me lips and thinkin ...the better to eat ye with me dear...Oh wait I was thinkin wolf not foxe.
  5. tush =push...not to mention cush. ye know fer when we women want to be on top. (innocent smile here) Mr. Moon, ye might want to be fannin yerself about now. I also must admit to a fondness fer broad shoulders and muscled arms...the better to grab me up and hold me with, of course. ( big smile here)
  6. Yes naughty Foxe, now that ye have the attention o two pyrate lasses, what be yer plans? hhhhuuuuummmm..........
  7. yer a rogue and a scoundrel, course I love that about ye, but ye donna 'ave to be warnin every hansom sailor jest cuse I like to play with ye. I am a picky pyrate and donna act that way with every man I meets, I'll 'ave ye know! That said, I thank ye kindly fer the return o me daggar. Luck fer ye that I donna pout fer long. Lets 'ave a drink and be friends. :)
  8. Remeber Rummy, its reward the good behavior and use the flogger for the really good behavior...I mean the bad behavior (wink wink). Alright all ye naughty boys...come out, :) come out, where ever ye are...
  9. Sam darlin, ye say the sweetest things te me. Its like to turn me head...or maybe that be the guinness? Never mind, I would jest love some spiced Morgan. yum yum rum rum
  10. Mr. Moon, I'll have ye know that I be naught more than a harmless pussy cat. ( says I as I bats me big baby blues at ye ) Why I 'avent harmed a soul...I jest be sittin hear next te Ray, nursin a tankardful o some grog, lickin me wounded pride...wink and a smile care to join me? ( insert throaty purr here )
  11. Aye Sam, there be a few o us going. Diego, Rummy, me (Scarlet McBayne) to name a few. We will be there all three days and nights. Let us know where to look for ye and we shall meet in the flesh.LOL
  12. Yes but can the lad do it fer this lass? I ask again, what does a girl have to do to get one of you lads to make me something purdy? JK
  13. RumbaRue, ye be speakin me language, ifin ye didnt you it, I have a ....lets jest say I have a "hard-on" for feathers. Every chance I get, I buys the pretty feathers. Picked up 6 new ostrich feathers this weekend alone. I'm off te pillage and plunder to support me feather habit
  14. Ye know darlin, I be gettin a mental image of a lion with a torn it his paw, there, there dearie, Scarlet knows how to soothe the beastie. Turnin to Ray, "keep the guinness and rum flowin until the man purrs" Huzzah for the bartender!!
  15. Damn man, ye know how to knock the wind out of this lass's sails...I thought me kisses be worth more than rum. Sigh. Alas, Ray pour the man a drink o rum and a double fer me self to nurse me wounded pride with. Hawks, I guess I should not be wastin me kisses on ye ifin they do not be affectin ye lad. wink wink
  16. Mister Moon it be a pleasure te be makin yer acquaintance, I be Scarlet McBayne and fairly new to this here tavern as well. But I do 'ave a bit o advise to all new pyrates thats walk through the door, ifin ye keep the guinness and rum flowin, ye will 'ave many friends here. wink wink A rum ifin ye please sir.
  17. You scoundrel Hawks, buyin a drink fer another red-head! Jest so ye know that one be me little sister Red Jayme, and she knows her way around pyrates and weopons alike. Speakin o weopons, do ye still ave any o me weopons? I kinna remember what I've earned back and what I still ave to sweet talk ye out of. wink wink Now come and gives Scarlet a kiss, and her cutlass back too....
  18. Now Hawks, why on earth would I be lettin ye get to the wealth afore me? I be a single wench that has a passion for rum and shoppin...I need what plunder that can be found, stolen or re-distributed. wink wink. Darlin, I be followin me own treasure maps and taken yers where possible. It be the pyrate way o course. ( insert BIG cheshire cat smile here. )
  19. Did Rummy share our adventures on the high seas at Ojai? Well, let me tell the tale o why many sailors think that havin woman on board a ship brings bad luck. Picture this: 3 pyrate wenches get a private cruise in Capt'n Mike's pirate ship on the lake at Ojai, Rummy, Puss'n'boots and meself. We be tipsy and havin a great time. Capt'n Mike finally gets the motor running, after about 15 mins o tryin, we get a good couple hundred yards from the dock and the engine stops. O course we never could get it to start again, and had to beg a passin fisherman to tow up to the dock. Now durin all of this, the pyrates on shore have been waitin to have a battle with us, so jest as we get to the dock, they open fire on us! Rogues! O course we pyrate wenches couldna stand by, so we opened fire with our own cannons, we had a blast ( literally ). O course the Capt'n and his first mate made us climb outta the boat, hence the pictures of us climbin under and over the railing. Memories.....what a life!
  20. Ah sister, they be grand pictures ye did be takin. But could ye have not taken a better picture o me on me knees than that? LOL I'll be rememberin that weekend fer a long time. Be ye joinin us tonight love? Hawks, there are more lands to explore/pillage than there be time to do it in.
  21. Scarlet McBayne will be there fer sure, jest look fer the red hair and blue eyes ( or to be more precise, look for those features in a group near Rummy & Diego ). Rum, rum, rum, rum
  22. Dark chocolate with almonds
  23. I second what Rummy said. A pretty face or body might make me take a second look, but trust me when I say that they arent what makes me want to stay with a man! Honesty is so important, did I say honesty was important, let me just say honesty is important! If you lads just want a fling, then say it. We women, for the most part are big girls and would rather say yes or no to a fling than have you naughty boys trifle with our affections. Wink wink.
  24. Jeramiah, me thanks fer the drink. Now I hear I should be singin fer me drinks from TortugaWench...hhmmm. Here be a song fer ye all. Her eyes they shone like the diamonds You'd think she was queen of the land And her hair hung over her shoulder Tied up with a black velvet band. In a neat little town they call Belfast Apprenticed to trade I was bound And many an hour's sweet happiness I spent in that neat little town. Till bad misfortune came o'er me That caused me to stray from the land Far away from my friends and relations To follow the black velvet band. Well, I was out strolling one evening Not meaning to go very far When I met with a pretty young damsel Who was selling her trade in the bar. When I watched, she took from a customer And slipped it right into my hand Then the Watch came and put me in prison Bad luck to the black velvet band. Next morning before judge and jury For a trial I had to appear And the judge, he said, "You young fellows... The case against you is quite clear And seven long years is your sentence You're going to Van Dieman's Land Far away from your friends and relations To follow the black velvet band." So come all you jolly young fellows I'd have you take warning by me Whenever you're out on the liquor, me lads, Beware of the pretty colleen. She'll fill you with whiskey and porter Until you're not able to stand And the very next thing that you'll know, me lads, You're landed in Van Dieman's Land. Will that do me lads and lasses?
  25. [/size]Sea Wolf[/font][/i]
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