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Scarlet McBayne

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Everything posted by Scarlet McBayne

  1. Safe fer who ,ye rogue. Darlin, if I wanted safe...would I be a pyrate?
  2. Oh, I promise te think o both o ye. Capt. Morgan ( left hand ) - Mad Matt ( right hand ) I'll be sure te dress apropriately....imagination runs wild
  3. Mad Matt, yer not so far away that ye cant come luv...after all, the party be at my house! Wouldnt ye like te meet Scarlet in the flesh? Anyone hear a sirens call......
  4. A call te all pyrates, buccaneers, sea wolfs and wenches ( and the rest o ye here at the pub )...I'd like te invite ye te come out and play as Diego, Rummy, meself and others enjoy a night out on the town. We be invadin Tall Ships / Olde Ships in Fullerton this friday the 9th at 8pm for drinkin, eatin, partyin and drinkin o course. the list starts here...here pirate, pirate
  5. Hop a ship, plane, train or car and sail our way big boy... Here the sirens call yet?................
  6. Right here darlin...but can ye handle me? I know fer a fact ye be a plunderer...wasnt it you who bid against me in Ojai fer the rum cake? And when ye won it ye didnt even offer te share with me and Rummy! Well, I'll share me special "spiced" eggnog with ye and then we can share that there "dance"
  7. :) Ok ladies and gents, or wenches and swashbucklers...I did me a little recon and have a list o hotel/motels in the vicinity. On Harbor on or near Ball Rd. we have the Holiday Inn, the Ramada, The Frontier, & Econo Lodge. These all be located north of Ball Rd on Harbor. There be dozens more south of Ball Rd acroos the street from Disneyland. PM me for directons and address and hope te see ye all there on the 31st. P.S. I jest bought the BIGGEST bottle o Capt'n Morgans I ever did see, especially te share with all be buddies from the pub. :) :)
  8. Oops...that be guest bathroom. I "guess" I really should look at what I've written before sending if off to print. :)
  9. I have te admit I did the same thing 4 years ago. I bought the Rand McNally old style maps and tea and coffee grind stained them. When they were dry I burned the edges and thru some of the middle and rubbed the soot around as well. When all was said and done, I used wallpaper paste and pasted them up on the walls in my guess bathroom. It turned out Great! Good luck to you and let me know how it looks. :)
  10. POTC of course, Cutthroat Island, there is a pirate movie with Earl Flynn and Maureen O'Hara ( sorry dont remember the name) and honestly I love Treasure Planet (the cartoon movie about the space pirates. I know its a kiddy flick, but its got a great story.)
  11. As a child...Pumpkin me family...Red or Big Red me friends...Scarlet occasionally...Naughty Scarlet
  12. here, here Black Jack! I knew I liked ye...even though ye do scare me a little at times..hehehe Now the man o Scarlets dreams would be: me best friend someone I enjoyed talkin with, being with, laughin with a man who enjoyed letting me be me...but who could rein me in if I got carried away someone who could make me laugh a pirate o course (he'd have te be stealin me heart after all) Honest stronger than me ( I don't mean muscles ) ye think if I write Santa, he'll put "Mr. Right" under my tree or in my stockin?
  13. Oh Mick, ye do know how te make a girls head swim...dancin, sweetly whispered words and o course the touchy-feely part o dancin. Hot damn, sign me up fer another slow dance Mick!!!! :)
  14. Diego, ye can count me in! Bein a preschool teacher (in me other life)I admit te havin a soft spot fer the wee ones. So we dress the part, talk the talk (pg of course) and educate the public on the Pirate's life and that of the golden age. We woo the kiddies, sweet-talk the ladies and swendal the gents. I'm in, sign me up, etc, etc.
  15. havin curry chicken fer lunch, designin a kitchen and playin on the pub. God Bless America.
  16. Yeeeehhhhhh.....right. Honest priveeters! Where have I heard that before? LOL Ye still be two o the best and me favorite pyrates. how bout a drink?
  17. Mick darlin, where ye be hidin? I sees ye been neglectin yer pur ol thread here. tsk, tsk. Well, I be feelin generous...grand stealin-I mean theivin-I mean catch last night and all. Drinks be on Scarlet today!
  18. I concur...they be grand pictures o ye both. Now are these likeness te be found on yer wanted posters as well? ( or is that too old west? )
  19. Well me lovely ladies...it seems some men jest donna know when te give in up. But I'd pay a HELL of a lot of money te see Bonnie Red Weasel table dance and RumbaRue lap dance...and I'm not talkin a meesly $20. I'll buy a drink fer any o the dancin ladies o Pyracy Pub ( a real drink ) fer ye be the cream-de-la-cream of woman-hood. Ye all give this ol girl something te aspire to. :angry: :) :) :) :)
  20. Scarlet raises her tankard high and toasts, to the heros of today and tomorrow that sacrifice so much fer us! Lads and lasses, I tip my hat to you and offer you the sinceriest gratitude of me heart. Hip hip hazzah
  21. Scarlet had been sitting at a table in back with feet resting on the table nursing a tankard o tatoo, when a tall and dashing pirate waltzed in and made his announcement. Curious at first, then stunned Scarlet gets to her feet and finds herself square in front of him. "Darlin, ye had me at hello!" At these words Scarlet throws herself into the brawny arms and lays on a long wet kiss
  22. Thats classic William...I think I have seen that character, sans hook, in a cartoon or two.
  23. Finally!! A real life woman pirate being recognized by the PTB's ( powers that be ). Can't wait te see it!
  24. William, are you refering to the 4th Musketeer where Maureen O'Hara plays the daughter of one of the original musketeers called up to service? I loved that movie! I am a huge fan of the older 40's, 50's, etc. movies. I must admit that I love seeing Earl Flynn as a pirate...I know he can be corny and even cheesy...but there is just something about men acting like men. sigh I know, I'm acting like a girl now.
  25. How bout "Sparrows Flock" or "Tortuga Trouble". This is gettin fun.....
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