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Scarlet McBayne

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Everything posted by Scarlet McBayne

  1. I think its important to carry out the death sentence in each and every case its been decided on. What kind of a message are we sending to criminals, kill get sentenced then spend the next 7 years min. in appeals before you might or might not be put to death. Sorry, but I am definitly an Eye-fer-an-Eye kinda girl. We HAVE to have penalties for the crimes that just maybe will make people think twice about commiting them.
  2. Come out, come out where ever ye be Mick...come and play with Rummy and me.........
  3. Oh Morgan, as much as I fancy a bearded tickle...there also be somethin te say about a smooth shaven check, no whisker burns! :) woo hoo
  4. Shiver me timbers...I can't hardly wait!!!
  5. Silly, Frisky and Sleepy....in that order. Fer me own safety, I go fer the typsy state o mind.
  6. Promises, promises...Mr. Phantom o the Pub. :) Now can I be expectin a New Years Eve kiss from ye or not?
  7. Tell me more! I'll put it on me calendar today an save fer the fun. Now I would imagine some event te be in our garb o course....?
  8. But o course luv. an their hands always be in the right pocket...the one with the coin. thank ye kindly luv fer the encouragement...and me wish te Santa fer all me fellow pirates be wrist-watches sos we can all get on the right time fer a get-together.
  9. Let me be the judge o that darlin...course we'll have te see ifin ye can "tickle me fancy" with that there beard...
  10. Well the dream were big, but alas the reality was that many o me mates canceled on us last night!! aarrgghhhh Not te worry, Diego, Rummy, Carter, Red Jayme and meself had a wonderful evening o drink and feasting. And we did manage te get a photo or two o Rummy, Jayme and meself on the bar. :) We dressed down the evening in jeans...but not te worry lads! Rummy and I wore our corsets jest te be "proper piratesess". A toast te all me fellow blackhearts and may our paths cross in friendly ports fer years te come.
  11. Aaawwwwwhhhh Sam, ye make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Or is that the chocolate martini's Rummy and I be havin last night? Thank ye fer the thought Sam, and I'll be expectin that hug real soon in person.
  12. "Allow me", says Scarlet as I leans over an pulls Asukaru on te the bar top." I didn't know ye lads were all talk...a lass could get old waitin fer the two o ye to decide who get which end." Now deary, how bout we start with a little Pyrate style coyote ugly? Woo Hoo, ye go girl!!
  13. Pur baby....come here and let Scarlet give ye somethin else te think about
  14. Hey Micky, ( sorry I couldnt resist ) ye done well fer yeself makin Plunderer, but can ye keep up with me....
  15. Promises, promises darlin......
  16. Asukaru, welcome te the pub luv..Now I be Scarlet McBayne an a real regular around here...sos ifin ye have any question, ask away. Now mind ye watch some o these lads around here ( I not be namin any names : DURTY MICK, BARBADOS SAM, MAD MATT,and several others) they be mighty friendly with their hands... A tatoo fer me ifin ye please, but then why don't ye join me an the girls up on the bar fer a round o dancin
  17. lil ol Scarlet here has jest a little list fer Santa this year... the 12 days o Christmas Pyrate style: on the 1st day o Christmas, Blackbeard gave te me one Pilfered Clipper Ship... on the 2nd day o Christmas, Blackbeard gave te me two trunks o silver... on the 3rd day o Christmas, Blackbeard gave te me three treasure maps... on the 4th day o Christmas, Blackbeard gave te me four pistols blazin... on the 5th day o Christmas, Blackbeard gave te me five golden dubloons... on the 6th day o Christmas, Blackbeard gave te me six shanghaied sailors... on the 7th day o Christmas, Blackbeard gave te me seven empty galloows... on the 8th day o Christmas, Blackbeard gave te me eight mugs o guiness... on the 9th day o Christmas, Blackbeard gave te me nine wanted posters... on the 10th day o Christmas, Blackbeard gave te me ten ostrich feathers (fer me hat)... on the 11th day o Christmas, Blackbeard gave te me eleven lords family jewels... on the 12th day o Christmas, Blackbeard gave te me twelve days head-start... SING IT WITH ME eleven lords family jewels...,ten ostrich feathers (fer me hat)...,nine wanted posters...,eight mugs o guiness...,seven empty galloows...,six shanghaied sailors... five golden dubloons... four pistols blazin...,three treasure maps...two trunks o silver..., and one Pilfered Clipper Ship...
  18. I cant wait te see you Rue!! hugs an kisses sent out te you, by the by, I got yer christmas card last night...thanks luv. I feel all special now...xoxoxox
  19. Sam darlin, what has ye so down? Ye know ye and Experience always be welcome with me and I know fer a fact that Diego and Rummy be taken with ye both as well..so that said, lets have a drink and brighten yer day. kisses and hugs sent te ye both..............xoxoxo
  20. DONE! Ow, ye pinched me too hard luv.
  21. depends on who's doin the pinchin...
  22. I'm thinkin somethin along the lines of Jessica Rabbit...black, lace, thigh-hi's, garters and high-heels. Oh and maybe a coat te keep me warm
  23. A day late I be, but I'll always tip my hat, buy a drink and toast to ALL our servicemen and women! God bless ye eacha nd everyone!
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