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Scarlet McBayne

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Everything posted by Scarlet McBayne

  1. Charity, this has so made me day, week, month! Thank you, Thank you
  2. I wasnt gonna tell me given name...but me name be Rachael. Scarlet kinda suits me better...especially when I wear me boots.
  3. cool Rummy, if Diego fetches a good enough price, then you and I can go shoppin! Fer grog o course. tehehehe
  4. Well I think my invite got lost in the mail...or I was jest sleepin. But ye can definitly count Scarlet in on the pirate group. Woo Hoo its finally gonna happen. Now Diego, I love ye mon...but Rub a Dub Dub Pirates? How bout "Long Stockings long shoremen" or "Pippi's Pirates" or Rummy's rum-runners (hehehe, I know its already kinda taken, but still) or Pirates in fun-pants...JK count me in !!!![/size]
  5. Yeh, what other pirate group?
  6. Yummy! next te the rum, cheesecake be me favorite...eatin some as we speak. hehehe I'll be makin some o me "famous" Hawaiian pineapple cake. I jest cant wait! We should start a who's bringin what list: RumbaRue = cheesecake Scarlett = hawaiian pineapple cake and Smirnoffs
  7. Well done! It suits ye Sam...how bout a round on me te celebrate yer fancy new signage.
  8. hey, I happen te appreciate a good leer every now n then. wickedly lustful gaze jest be soundin so catholic-good-boy-gone-astray! Now leer my way and tell me ye and Experience be comin on New Years... pretty please...
  9. Sure,...I jest have te be bribin the man with rum! Full bottle o Capt'n Morgans Tatoo in one hand....promises of a man in the other hand. let me think.... RUM, RUM, RUM
  10. Ye left off: Big Bear Renaissance faire Big Bear, CA Sonora Irish festival and International Jousting Championship Sonora, CA Angeles Camp faire Calaveres faire I think there even be more, but I'll have te pull out the calendar. woohoo
  11. Going once, going twice....sold ..to the man with the leer!!
  12. boys, ye be makin Scarlet blush!!! Now no excuses...up on the table and bar and lets shake the rafters!!!huzzah!!!
  13. Promises, darlin, promises...
  14. say it aint so Sam...ye and Experience have gotta come! Lets see, how can we intice ye te cutout on work...hhmmmmm... what if we auction off Diego?
  15. Sorry Rummy, I never did see her either...had me eyes on someone-I mean something else.
  16. I already be knowin that Diego be the swing dancer and that Rummy be poetry in motion. Now Scarlet be a bit timid when it comes te dancin, but I be feelin like a tango or a salsa today. Any men out there feelin like takin their lives in their hands and dancin? :) :)
  17. Sunny with bright blue skies about 84 at 11:30am. Go figure
  18. Definitly like the whiskers...the better to tickle me fancy with. wink wink Clean shaven is ok, but I likes me men to look like men, big and hairy! LOL No comments from the peanut gallery please!
  19. Jack, dont choose...jest write out yer christmas wish list.LOL
  20. when I quit laughin I'll reply.... Sam, ye really are a dear, but alas no breakin o hearts here. I be an Interior Designer that specializes in Kitchens and Bathrooms remodels and I be openin me own showroom in the South Bay area. that be a good one deary
  21. I hope te be meetin many more of my fine pyrate brethern in the season te come, but havin jest opened me own buisness, I will not be doin as many faires next year as I did this year. Alas, a girls gotta earn-steal her coin te pay Uncle. So lets play while we can. :)
  22. dubee dubee doo, exchanging glances... love, love?! How bout some old fashioned romance! Roses, wining and dining and sweet lies about me eyes. Lingering glances that make me smile, stolen caresses that make me catch me breathe, whispered confessions that make me blush.... :)
  23. Promises, promises...Jk. Scupper, were ye on the west coast, I'd be givin ye a run fer yer money! O course, I be an aquired taste. No champage dreams or beer reality here...jest pure red-haired, mischeif-makin, temper, claws and all. Oh my
  24. As if by magic, Scarlet appears with empty mug out stretched and big smile on her face...Why Sam, how kind o ye te be buyin this mornin, I be a mite parched lovey. Twas sorry I was not te be seein ye this weekend, but Diego, Rummy and I will be signin up fer next year at Kearney Park, it be a lovely faire with the best o weather. And quite a pirate turnout from the pub! Twer great te be seein so many familiar faces and meetin so many new ones.
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