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Scarlet McBayne

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Everything posted by Scarlet McBayne

  1. if I could figure out how? I would darling...guess ye'll just have to use yer imagination :)
  2. Bunny and I have a little surprise fer you Matt....we were wrestling last night in your honor and I've got the pix..
  3. Matt darlin....do ye really think ye want Scarlet te be a durty gurl? wink, wink here at the pub? with everyone watching?
  4. way te go luver!!! bunny, look a little more weak and timid darlin, it will be more convincing [/size]
  5. Diego, ye know ye have me support and any of me fineries that ye think woulf be suitable... ye have me pavilion, me 10 x12 woven rug, assordid treasure trunks, goblets, candles, lanterns, 2 wood and canvas folding captain chairs...and anything else ye need. I can be at faires only on Sundays this year as my business has te come first...no money, no faires...so sign me up fer duty on Sundays as needed!
  6. Scarlet leans back aginst the wall sippin her tankard of pear cyder, enjoyin the show of Matt and Bunny covered in mud and tryin te one up each other. Way te go Matt, watch her other hand darlin! Bunny fight fair lass..oops thats gonna leave a mark boy am I glad te be clean an dry on the side lines! :)
  7. Absolutely Now this wench has te get her beauty sleep....dont want to look like a beast
  8. we could fool around in the car like teenagers.
  9. Dev. for the luv of God, please delete at least that first pix....I'm gonna kill you for posting such an awful pix of me damn it!
  10. hears to being consumed in the fire.....burn me up baby
  11. phoenix rising
  12. I dont care who sees us!
  13. my own damn fault...miss you
  14. sad and depressed I'm well on my way to my first hangover
  15. [/i]hey! I be a pirate and I have dimples.... [/code]
  16. Scarlet settles in under a table, using a chair as a sheild and starts takin aim with the remaining rum balls....
  17. damn wheres me camera?
  18. great! I come in fer a pint and get a facefull o cake from Bunny. Well at least it were me favorite...chocolate.
  19. Scarlet catches Bunny by her hair and slams her face first into the nearest rubarb pie..that'll teach ye te aim better next time. Retreivin her dagger from Williams arm, she says, yer supposed te catch it luv!
  20. as Scarlet stalks Bunny around a table, she calles te William, I be plenty armed luv, and tosses a dagger to him.
  21. seein red, Scarlet jumps up from her stool and reaches fer her cutlass... I'll show ye a cutless bunny!
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