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Scarlet McBayne

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Everything posted by Scarlet McBayne

  1. Scarlet moves her stool away from captain P.E.W.
  2. Scarlet pulls up a stool near te Captain P.E.W. and fills her tankard...never taking her eyes off the show, sneaking popcorn with her left hand and drinkin from her tankard with her right hand...
  3. dont know how I missed this thread fer so long.....shrugs This Red-head is working hard te be an infamous, immortal pirate! And enjoyin every damn minute
  4. I'm having dei-ja-vou...this poll already existed...right? but it be a worthy topic.....I luvs a good tickle I do, so yes I enjoy a man with facial hair!
  5. so we are taking a poll on our name being "the Pirates of the Black Spot" and our encampment would be the called "Treasure Cove"....? Ok, I vote yes
  6. ok...what were yer scores the first round out? I'd post mine....put it be embarrassinly low
  7. Rumba, I'm really no sure of his plans....I'd contact him. I cant wait to see you again. til then
  8. all right boys and girls...the faint-hearted need not attend ( jest kidding, we be a right tame group ) so I'll be heading off fer the great frozen bottom..er Pittsburg on christmas day and wont be back til the day o the party...please send all requests fer info to Diego who is now offically in charge..( tehehe and he thought he was always in charge ). Have the Merriest of christmas's and I hopes te see many o ye at the New Years Eve Party!
  9. the reason for Las Vegas IS because of the cheap airfare and hotel rooms. I'm all for planning other events at other locations, but for a reunion for the pub we need to make it most acessible for the most amount of people. Just me humble opinion....
  10. Ok, maybe I'm aging myself here, bu I've had this damn christmas song running around in my head... "All I want for Christmas is a Hippopanomus" Crickey, just typing the words have started the song again. aarrrgggh
  11. I really like the name " The Crows Nest ". Its a great pirate reference for those with some knowledge, for those who dont know what it means, its a great intro into the world of ships and piracy. It would also make a great name fer our after-hours bar. Can we take a vote?
  12. I have been fortunate enough to see a couple of show and ballet.. say Phantom of the Opera twice, once with original cast and again when they brought it back to the Pantages. I saw a scaled down version of South Pacific, I've seen a beautiful ballet of Romeo and Juliet...that one haunted my memories for years. I've seen the Lion King and a couple other smaller shows. There is just something about the experience of a live performance, music, lighting..I just love it!
  13. [/color]Promises,........ promise?[/size][/font][/i]
  14. Clean? you Mad Matt? ha ye got te be kiddin me luv....
  15. shell out the cash for one or two days and the other days join us at Corona faire....they run the same time frame and Corona is probably a little closer to you. Its a smaller faire, but a great place to meet up with friends and enjoy the atmosphere. They even have two weekends were the faire funs til 9pm, quite a site te see with all the candles, lanterns and fires going on. what other local faires have you been too?
  16. WOW....Scarlet sits back and fans herself with a fan.....I can hardly contain myself, so when do I get this pleasure?
  17. Ok, ok darlin...lets keep the name simple but catchy...has to associate pirates into the title, different from whats already out there, free-spirited... Barbados Brats Tortuga Tarts Caribean Castaways Buckeneers o the Black Sail Davey Jones Rejects
  18. Carter, me dear, I'll move the moon te be there te catch ye when ye take the plunge off the plank Hansom and smart..woo hoo
  19. Diego Rummy Pirate Petee Skull Pirate Carter Leatherneck Puss-N-Boots Lady Devy'l Barbados Sam & Experience ***RumbaRue*** Killian Of course...Red Jayme Flint thought I saw Durty Mick Moon once, but it was probably a figment of my imagination. and others
  20. Darlin...that be wonderful!!! sign me up fer the CD, the concert, the fan club...Scarlet McBayne be yer number one fan/groopie.... :)
  21. Hot damn...I'll be shakin it all night long, jest fer you o course.....and you and you and you
  22. The gift I have to give comes straight from my heart..tis a prayer for each and ever soldier to return home soon and safely. I can never express the gratitude and admiration I hold for you, you the hero's of yesterday, today and tomorrow. So with head bowed and eyes closed I'll send my prayer heaven-ward on wings of love and hope. God bless you everyone.
  23. Well Matt, ye jest mite have te take his place...got life insurance do ya...
  24. Welcome te the pub luv. I be Scarlet McBayne and a regular around these waters, ifin ye have any questions, jest ask. Good on ye lass, I see ye can take care o yerself with the blade. But remeber lass, these pirates are armed with more than a blade...we have the fastest drinkers in the world around here. huzzah te you dearie
  25. Bing Crosby...White Christmas
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