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Captain Midnight

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Everything posted by Captain Midnight

  1. Do these have the "button" on the top and loop on the brim?
  2. Aye, I thought it might be some British Commonwealth weapon, but I don't see any recognizable British government marks, such as the Broad Arrow anywhere, so it may not be British at all. The style of the lettering of the stamps appear to be either late 1800's or early 1900's in appearance.
  3. It appears to be a possible 19th century British or Commonwealth artillery short sword of some type. This is just my guess.
  4. One of the things that I do with my pocket flaps which usually have three buttons is to make only the center button and button hole actually functional. The two outer buttons on the edges of the flap are just sewn to an uncut button hole. This way, you don't have to undo three buttons to get into your pocket, only one. I don't know if this was actually done in period, though. Can anyone comment about that idea?
  5. Only two left to obtain: 1. Jules Evermore 2. Braze
  6. The flag of Captain Michael MacLeod:
  7. Aye, I would DEFINITELY come and bring my crew, too, mate! That's a guarantee. Count me in!
  8. And then there were three: 1. Michael MacLeod 2. Braze 3. Jules Evermore
  9. I have heard of powder measures for a pistol or musket being made of bamboo as well.
  10. One of my absolute favorite pirate bands are the Salt Sea Pirates. They perform traditional and original music, and give it their own unique sound. Their rendition of "Fifteen Men on the Dead Man's Chest" is the finest version I have ever heard recorded.
  11. Myself and three other of The Cursed Few may attend PiP this year. May we join in with the Mercury crew? We are all from Georgia, and have two period correct wall tents. 1. Jonah Micagie Greene (Captain Midnight)--Richland, GA 2. Sage Sutherland Greene--Richland, GA 3. Bloody Sam Rackham--Cartersville, GA 4. Calico Ann Rackham--Cartersville, GA
  12. All we have left to obtain are: 1. Cascabel 2. Braze 3. Michael MacLeod 4. Jules Evermore 5. Tony Swatton Once I get those, I can move ahead with my plans...
  13. The flag of Captain Jamie "Oberon" Bellows:
  14. Mate, that would be a TREMENDOUS help if you could find it! I would be most grateful to ye!
  15. Aye, I agree that this one is your best yet! Good work, sir, my hat is off to you!
  16. Thanks Stynky! We're almost all represented here! We still need Michael MacLeod, Cascabel, Braze, Oberon, Jules Evermore, and Tony Swatton. C'mon mates, let's get the rest of them in!
  17. Here is the updated version of the flag of my crew, The Cursed Few, as designed by Greene, Rackham, and Murther. The swords on the older version were originally borrowed from a design by Tall Paul; they have since been replaced with these, which are an accurate representation of the distinctive short sword issued to each member of The Cursed Few. This personalizes our flag more, and avoids any conflict with anyone else's design.
  18. How much would you charge for just the one ballad concerning Captain Thomas Green and his crew?
  19. Has anyone told Captain Black that we meet here?I know I contacted Cap'n Michael and Jules Evermore. . . for some reason I thought Captain Black was already here. I'm not sure, Stynky. I haven't told him, I guess I just took for granted that he already knew. I will be glad to let him know, if you haven't already done so. By the way, send me your flag! Aye if you would tell him for me, I would appreciate it. I've got to run to DC in the morning - I'll post and image to you next-week. Thanks Shipmate! Aye, Stynky, I did indeed tell Captain Black about our place here. I don't know if he has signed up yet, but he is aware of it. I look forward to seeing your flag when you get back home. Have a safe voyage, my friend!
  20. For refinishing the stock, I use Formby's low sheen tung oil to give a nice, hand-rubbed antique look. I use this on my pistol stock as well as the wooden grips of my swords. It forms a durable, hard finish on the surface, and if it ever gets scratched, you simply wipe on another thin coat and the scratches are gone...
  21. Very cool find! It's interesting that the sword would have survived that much intact buried in the ground with only a leather wrapping. It is definitely a Spanish sword of a type known as espada ancha.
  22. The sword shown in the second link is beautiful...
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