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Captain Midnight

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Everything posted by Captain Midnight

  1. Hey Sam! Next time we get together, remind me and I'll give you the pattern I made for my shoes based on the Whydah shoe. Seeing as you're an accomplished leather smith, I think you could build them no problem.
  2. Mates, I have just found this thread, and reading over all of your kind posts, the tears just flow from my eyes. Thank you all SO very much for your prayers and kind words, they have been what has kept my wife and I strong through this ordeal, and most importantly, helped save my son's life! There is most definitely great power in prayer, anyone that doesn't believe it is so unfortunate... My son Brandin is home and is recovering well. He still hurts a lot, but that is to be expected. He still doesn't have full movement of his left hand, but he can move the thumb and fore-finger, and has feeling in the rest of the fingers, so we are hoping that with the therapy, he will regain the use of the hand. He is left-handed, so he will have to learn to use his right hand now. He is pitifully thin; he has not had much of an appetite, but since he returned home, he has requested my wife's famous pork chop casserole, and has been craving YooHoos, so I went out and bought him a whole bunch of YooHoo drinks tonight. I'm here to tell you, I am so thrilled to have him home again. Anyway, thank you all again, from the bottom of my heart. I haven't been on here as much as I would like lately, but it was touching to find the words of so many good friends. That is definitely what I consider each and every one of you, and all of you scurvy pirates will always have a special place in my heart! Take care, mates!
  3. The flag of Captain Jonah Micagie Greene (Captain Midnight). The final version of my flag. I have had two others before this one, that were not quite historical looking enough for me, so I came up with this design that I am finally happy and content with. It's a "done deal" now, as I have also stitched the real-life version in fabric. The design is all stitched to the background on both sides of the flag. Captain Midnight's Flag Real Life Version
  4. Does anyone know where I could find a template for making Letters of Marque? I've searched quite a bit online, but have come up empty handed. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance!
  5. The Cursed Few---Jonah Macagie Greene, Captain, alias "Captain Midnight" The Cursed Few
  6. I'd like to cast my lot among the possible attendees of PiP this year, as well as some of my crew, The Cursed Few. I will reveal more solid details like names and numbers as they unfold to me later on, but for now, at least, please count me among the tentative attendees.
  7. You look AWESOME, mate! Damn good job!
  8. Aye, I too need to either find a shipmate that would be so kind as to hook ol' Midnight up with a bottle or two, or either make a voyage to Florida and live up to what part of me job description is...a rum runner...
  9. Here is me very own tavern (& forge)...took me a while to come up with something I liked, and something piratical in nature, but here it is. Like some of the names above, this is an actual establishment at my home, where I do all of my work, and also entertain guests when they come to call...
  10. Aye, I have been there many times, and my personal experience with the place has always been nothing less than fantastic. The atmosphere is wonderful, and the food is great (at least it was in my own humble opinion). At times, they do indeed have a person dressed in pirate garb to entertain the children. I particularly enjoy the entrances to the secret tunnels in the place. All in all, I would have to say the Pirate's House is one of my all time favorite places...I would gladly be their spokesman and help promote it if I could.
  11. A very fine job indeed, mate! You took a monstrosity and turned it into a beautiful, authentic weapon. On top of that, you can be very proud that you built it yourself!
  12. Hmmm...I am a bit of a blacksmith, but I will leave that part to Michael, as I am actually more trained at leatherwork. In period, I would have been a cordwainer, and indeed, that is in keeping with the story of my persona. Is there a cordwainer needed aboard the Mercury?
  13. "His Highness Midnight the Blue of New Invention"...
  14. Wonderful pictures! Good job Captain Sterling and Cheeky!
  15. It's been a long time coming, but here it is, me in my garb.
  16. Happy birthday Captain Sterling! I hope you have a day filled with much joy and many blessings, and that you will have many, many more to come!
  17. Happy birthday Michael! I hope you have a grand one, and many, many more to boot!
  18. Here's a description of the grenadoes from the QAR site, including the fuses: " Two hand grenades were found attached to a pewter platter recovered in 1998. The grenades are cast iron spheres packed with gun powder and pierced to accept a hollow wooden fuse. The fuse also contained powder and a paper match, and was lit and thrown at the enemy with devastating results. Occasionally the fuse was too long, giving the intended victims the opportunity to return the grenade to the pirates. Identical examples were recovered from the pirate ship Whydah Galley, lost off Cape Cod in 1717."
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