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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. "Rest easy, Cat. He's gone to see about breakfast for evryone and a wagon for you. No need to worry."
  2. I watched his every move, secretly wishing he would put on the new shirt he'd briefly set aside on the bed. The maid who'd delivered the meal was also intent on the fine male form, and was obviously reluctant to leave the room. When the meal was set on the table, and she'd gone, along with her helpers, Sebastian pulled out a chair for me. "Thank you," I intoned, still not sure that he wasn't put out with me. He returned to the bed, slipped on the fresh shirt, and took his seat on the opposite side of the table, without further comment. "This is nice," I ventured. "In my line of work, it is easy to forget my feminin side. It is good to be reminded of it once and a while." And, in a last effort to make my point, and to prove to him that I did not find his company unpleasant, I remarked, "Our worlds could not be more different than if one of us came from the moon. It will take...time, I think, for us to know one another better. But I hope you will find it time well spent."
  3. "Sebstain, I'm not the easiest person to get to know either. I'm careful. I have to be. I understand that you have recently lost one you loved. In that you have the advantage of me. You have at least known love, even if you have lost it." I watched him remove the shirt, and attempted to ignore the rush of feeling that flooded my body. It would have been so easy to let the seduction continue. "Let us try and be friends, Sebastian. They are few and far between. What developes after that, who can tell. But I will be honest, and admit that I would not be adverse to something more than friendship. However, I would like to know the mind, before I know the body, and hope you might feel the same."
  4. That's the problem, Sebastian, I don't know what sort you are. No insult to your morals was intended."
  5. I turned to face him, but did not relinquish any ground. "Ah, Sebastian, you are a magician of words. And if I was in mind to be seduced, I would let you mesmerize me." I took a sip from the glass, letting my mouth linger on its rim for a moment. "But I am not in the habit of allowing seduction by men I don't know very well. I fear I would only be one in a long list of your conquests. I believe you will think better of me if I do not fall into your bed, thus giving you the wrong impression of my morals. However, if you are truely interested in me, then I should prefer to become friends first." I gave him a small wicked smile. "Eventually, perhaps, very close friends." I stepped away from him, took another sip of champagne, and hoped he wouldn't notice the slight trembling of my hand.
  6. Nay, Mr. Tar, ya missed a key word in there "doesn't " I said that ya didn't need any of those things...okay, maybe the white chocolate. But your suggestions are just the thing I meant.
  7. Hmmm, picturing Mad Jack shouting "Stand and deliver!" while wearing a kilt. Hmmm...
  8. Romance, I like a bit of romance. Seems that's kinda dead these days. That doesn't mean ya haveta write me sloppy poems, send big red heart boxes full of fattening chocolate, or suffer through a chick-flick. It's little, personal things that let a girl know she's special, that you took the time to think about her. Guys can never go wrong with a bit o' romance.
  9. I sighed, figuring the Cat was going to keep needling me until she got the whole story. "Well, what did happen was, I got drunk. Not entirely my fault, as I suspect Spoons was putting Irish whiskey in my coffee when I was attempting to sober up. Next think I knew, it was morning, I was in Jacky's bed, and I was naked as the day I was born." I watched Red Cat's eyes get big a saucers. "No, stop thinking what your thinking, 'cause THAT didn't happen. He gave me some clothes of his, but decided he didn't like the way they looked, so he offered me that fancy dress to wear. Naturally, I refused it, which is when he sent Goose over to the Rakehell to fetch my usual outfit. God knows what that idiot told the crew, but they been rolling their eyes at me ever since. All but Africa, who knows the truth of it." At this point I thought my head would explode, so leaned back in my chair with a hand over my eyes. "So, there you have it. I left the Relentless this morning, still half hung over, and very upset over the way the whole evening ended up. And that's when this &^%*# headache started up."
  10. I wondered what sort of cravings Sebastian was attempting to stir. The room looked like something an Eastern Potentate would create for one of his concubines. I didn't know that much about gypsies, but apparently spartan furnishings were not their style. He waited by the credenza, poised to pour my "djin" of choice. "I'll have a glass of champagne." While he went through the delicate motions of opening the champagne bottle, I remarked, "You know, Sebastian, this is the kind room where I could learn a great deal about its owner, if only the walls could talk." I met his amused expression with another smile. "I wonder what...exotic...stories they would tell me?"
  11. A weak light had started to brighten the room. I stirred, and discovered that I lay with my head cradled in Jacky's lap. I stayed still, listening to his soft breathing, enjoying the closeness of the moment, while he slept. I knew the moment wouldn't last long. Robert's was already waking, rubbing his hands over his bleary eyes, then wincing as he touched the wound on his head. Gently, I eased myself up, then on impulse, leaned in and gave Jacky a soft kiss on his cheek. Then I stood and walked quietly over to Red Cat's cot, to see how she'd faired through the night.
  12. I ws totally unprepared for what lay within. The contrast from austare inn to silken, damasked, and pillowed interior was breathtaking. I turned to Sebastian, who was enjoying my reaction. "And you, sir? Are you the pearl within the oyster shell?"
  13. Jacky sat braced against the door, and Robert's found another spot in the room, closer to Red Cats cot. As for me, without hesitation, I slumped to the floor next to Jacky, enjoying the warmth of his body in the chilly room.
  14. Still amused, I wasn't sure if his comments were sincere, or all part of his chivalrous act. His jovial mood seemed out of character from the Sebastian I had known thus far. There was something under the surface, some barely detected frission of tension under the good humor and compliments. I wondered if it had anything to do with the bruise on his face. But there was no denying that I enjoyed the muscled feel of his arm under my hand. As we approached the stairs, I commented, "You amaze me, sir, for the Royal Grace is rumored to be the most boring, not the most exotic, inn in Port Royal."
  15. Feeling a bit helpless as yet another of my bottles of brandy was opened, I said, "Actually, Jacky sent over some lobsters yesterday. Africa steamed them while Goose was having his cooking lesson. And there's a few loaves of good sourdough bread. Would that suit ya?" I wasn't too sure about her idea to ignore Jacky a bit and see how he reacted. I was pretty sure playing games with him was not the best way to get his attention. However, I was hungry, and lobster sounded good. And the bread would help soak up the brandy. Now, if I could just get rid of this blasted headache!
  16. With admiration for his skill, I watched Jacky stitch up Robert's head wound. We were all tired, and I envied Red Cat's deep slumber. I came to stand next to Jacky, and asked quietly, "With the door bolted, do we need to post a guard? We're all of us dead on our feet, and I don't think we have to worry about anyone asaulting Red Cat again tonight. They're probably busy tring to figure out what went wrong with their little plan."
  17. With a laugh of delight I took the proffered arm. "Well, I suppose Shangri-la would be much more comfortable than my small cabin on board the Rakehell. And no doubt, much more exotic than Trilby's house, which was where I was headed when I saw your horse."
  18. Funny, I copy and paste the top one. Maybe it doesn't make any difference which of the three options you choose? I don't know? Lady Snow, the little grandson is a real cutie!
  19. I gave a soft laugh. "Alright, if for no other purpose than to see you make good on your boast about navagating the stairs. After all, we do have unfinished business to discus. But, I must caution you about leaving your fine animal tied in a place where anyone with an eye to fine equine breeding might take the liberty of putting it through its paces, without taking the trouble of asking your permission beforehand." With a wink, and a slight bow in return, I let him lead the way.
  20. I acknowledged the bow with a slight smile. For a man slightly in his cups, he managed it quite gracefully. However, the invitation to dine surprised me. Up to now, he'd shown little interest in my company, other than what it would gain him in trade-goods—so far only half delivered. Our last meeting had ended with a storm, both of nature and our own creating. Sebastian waited patiently for me to decide, a glimmer of humor lurking behind his dark eyes. I decided to keep the conversation light, for the moment, and then we would see. "Bonjour to you, sir. I see you survived the hurricane with only...minor damage." I looked pointedly at the bottle of cognac. "But, as for dining in private, are you sure you can make it up the stairs?"
  21. We already have threads for pictures of people in garb, or pictures of their pyrate dens, etc, and I know a lot of us have digital cameras. So, I though it would be nice to have a place where you could post a picture of anything you thought you'd like to share. NOT anything X-rated, please! I'll start with a picture I took at dusk from our front deck. Everything was just so beautiful after the snow fall. And here's basically the same view, next morning when the sun came out.
  22. I don't know about magic, but here's where it happens. And, yes, the room really is that bright orange (mango) 'cause it's the darkest, coldest room in the house, and I wanted tropical! Here's a 360 of the room, with one close up. Oops, took the photos out of photobucket, and forgot that with no link, they don't show up. Chalk it up to another example of how I am computer challenged.
  23. Nyunk, nyunk..hoick, he, he, nyunk... My best friend's brother has a laugh like that, only a little more high-pitched. It's hilarious.
  24. I left stewed Goose and his equally stewed companion, and, attempting to keep as much of the muck from the steets off my boots as possible, headed across town toward Trilby's. Taking a shortcut through a small back lane, I came out behind the Royal Grace Inn, where I suddenly paused. Tied to a hiching rail was a very familier black horse, decked out in belled harness. The animal tuned it's noble head as I approached, and allowed me to give it a rub along its sleek neck. "So," I crooned to the cocked ear, "your master survived the tempest, eh. Maybe I'll just pop in and congratulate him on his good fortune." With a tingle of anticipation, I slipped through the back entrance of the Royal Grace. Treading softly, I walked down a short hall, then came out into the common room. Sebastian sat at a table in the far corner, a fine goblet held within graceful fingers. His focus was directed inward, so at first, he didn't notice me watching him. Other than a darkening bruise on his jaw, and a slightly swollen lip—hurts I doubted he'd received from the storm—he seemed without injury. Taking a deep breath, I approached the table of my erstwhile business partner, intrigued over the mystery of who'd had the nerve and the quickness to punch their fist into Sebastian's jaw.
  25. I loved Cost Plus! Years ago I went to the HUGE one in San Francisco, and my brain nearly went flat-line there was so much stuff to see. I'm getting ready to redo the bedroom, as its pretty mundane right now, except for the sleigh bed, which I love. So, I'll be checking in here to get ideas. LOVE Red-Handed Jill's bedroom - Very Ann Rice looking!
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