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the Royaliste

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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. My experience over the years is that several friends usually seek to get inked up at the same time..So, talk to those with nice tats around you for references, as besides the regs, word of mouth is definitely spoken here in the tattoo community...... and remember, 'GO BIG'!
  2. It be a friggin free country, mate..think wot ye may, but sounds like pure egotistical crap to me...Mickey Mouse is tattooed everywhere, and even Eisner aint bitchin!..Wotever, hope he lives long and prospers off his ego...copyright on my arm, bullshit!...Sailor Jerry was proud to have his art on the bod's o' fightin' men, didnt need his 'name' on 'em, his style was his 'trademark'.....The trick is in original art..If he inked the tat, more power to him, if it's just his design, well, like I said about 'Mickey'.....So, pay him a copyright ,Bill, and show us some 'o his work on skin!! ..Now, tell me ye haven't hummed five or six bars 'o yer favorite song in front 'o a friend or two....By BMI standards, you are guilty of copyright infringement, and 'Papa Zig-Zag??..Why, Ritzla would be really wealthy if tattoo's were covered under 'copyright'...Nevermind the whole 'Napster' and 'Kazaa' thing..
  3. Most of us with Harley tats own one, so H.D. doesnt seem to mind..But your buddies ego screams for tattooing his name on a horses ass...Lotsa people have photos of my ship, in their homes, on their avatars, but hey,it's all good, so can the ego's..........Hesounds more like a crook than a pirate anyway..we do enjoy pirate art aboard ship. 'Bloodthirsty Pirate Tales', by Richard Becker, are proudly stocked in the onboard ship's library...
  4. A hunnert Yankee Frogskins yielded enuff material for two flags 5'X8'...a couple 'o days worth 'o stitchin', along with liberal application 'o rum...
  5. They've been complaining for a while about 'not making ends meet' in the charter trade, as it costs a bundle for annual inspections, etc. to meet the strict criteria to operate commercially. The largest principal shareholder, (Ian) and one of the captains, is prepping for having a child...I'd sell him mine, had I known he was lookin'!!
  6. :) And it certainly was great ta 'be there', eh??..Thanks again, Ben, you help keep it 'special'...
  7. 500 Yankee frogskins and up for an 8D battery, I'd recommend a spiral cell, marine battery from a manufacturer other than Waste Marine...'Optima', good marine power(nothing like an 8d) but charges like a wet cell...If you are just wantin' to CYA for the parade, borrow one from the 'Royaliste'
  8. And if we had ham, we'd have ham and eggs, if we had eggs..Guessed ye missed the point, Rhumba!....Take out a loan, go in debt, etc..., and enjoy her! And as far as fun, well, we've spent many a dubloon enhancing the enjoyment 'o her passengers, so unless ye live on my side 'o Richardson's Bay, ye most likely have no idea 'o my involvement with sailing ships(yes, mostly wooden, I'll agree, as they are mainly the ones in need of 'Tallship help', although I do volunteer welding and rigging work in the area...)..Poking fun crew to crew, vessel to vessel, is as old a tradition as any................
  9. Here's RR favorite 'shot' 'o the HC.... More 'o the same tomorrow courtsy 'o the 'Royaliste'
  10. Hmm, then there's the underlying reality....Californian sold to SD Maritime museum,..Bay Lady sitting empty in South Beach, Rondezvous sold to Monterrey, needin' 500K to keep operating, Kau'ilani sold last year, for sale again, Now the Chieftain.....Methinks the Bay Area has become to costly to be able to maintain any economical support for Tallships to call 'home'...Just a thought, eh?.....
  11. Twasn't a rumor, it was Ian to the harbormaster, and that's no rumor...But, yes, she's pretty, just dont sail well, and you know us wooden boat sailors. eh?....We'll have a weather eye to the riggin', but remember, we carry a lot 'o sidearms too!... But, lookin' forward to some new targets, anyhoo!
  12. Old news, Bully! We posted her for sale a few weeks back, when she negotiated her month to month deal on her slip.. With that twin diesel, twin keel, steel hull, I'd bet she'd make a great fishin' rig!! Now, if'n ye be 'up to defendin' her', we'll see ya on the water!
  13. ******GRINS******We kin always reload!! He's a really bad egg..............
  14. ..........and really bad eggs......
  15. RRRR!!!Ahoy and Avast Ye!...The new Ship's colors be done, The Tops'l yard is up in place............. Methinks if'n I kin stand up without bleedin' too hard after Thursday's surgery, mebbee the crew kin get the 'ole girl outta the slip, (the Seadog'll be along for luck),..an' I'll be doin' an 'Admiral Lord Nelson' one-armed, out 'a huntin' Saturday for a certain Brig............. ....Yo, Ho, a pirate's life for me!!!
  16. At a guesstimate, from here to the East Coast, most likely around 11-12K for the haul, and up to 3K rigging at each end, plust the usual, repair anything that screwed up at 65 m.p.h.!
  17. Phew!!!....(Breathes deep breath)....Had me a wee bit worried, lass! ....No rain right now, 'tis good, eh?........
  18. :) There be a lot 'o irons in the fire concernin' me Ship, an' I feel a small need for clarification. Regardless of my decisions concerning my own future, and depending on what elements come in to play for opportunities open to the 'ROYALISTE', I am still trying to make the Bougainville Voyage 2005. whether that is on a trailer, on Her hull thru the Carribean, or on the deck of a commercial ship, ..I dunno.. But the fact remains that even if I return to my profession as a Rigging Foreman, and whether the Ship returns to the West Coast or not, I'll still be aiming for that reenactment...Now, where's the rum gone??
  19. Hmm, ye're cat or mine?? ....Just pullin' ye're wooden keg!! :)
  20. ROTDLMBAO!!! Proud I be that yer were pay'n attention!! :) PSSSST!!!!....Lemmee know when Aye ain't, eh????......... ...........and really bad eggs......
  21. Really??...Izzat a fact??.. I guess I'm not gonna be there again! Oh, well, more targets here on the Bay last year!..... Ah me dear Royalist, do not worry, yer ship and crew be welcome! Unfortunately due to another pirate group that caused major problems for the Ocean Institue one year, the main guy, Mr. Dan Stetson who runs the thing, put his foot down and only wants PRP there. So don't be worryin' yer butt off, ye be welcome, and welcome inta our encampment (durin' the day in costume) , an' wellcome ta join in our after hours fun. We puts on a grand pot-luck dinner fer all~ we've had so much food, we've even invited the Security Guards ta join us! Hey we know how ta get good treatment! We party and sing 'round the campfire, an' just have a fine ol' time! Rumba Rue **Sailin' on the big blue wet thing** :angry: Actually, lass, I started contactin' 'em last year about this time, but by the time they could give me any pertinent info, it wa too late to change an already full calander...If'n we resolve our hull issues, I'm 'eaded to Ojai with the o'le girl this year, so it may work out for the Tallship...But again, the fun targets will most likely be in my backyard once more....But she'd look nice anchored in Morro Bay or Santa Barbara too! (Wuzn't used to sleepin' in a tent an' drinkin' that Grapa.... )
  22. :angry: Because of the 40-50 foot swells, as opposed to most things, Maverick's Surf Event is on for tomorrow, Feb 27! Waves from 50-100 feet can be expected off of the shoreline at Princeton -by-the-Sea....
  23. Bess, gimmee a holler if'n that mail arrives! ..off to town now betwixt the rains... :angry:
  24. Those of us who generally resemble several of those remarks swore off the 'property of' tat's long ago. On the left coast, at least to the R.P, names on arses are thought of mostly as 'hookers'...file that, mate...for future reference! :angry:
  25. Most everything out there is for the Atlantic Ocean, other than yearly printed data, I have never heard of anything for the Pacific, Indian or other Oceans..Let me know what you find.. :angry:
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