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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Oh it's allot of fun! It has interviews with Depp, Rush even a chapter on the nasty-a**ed monkey. A history of the ride out at Disneylad with Walt himself, blowing up the ship... on the set info from three key scenes.... welll worth it for a real fan I guess. Yeah, I'd say worth it lad. :)
  2. All that afore mentioned bilge of his aside...(Say, I thought you were going away for awhile because you couldn't stand me or something....) I have a number you all can call. It has no information now since they are not working yet. No clearence or go ahead has been given. Within the next two months she thinks. And oh yes, since I need to be a big-wig, like I have little else to do, She will take a packet from me for consideration. At the very least it gets you on the top of the pile. Emails me for an address to send your stuff too if you'd like to be included. Oh and doggie... if I wanted to flex any random abilities I'd just make sure she had your site address with your pictures and Pirate name and a full account of how not nice you can be. I've known this *wench* and she likes maturity and good manners. Just grow up. Try to be an adult for a day and see if you can get a job on these pictures.
  3. (chuckle) Extra's girl.... the key word here that was missed before is EXTRA'S.
  4. Ahoy me Lovelys & Buckos, Although I knows who be casting Pirates of the Caribbean 2 & 3... Not altogether right, he knows who would be doing the EXTRAS casting. I can'ts tell ye! & even if'en ye finds out on yer own, don't be botherin' them wit phone, e-mail or snail mail submissions...Er they wills blacklist ye from the movies! Well that's true anyhow.... as you can guess they are overwhelmed. Y et... All hope is not lost! Fer they wills be havin' a "Cattle Call" (that be, an open casting call, they be figurin' out a place ta haves it... So if'en ye knows a place rounds about a 25 mile radius of Hollywood, Calif. that could easily accomadate a few thousand people wit parking available that they can use... Sends me an e-mail if'en ye will). No, don't send it to him they are doing fine on their own. This is NOT an open CASTING CALL. There are NO speaking parts or specialty acts being cast here. If the edicts comes down, they will have in the future a call for EXTRAS. EXTRAS. Not casting. & to All me Good Mateys here ats thee Pub, Thee first words I gets on thee "Cattle Call", I promise I be postin' here fer ye! No need to float your anchors boy and girls... I spoke with the Lady who runs the company (darl'n lass that she is) and she has given me a number a month in advance that will give ALL the information that will be needed when the time comes. Let me know if your interested. And the best part... send me your resume's and head shots as she will be expecting a packet from me for more through scrutiny. In other words, you have an in for a better chance. So, all this over nothing. Words need to be picked over with care.... A casting call is for CASTING, not extra work and when I called production there is indeed NO casting calls needed. No one ever used the term *extras* Step right up ladies and gents! Be the first in line to send your goods. Oh wait. I'd be lying right? Cause I spoke with her??.... NAW!!!!
  5. Okay, enough is enough. I have just been informed on IM that.... I will not call the casting number right now, this moment, as he wants me to because I am stalling for time. I know the woman who runs this agency. Worked with her before. I informed the good dog that I was waiting for her to come into ther office so I caould talk to her about it personaly. I was then told I was doing this so I could come back and tell you all whatever I wanted about the issue, make something up even and all this just to make dog look bad. Like he didn;t know what he was talking about. I have tried to be the adult in this conversation and I think I've handled the stupidity pretty well. This is beyond stupid. You all know me. Would I come back and lie to you about something like this? I'm asking you.... is that who I am? This guy purports to have information on casting. I called production that said there is no open casting. (shrug) Different information. I know the way this agency works. I am willing to bet, not having listened to it yet since I won't be bullied into it... that if she has a listing for it there is no information attached. And, if it's like tha last time she'll tell you do not call, write, prowl or come anywhere near them. That is because thay HAVE NO INFORMATION on the casting being a go. Often they have calls simply for press and while they take info from would be actors they hire no one. I wouldn't want you guys hurt by something like that. So let him send you the number and YOU all listen. Then you'll all know he heard a casting mssage with no information. So, you tell me. Would I lie and make up something just to show this guy up? Oh, that's right... he never did tell me how old he was. Oh by the way .... I am on m'way to a wake. I'd not want the good Capt'n to think I was cowed and hiding in the gunnels someplace. See? I do have other things more important then this. Save m'seat on the sofa mates... the lowly wench will be back.
  6. Okay, let's straighten this out right now. At no time were you called a liar OR was it intimated that you were telling untruths. Never. I pointed out DIFFERNCES in INFORMATION. Nothing more. Pirate gig, persona or chat room... there is nothing more to it then that. You have information and I have information. They are not the same. And really..... no one cares. Well, except maybe the Pirate that holds the popcorn venue right now.
  7. (blows in MacNamara ear and he lets go the bucket o'popped corn..) Here ya go Cap't... most of the butter is still on top.
  8. Well.... at least most of us write with better grammer. "Here's to you and here's to me and here's to life on the rolling sea And if we ever disagree To H*** with you And here's to ME!!"
  9. Hey.... Pass that bucket along mate.... pass it along. (chomp chomp)
  10. Mayhaps all is not done at Disney... but for a Disney film nothing and I mean nothing is done without consent or knowledge. Yes, they are that cheap. And who would know better if a call was planned then the head of casting for the film itself? If an outside company is used, and they often are.... they are still under the direction of the Studio Film company. They do as they are asked to do. And who, I would think, would be able to supply their own location for casting. Any reputable comapny already has this information and wouldn't need to go looking. Most especially if they were involved before. Just like other rumors, they die slow deaths....
  11. Be they silver tongued or no.... I just spoke to the head of casting for Pirates of the Caribbean, here on the Disney lot, in a Disney building, over a Disney phone. I was told there is no open casting planned whatsoever for Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3. None. Old cast members will be returning and speaking and specialty parts are being privately cast. Stand as you will mate. From the head of Pirates casting there is NO open casting call. Are you sure you have the right flick? there is a knock off in the works you know which they are in the process of squelching.
  12. I just spoke to casting.... There will be NO open casting calls at ANY time for Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3. Sorry mates, but it's nothing but another Rumor. There is NO open casting call.
  13. (chuckle) I thought you'd all enjoy that.
  14. Okay mates, we have him. Our favorite Pirate scum who is auctioning off all those *faux* props from POTC has had several of his auctions closed down my Disney Legal. I recieved a post today from them telling me what is happening AND... that in the future I should forward any and all auctions that are seen to be fraudulent to them ASAP so that steps can be taken. I told them that Pyracy Pub has an eye on him and that I would let them know if anything else that was suspect surfaced. So.... keep a weather eye out mates. If you see an auction that you suspect is a fraud, send me the link as soon as you can and I will forward it to legal. Who says Pyrates canna work within the law!!
  15. Who Hoo!! WAY COOL!! Love it, says I!!
  16. Oh no lad..... figures that are MUCH more interesting then those! Let me see what I'm free to share and I'll be back....
  17. Well now, seems that being in the right place at the right time can serve us well! I met a rather rougish and charming lad over last weeks end (at the Make A Wish Pumpkin sale really... ) who just so happens to be the lad that is sculpting the new POTC fugural dolls. Imagine that. He was having a wee bit of trouble getting the pictures he needed so I set him up with a few people and now his life is good! Heh heh.... talked about what figures they are making.... (a bit of eye rolling) I be willing to share I be!
  18. True enough... The Port Royal's were such a hit at the Pumpkin Sale last weeks end that we have already been invited back to entertain and press gang the kids and their entire families at the CBS sponsored, Make A Wish Christmas Party in December. If any of you scallywags are down this way on Tues the 14th... give me a shout! You can sail right on in with us!
  19. oops, Sorry for the double post. :angry: Ahoy! The Make a Wish office down here has called and asked me if THEY can get a DVD as well. (MY!! How word travles!) What say you Quill?
  20. Ahoy! The Make a Wish office down here has called and asked me if THEY can get a DVD as well. (MY!! How word travles!) What say you Quill? :angry:
  21. Oooooooooo.. darl'n boy... you've no idea how well I can *hang on*. I'll be ready!!
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