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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. ROTDLMBAO!!! Coy??? M'self???? (chuckle) Not!!
  2. Not as much fun as hob-nobbing with the likes of you m'lad... It's just a job.
  3. Okay, I just heard from Lee tonight an the shirts are authentic. They were real and truely signed by himself and MacKenzie Buy to your hearts content!
  4. The 3-D was so out of date for the advanced filing they had developed since they made EO that they decided to make something new. As for the Gloved guy, he's off living in Duibe now I think.
  5. I do not share the opinions of those imagineers. I am simply quoting from the book that Jason authored. The imperfections of the ride was there view, not mine. I personally like the Disneyland version far better than the DisneyWorld version. I don't think any entertainment park can stand still. It's an unpleasant fact that new generations may find what was charming to the previous one to be a bit boring to the next. It's the nature of show biz. I know I'm preaching the choir, but I'm a customer. And yes, Disney gets it wrong some times. Epcot is another fine example. It's a shadow of Walt's original concept. So yes, we do agree to disagree. But if nothing ever changed we'd all be heading to Coney Island instead of Disneyland... -- Hurricane Oops, well then perhaps note when it's a quote as it seemed these opinions were yours. No, no Park can stand still and Disneyland has continued to grow. But there is a differnce between growth and changing what is already there to being unrecognizable. Shame on you.... such a Disney afficinado? You ought to know your not a *customer* but a guest. Even guests however,no matter how closely they adore the host are not always keen on knowing just how things have to work and why. Yes, Disney gets it wrong quite often. Some of Team Disney comes to mind at the moment. New generations will find it boring? Well, Main Street, Adventureland, FrontierLand, NO Square even FantasyLand are suppose to be charming and antiquated. Although... I know your thinking of the ride presentations as a whole. Yes indeed, Epcot is a poor shadow of Walts original concept. Just as POTC ride is going to be when they are finished with it unless things adjust in the meantime. Yes, we agree to disagree Even if nothing ever changed from here on out... I still think Disneylands attendance would surpass Coney Island's. We have better fireworks. :)
  6. I don't believe I said anywhere that Walt didn't want change or growth. He did however cherish his own History. That stupid squid from 20,000 leagues hung in the back lot of the park until it fell apart. I'm not adverse to some collectors gaining a boon of something they can treasure. More pwoer to you. I have a few things myself. I am not however required to agree that selling our History right and left is altogther a good thing. I have 35 years working for this company both at the Park and now at the Studios. I love what it all represents and how all that came to be. When you lecture me on the what Walt said your preaching to the choir. I do not share all your views on what is right or wrong with our particular Park. We all have our own delights and that is what makes each Park it's own. Do I think the POTC Ride needs this major an overhaul? Nope. But then, while I enjoyed the movie (and what I've seen of those to come) I'm not overwhemled with a desrie to have it in every aspect of my Disney ride experience. (Shrug) Yes it will all be clean and shiney and new and hopefully, not as bad a decision as having the Pirates chase food plates instead of wenches. Diney has been know to make mistakes. I'm already sure this will be popular becasue it has a built in draw... but there are pleanty of people that feel so much more is just... more. Sorry lad, don't mean to offend. We will have to agree to disagree on this one.
  7. Well, lots of us here are a little sad about it. A few updates are fine, add a figure here and there but to try and make such a major overhaul that changes the entire idea of Walts original vision is in many opinions, very sad. I know folks love to see this stuff go up for auction but the imagineers agree with me; it's abhorrent Once you've sold off your Histoy... it's gone. Believe it or not, Walt was not ALL about money.
  8. I have to say again.... Don't believe everything you read folks.
  9. True, true I did say that and that also 'tis true... the poster is not accurate. However... I don't belive I mentioned VooDoo one way or another (insert evil laught since I have to run!)
  10. (Waving) Hi all... been gone a few weeks. Just to keep those of you who live for going out to the park in the loop, the POTC ride will be closing this March and reopen towards the end of June. Yes, I know what all the upgrades and new installs are and no, I can't tell you. Yet. For you purests who love the ride as it is you better go now or forever hold your peace. Ya gotta wonder what Walt thinks.
  11. Let me talk to Lee Arenberg first as see if this is ligit.
  12. Well... ships that are rented and done up for the films are of course put back the way the were and returned to their owners. Ships built for the films are not really whole ships. Just partial sets on barges with one exception. Hard to say though... they demolished the last ones and sold it for scrap, bits and pieces. This time they may hang onto them... however the large models go to the production company. Jerry Bruckheimer has the Black Pearl from the first movie in his back yard.
  13. Yes, they are awesome theatres. It use to be known as the CINERAMA DOME when it was first built in the 60's. Arclight bought the dome and built new theatres around it as well. The seating in the Dome is old though since it's been declaired historical so... in some seats the leg room can be at a premium. No new, updated seats. Just a historical place to rest yer carcass! Enjoy it. The film is amazing! (I saw it last week) BRING KLEENEX!!
  14. Going to the Arclight??? Very nice theatre. I'm not sure we are attached to King Kong. If I can find out before I leave this afternoon I'll let you know.
  15. Now, m'self... I've always fancied the thought of putting them into a tidy room with the family of the victim. The family well armed of course. Same as was used agin the victim.
  16. Not at all lass, not at all. It's just that I didn't want these souls to think that it WAS Barbossa in that scene when in truth it was not. I didn't want TOO much dissapointment come next July. Me? Delight in imparting misery?? (Swoon) Oh! How COULD you?? And to think I was on the verge of telling them that it was really.....
  17. Uh... they are making more then one movie remember. Back to back.
  18. One thing I can share however... and I'd feel badly if everyone went on thinking it was so: Barbossa is not in that trailer. So sorry Charity... Please trust me, that is someone else.
  19. (chuckle) (Ahem) I know something you don't know!! La la la la la la!!!
  20. (With a wry smile to my friends...) Now mates. what else would it be now?? "The Sea Witch" After all, you go with what you know!
  21. So is 7 your lucky number or unlucky? Well... you can hardley see the scar. And 7 was NEVER my lucky number!
  22. (chuckle) You HAVE too Sweetie-Petee
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