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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Hmm... lets see if this works. Here be Barnacle Phoebe and what a Pirate! (she stole my heart) Just over a year old an already over 100 lbs!
  2. (chuckle) Oh good for you Mad Eye... It never occurred to me that you wouldn't.
  3. Let me be clear please, I was trying to make sure no one thought that a fine entertainer ( and human being) such as Cascabel was an herb plant. I am making no personal comment on the film's quality or it's genre.
  4. Um ... are these porn movies? I had no idea what "Cascabel" was, so I googled it. Now, I'm just confused, as it apparently refers to a type of chili pepper. Did you perhaps mean "Cabbalah"? Cheers, Hester No Hester.... Cascabel is an AMAZING Pirate re enactor that does gigs all over the country. He was at this last Ojai Faire and we had the honor of having him on our Stage at Port of New Providence. Just ask Ace of Harbor Bay... He's a wonderful orator and black powder guy and once you've seen him perform in all his splendor you never forget him! I'm not sure what his gig is with this production... but he can only raise it up to a higher quality. He really is something to watch!
  5. Oh yeah.... it's still there. Gotta love it!
  6. Morning, Well, it would really render the *Mark Twain* steam boat obsolete… The Columbia however would fit right in. Okay, while it’s being decried as a rumor the truth is it was and is something they are considering but it is far, FAR from a done deal. Too much expense, back lash from Baby Boomers, not fully planned out even now… however they do see those dollar signs being dangled in front of them. Turning TSI into a Pirate Island would be lucrative and keep the interest going long after the movies are spent. Or…. are they??
  7. I'll go and see what I can find out about this tomorrow at our weekly meeting. I've heard the rumbling but never gave it any credit for being legit. Sounds to stupid to me but then again... when the dollar squeeks around here.... I'll let you know when I can.
  8. This thread is just getting a bump up. Tia Dalma will be back in port sometime near the end of the week and should be back to posting next week. Fault is not her own... blame the fool that blew up an FX rig too early and put everyone behind schedule.
  9. Well.... no, Rumba. As usual that's just an ugly rumor being spread by nay-sayers and journalists with nothing better to do but distort comments by others. Ace of Harbor Bay saw the picture proof upon me walls he did. We KNOW why the rum is gone right mate?!!
  10. We here at Disney.... have another theory about why the rum is always gone. Isn't that right Ace????
  11. Oh ho!!... the pleasure was ALL mine m'lad.... I'm so happy you all could take that extra day and drive down to the studio lot. Your family is so precious and I enjoyed every minute of it! After the next movie comes out... you'll have to share your little *I know something you don't know!* secret with the rest of the Pub. I enjoyed the day so much and you and you're clan ( and CowBoy of course...) are always welcome on the Disney doorsteps.
  12. I had Iron Bess do it for me. ROTBDLMAO!!!!!!!
  13. At 9am: From Patch, member of PRP: I just heard the weather bookies calling for 45 MPH Santa Ana Winds, gusting to 60 MPH, on Saturday. If this turns out to be true, we're screwed. I suggest a "Bug-out" plan be formulated, and a means of determining when to start it. While our main fear is the fire itself, the practical problem will be Hwy 33 choked with evacuees and fire crews. It might mean that those of us who motel it in Ventura, might not be allowed in on Sunday.
  14. Again.... don't believe everything you read. AND.... as tired as I am of being told I'm not being honest with people about this, when and if it comes to pass, I do NOT want folks stepping up, pointing a finger in my face and saying *Ha! I knew you where lying when you said he wasn't in it!* Keeping what I know secure, that.... is my JOB. Folks, I know more about these movies then you can imagine. Then you would want to imagine and most of you do a pretty good job let me tell you. I CANNOT SHARE THINGS no matter how badly I may want to tell you or how badly you want to hear them. And even when I can share something, if it's not what you want to hear you don't believe it anyhow. So... if Richards steps on screen looking terrific in POTC 3 you will or won't be surpised.... but I already know and not telling anyone does not make me a liar, thank you very much. Can you tell I've been lambasted from the side on this? (sigh) It really IS just a movie mates.
  15. UPDATE AS OF THIS MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! READ!!! This highway information is the latest reported as of Friday, September 22, 2006 at 06:56am . SR 33 [LOS ANGELES & VENTURA CO.'S] IS CLOSED FROM OJAI (VENTURA CO) TO 9 MI SOUTH OF THE VENTURA/SANTA BARBARA CO LINE - DUE TO A GRASS FIRE - MOTORISTS ARE ADVISED TO USE AN ALTERNATE ROUTE [CENTRAL COAST] NO TRAFFIC RESTRICTIONS ARE REPORTED FOR THIS AREA. [sOUTH CENTRAL CALIFORNIA] IS CLOSED AT THE JCT OF SR 166 /IN MARICOPA/ (KERN CO) - DUE TO A BRUSH FIRE - A DETOUR IS AVAILABLE [CENTRAL CALIFORNIA] NO TRAFFIC RESTRICTIONS ARE REPORTED FOR THIS AREA. i strongly suggest anyone coming to Ojai call Cal Trans 800-427-7623. Day fire according to KTLA @ 7:07 am - flames are only 10 miles from Ojai - last nights town meeting residents were told to get ready to get out of here fast. the fire cheif (who lives on Ojai) told everyone to prepare. pack your valuables, pack your animals, pack your cars, get ready to get out.
  16. Well... we do what we can for our mates. AND... our mates crew!!
  17. Ye earn it lad.... Ye earn it with posts and contributions. Now then, contribute to me tankard and that'll be a fine start. Welcome to the crew... laddie.
  18. In honour of INTERNATIONAL TALK LIKE APIRATE DAY... The Top Ten Pickup Lines for the Lady Pirates By popular demand ... 10. What are YOU doing here? 9. Is that a belayin' pin in yer britches, or are ye ... (this one is never completed) 8. Come show me how ye bury yer treasure, lad! 7. So, tell me, why do they call ye, "Cap'n Feathersword?" 6. That's quite a cutlass ye got thar, what ye need is a good scabbard! 5. Aye, I guarantee ye, I've had a twenty percent decrease in me "lice ratio!" 4. I've crushed seventeen men's skulls between me thighs! 3. C'mon, lad, shiver me timbers! 2. RAMMING SPEED! ...and the number one Female Pirate Pick-up Line: 1. You. Pants Off. Now!
  19. And the big day has arrived!! May it be the best and most fun filled TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY you've ever had! I know that was not in Pirate speak.... but I'm saving it all up for later.
  20. Although.... the prediction is for the Santa Ana's to kick up again with a vengence come this Thusday, back in the direction of the camp sites. I believe this is a wait and see game now. It's going to depend on what happens day to day. (sigh) We'll all hope for the best.
  21. As of yet there has been no notice of the Faire being canceled. We are yet the better part of a week away .... no need to be worry'n yet.
  22. Port of New Providence requested being next to PRP.... just a matter of ease really. We can do all our gigs and still help out at both encampments.
  23. Aye, 'tis a fun game with more playing. And watching the others try and keep to their seats when they know you have them... waiting for you to call them a liar is such a hoot! Plays it in the Pirate encampment we do... with the squalling heard all over the Faires. Can be had on eBay if you search around for a good price that includes shipping for under $25. I like the Disney version becasue of the cups and the barnacles all over them. (Shrug) So sue me.... I'm easily entertained.
  24. Wonderous!! I'll find you and your shack fer sure.... and when time permits you must come to the Port Of New Providence Entertainment Encampment. Come sit a spell..... It'll be good to see you lad AND the Wifey!.
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