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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. May the day be great!! (Sorry, gotta run!... be back later!)
  2. Yeah... she's turning out to be quite the Pirate!
  3. Naw, she's made no demands. Couldn't care less really. She was sleeping peacfully last night on her rug and passing gas just like any other night
  4. ROTDLMAO!! Cascabel, I adore you!
  5. Oh she has a St Patrick rigg.... SItting next to a bottle of Bushmills. Anyway, around here they have decided to call next Weds * PhoebNN* Day. I tell ya that dog is the biggest ham.
  6. Well done!!! I feel better already not being the only Pirate with a hat the size of Rhode Island! Great work lass, you'll be a hit I know
  7. Stynky has been running with some of us from PRP out at Disneyland lately.... I'll let him know about your quest mates.
  8. My guess is it's becasue it's Easter week.... and that look is a little... Eastery I guess.
  9. Yep, link worked grand.... A lovely family! And another* Phoebe * on board!
  10. Alright all you proud Pirate mates, Uncles and Aunts.... I just got a call from CNN in New York. They spotted the Picture of Pirate Phoebe in her *Gacky* Easter Bunny Ears..... (just like her Uncle Adam said would happen) and are going to have her on the front page of thier *Off Beat* section on the CNN News Web Site next Weds. : ) Stop off and have a look at our Pirate girl next week as it's like may never come again! Yeah, it's a dogs life alright : D
  11. We are icons of decency! ROTBDLMAO!!!! Wow... now THERE is a concept! (I sense fun brewing at Ojai!)
  12. (Ahem...) Why, decency is our middle names, right Jill? Jill??.....
  13. I'M THE ONE WITH THE CANE!! (It's a sword cane too!)
  14. I'd like to think this will be me in another 30 years.....
  15. I was careful.... Like I said... too late.
  16. (Hoisting the Diet Coke...) Grand day to ye lad!
  17. TOO LATE!!! Oh wait.... that was a secret, wasn't it........
  18. Well... LORE is this coming Weekend. While I m'self will only be teaching on Saturday, I hopes to see SOME of you there! : ) Stop by the Bodhran class (I'm teaching) or the Hornpipe class (I'm drumming for the dancers) and say Hi! Just as an aside... I will NOT be in full Pirate Rigg as I have plans for afterwards And coming in costume is not mandatory... many, many folks come in civies that are *themed* of course Hope to meet a few of you.
  19. Oh-ho.... SWEET!!! Will that sleeve get too hot in the summer months? Not at the beaches I suppose..... Very nice!
  20. Yes indeedy... ya can't 'ave her at any price!
  21. Blessings all around!! Well done yourselves!!
  22. Why both of course... Like Uncle like Niece
  23. What?? Who? Moi????? Beckett?? Phoebe!! They called yer Mum a Beckett!! (Yeah, that's kinda my take on it too...)
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