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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. Yo, Patrick, found this on the web: thought ye might like it iffen ye ahdn't seen it afore. Dang, a double tap. Look at the knife holder that he has. That's two i've seen like it, both attributed to the boucaniers.
  2. Yo, Patrick, found this on the web:
  3. Ye an' yer Cornholier-than-thou attitude... I like yer art, just wish I had th' swag ta drive the price up fer ye.
  4. Studied katana for a number of years, and I find that it translates well to close-quarter cutlass work. Very hard to find anyone to play with, so I will have to teach my wife while I wait fer me powder monkey ta get old enough.
  5. Give tha' lass a round fer steppin' back in an' crossin' blydes wi' GoF. Excellent defence an' riposte. Mind you, I agree wi' GoF about the one-post sales pitch in the main, but ye came back ta check up on yer post an' responded ta the comments, which is more than most do. An' if ye need any help costumin' up fer the juniors, this be the place an' we be the pyrates ta be helpin ye wi' yer choices.
  6. No problem, Mate. Will ye be havin' a firing range so we can all try out yer other wares?
  7. Here be one tha'll fit on yer belt: From the site Possibles Shop At $19.95, what 'ave ye ta lose?
  8. I was worried. I thought mayhap Patrick had gotten too much rhum, or not enough rhum, or the rhum had gone bad or maybe he had taken one step too far in his quest for buccaneer authenticity and had replaced his keyboard with one using materials available in ye 17th century...
  9. Not fair, Royaliste, not fair at all...
  10. Aye, an' we all be takin' a shine ta "Art Films" fer the "art"...
  11. That be a lot of work fer our dear, underpaid Moderators...
  12. No need 'ere, Mate, I got tha' thing on me "favorites" list...Now I need a good etchin' of me own handsome features an' I'll be settin' down me mark, too. Bye the way, shouldna' we be usin' an X ta mark the spots? An' tha' ain't no Bud Light, neither...that there appears ta be Guinness!
  13. So, Laddy, what is it that ye be plannin' ta launch from this 'ere weapon? 'Ave ye some plans fer grenades? An Idea that I've had fer some time is to create "cannon balls" from thick paper mache, stuff 'em with flour an' center made out of a small explosive charge, such as an M-80, and launchin' em with a cannon. Point 'em high enough an' it flies downrange an goes "poof" in midair. Sort of a cannon-launched mortar shell, such as one fires on Independance Day.
  14. Thank'e to the fair wench! I needed some wider ribbon fer me next attempt. I want a hat other than black, maybe grey or brown.
  15. Aye, they be the same etchin's as supplied by tha' NASA feller.
  16. I an me crew (alright, just me family) will be thar. I never pass up a chance to knock out a Nun. What's that? Do ye mean ta say tha' I don't get ta do the deed meself? Well then, by thunder, I'll cheer on the stout-hearted Pyrate that does.
  17. Mick has graciously allowed me to post my hat work on this thread as well…perhaps this will become the hat methods thread so that you can turn this: Into this: I followed the same basic steps as did Mick: 1) Cleaned up the edges… 2) “Steamed the brim so I could bend it just enough to tack it in place with thread without creasing the brim. This is some heavy duty felt.” I used boiling water on the kitchen counter top. 3) “Steamed some more to get the basic shape I wanted.” More boiling water… 3b) Still more boiling water… 3c) You get the picture… 4) Waterproofed using SnoSeal and a hair dryer…Just experimenting, I haven’t taken it out in a downpour yet… 5) Permanently tacked sides in place. 6) Hand stitched cross grain ribbon to finish the brim. Note the pleats. Got that idea from a web site: Steven Sandford 8) Fit to my head by steaming the inside of the hat over a pot (turn the gas off when the water boils if using gas) and subsequently the outside of my head. If you plan to wear a scarf, steam with scarf in place. Wear it around the house and scare the hell out of the UPS guy, opening up the package from Loyalist Arms while he is still there (timing is everything). The blank that I used is the $27.50 "Heavy Wool Felt Hat Blank." If I was going to screw this up, I didn't want to be out $65-$95. Things to do different: 1) Use a wider crossgrain ribbon 2) Loosen up on the tension on the ribbon to let it "blouse" a little 3) Plan on a liner for the inside, and have it made up before the final "head fitting"
  18. Outside of the ring, only five instances. But one was against five opponents in the parking lot of an arena hosting a tournament. Does that make it nine? Inside the ring, semi-pro/pro: 187 (lots of tournaments) Amateur: 300+ (all tournaments) Let's just say that I had issues following a really messy divorce: lots of innocent/ignorant guys took a beating that I should have given to someone else. After about seven years of almost continual combat, I woke up one day and didn’t like myself. Quit the tournament scene that day. Burned/melted all of the swag garnered from the tourneys. Pitched what was left into the Gulf of Mexico; fine great lump of pot-metal it was, too. Since then, I have only been in one fracas, when I got sucker-punched while managing a restaurant by a whacked-out grouper fisherman. My newly developed self control shattered, but the fellow was restrained before I could cut loose. Lucky guy; really lucky guy… The only scar that I have from all of my fight years is the cut under my left eye given to me by that fisherman, the only guy I didn’t hit back.
  19. Nice, but for Nine Thousand Dollars? For that sort of plunder I be wantin' provenance, an' tha' chest had best belong to someone mighty damn famous. However, I may have a welder that owes me a favor, so that design might be a good starting place...interesting...
  20. Hey thar me hearties, they be changin' the fonts (mostly), Check em out ag'in.
  21. Cap'n Jim 'ere...all's well...Lost one shingle (a single shingle) and some aluminum soffit...Sustained winds of 80-85 mph, some up in the 110 range. Still and all, nothing like last year. And now, for your amusement, a link to all of the stuff that has happened of note in the last two years of hurricane activity... Herald Tribune It's highly interactive, so just keep looking for things to click.
  22. Here be one from Loyalist Arms (http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/mainpage.html) tha' looks just like Will's, that is, when Wills's is curved...watch the movie closely an' ye'll see it go from curved to straight and back again. Cut off the bows an' it looks like Jack's. Ye'll have ta blacken the brass though...six months at sea aughta 'bout do it...
  23. Quick story: this one made the Darwin Awards as an honorable mention (he didn't die) Some guys (its always some guys) sitting out in the back yard drinking beer and shooting pistols at cans, bottles, whatever. A raccoon strolls accross the field of fire and everybody opens up on the critter (after all, he asked for it). All the fine marksmen miss and the raccoon scurries down a culvert. To flush the critter back out, the assembled geniuses pour gasoline into the culvert. Still no critter. One intrepid (read "really stupid") member of the party crawls in after the departing raccoon, but cannot find him...its too dark...so, he flicks his Bic lighter and Report says it blew him right over the house. Broke a few things but he lived to possibly "contribute" to the shallow end of the gene pool. The raccoon escaped out the other end of the culvert.
  24. King's Pirate, do ye be a Gator Alumni?
  25. Roman, Billy Bones, be lookin fer me flag at the Southernmost Hotel.
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