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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. Aye, that be fine wi' me. An' thankee kindly.
  2. Well I do plans ta frequent this 'ere establishment a bit more. Seems a right good place. Gotta' go back ta haulin' lines an' braces fer the fella who pays me. Be seei'n ye later fer dinner an' another Guinness. *Jim drops silver on the table, gathers up his hat and sword and departs the TK...*
  3. Nae, no' much spills iffen the champagne be cold. Do tha' wi a warm bottle an' yer askin' fer an explosion.
  4. Foxe, I 'ope ye don' mind me steppin' in 'ere, but me and th' missus, Blackwater, are just startin' ta let out our inner pyrates an' be in need o' a self-intructin' treatise such as the ones ye be mentionin'. While it may not be wise ta teach one's wife swordplay, I'm prepared ta risk it. I be an old hand wi' a Katana an' wakizashi, but I be new ta this 'ere Eroupean-style bladework. Could ye e-mail them word files my way?
  5. Aye, an it really works well on tha' French bubbly stuff, only it takes the top o' the bottle off, too.
  6. I'll be *munch...* seein' ye *snorfle..slurp...* later Ciaran *Munch...*
  7. Aye, nae a problem lass... *Captain Jim pulls out his cutlass an in one smoothe stroke catches the cap and send it flying...* Blackwater will na' let me use me pistols ta open them bottles anymore...says its hard on the woodwork... *Takes a long pull on the Guinness...* Now tha's what we needed...an' thankee fer his 'ere Sandwich, too. Looks good.
  8. Well, now, I've lingered over this 'ere cup o' java long enough ta take us inta the lunchin' hours. Hows about one o' those new-fangled things, sort of a stack o' some sorta' meat between some slices o' bread. I hear tha the Earl o' Sandwich likes these when 'e's out fox huntin'. An' a big frosty pint o Guinness, if ye please.
  9. *Captain Jim drags in off the street, looking a bit dazed and confused...* Are ye in 'ere Mercenary? I'll be takin a large coffee, iffen ye 'ave some. An what's on the breakfast menu today?
  10. Shin splints... Owww!
  11. Keep us posted 'ere Captain, an' I'll surely meet up wi' ye iffen ye stop anywhere from the westernmost bit o' Florida up ta the Carolines. O' course Tampa Bay would be kinda' ideal...
  12. Fair winds mate! Will ye ever turn th' corner an' prowl up th' east coast? Or jes' the west coast o' Florida?
  13. An' ye said ye couldna' speak French. I'll be 'avin' a piece o' tha' quiche, an' a big tankard o' coffee wi' Kahlua fer me afternoon snack.
  14. We, sir, 'ave an accord. 'Tis on it's way.
  15. I got "Iron Sam Flint" "A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you a tough person. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr! " I'll be stickin' wi' me real name: Lord James Warren, Sir Osis of Liver, Order of the Sleepless Knights. Or ye c'n call me Captain Jim or just Jim, as I be temporarily wi'out a ship. Just call me when th' rhum be flowin'
  16. Good morrow ,Master Red Wake. Pray tell, who is it that be doin' yer graphic work? 'Tis marvelous fine, no jagged edges an' all. I 'ave a flag in two versions, one wi' a 1816 navy cutlass (see me avatar), and the same flag wi' a Jack Rackham style blade. Now I needs ta know how ta make 'em look as smoothe as yers. Any hints 'r suggestions'l earn ye a great flaggon o' rhum, both 'ere in th, Pub an' maybe down Key West way.
  17. 'Ave ye tried searcin' under "polearms" and "Spontoon" mate? Thar be too much ta list under those 'eadin's.
  18. Greek Fire (ancient Seige weapon)
  19. Aye, an' there' ye 'ave it. When ye 'ave a ship an' th' sea, thar be little tyme fer other romances. Well...occasionally...
  20. William, I'll take a goslin' fer dessert, an' send it ta tha' wee cove on the upper end o' tha' island. I've a sloop tha' will be anchored there.
  21. Aye, good point...never make the ship's cook angry...Or the innkeeper iffen ye e'er be wantin' ta come back.
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