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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. Chin up, mate. There be pyrates waitin' fer yer goods. Get up an runnin' an' we will come. I swears it.
  2. Oh, so have you voted in Florida, too?
  3. What were ye looking for, a "hanger?" Sorry, just couldn't resist...
  4. "Because I do it with one small ship, I am called a terrorist. You do it with a whole fleet and are called an emperor." ~A pirate, from St. Augustine's "City of God" "Terrorism is the war of the poor, and war is the terrorism of the rich." ~Sir Peter Ustinov "We all have to be concerned about terrorism, but you will never end terrorism by terrorizing others." ~Martin Luther King III Just some thoughts to make ye think...
  5. Hey, I'm pretty sure I clicked Living Historian, but it seems to have registered as re-enactor...Did you run Florida voting in 2000?
  6. Tough one, but I think that living historian includes/requires elements of all of the other choices. Separating one from the other in a clear-cut fashion is, in my not-so-humble opinion, quite impossible.
  7. One man's patriot, another man's terrorist. Very few truly evil people out there, most just caught up in one misunderstanding after another.
  8. God help us all iffen ye start postin' pictures o' things ye be findin' in yer "drawers".... Different thread, mate...way different...
  9. An another...That be me thar in tha blue coat...
  10. Here be a chest tha a good ship's carpenter could be able ta make easy like...an' don' be droolin o'er tha thar Pyrate Rummy...
  11. Thar be a joke about Pyrate Sheep in there somewhere, but I can't find it...
  12. Hurricane, me lad, I do begin ta be worried about ye....
  13. 'Tis high tyme we be formin' up a boardin' party...so many tall ships, who do ye think will miss one?
  14. Tha' Ojai must ha' been a mighty fyne gam fer there ta be so many more west coast Pyrates ta be signin on. Welcomes to another one. I'll be 'avin a Guinness iffen ye please.
  15. Brilliant…appreciated…necessary…Just the sort of thing that this particular forum should be used for. Bravo. And I’m off to get my linen…little Pyrate homemaker, that’s me.
  16. Off Topic Observation!!! And that would put marsupials up on top, as they come standard with pockets (think Kangaroo.) Personally I like to think of myself as higher up than an oppossum, but then I see some of the behavior of my fellow humanoids and I do wonder...
  17. Aye, 'tis. Aw bloody 'ell, leave all us scalywags admit it: thar be not one thing wrong in that scene...huntin'...fyne woman...fyne gun...fyne clothes...
  18. For one who obviously has wealth, you think that she could have afforded a left-handed gun...some look at clothes I look at the guns. The outfit is beautiful, though.
  19. Rummy...lookin fer a treasure chest...Nae, I canna' do it...it's just too obvious...
  20. We be 'avin' a new school 'ere, Braden River High...The Pirates they be callin' theirselves...mayhap I should go teach Pyratin' thar...teach them football players a thing or two about plunderin' th' other team...
  21. That pistol. I have no words.
  22. Afraid not, Harbormaster...Look at the heels. Cavalry boots, the ones most often associated with tall boots in this time frame, would have had tall heels to keep them from slipping through the stirrup. The same kind of heel can be seen on authentic western "cowboy" boots from the western expansion for the same reason. Now those boots in the picture you posted would be better if they were turned up again, but still need a tall heel to be authentic...and nice knees, by the way...
  23. I've an idea: First person to the Reenactment/Pyrate Fest/RenFaire in period correct bucket boots gets to represent that one hypothetical character amongst all known and unknown pyrates. All others must be either barefoot or in period buckle shoes. I hereby volunteer to be the guard at the gate, the official shoe checker, as it were, and I will be wearing a set of period correct bucket boots so the rest of you bucket boot fans are out of luck...Arrr!
  24. Cascabel here, stirring the pot a bit just for fun..... They ALSO appear to be wearing sashes, big black hats, and huge cuffs on their coats, OH MY !!!!!! (Try to ignore the spurs visible on the boots) >>>>>> Cascabel I didn't want to hit 'em with all that at one time but...
  25. So, I'm told that Jack's pistol is an antique and that it is one of a pair, one of which is missing...so I'll ask you "Can you ship me the missing pistol?" Just jesting. Really. Could you? Someone stop me... Pyrate!
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