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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. Aye, thats the spirit! We plan on going (meself, Blackwater Patti and our little powder monkey, Morgan, who will be five by then) and maybe camping next year. If we don't camp we plan to rent a house for the week: it can be cheaper than a hotel room, especially if you cook at the house (no restaurant prices.)
  2. Very good Patrick, 'e's got character that Py-rat does...
  3. I do like people with money...Try these: http://www.auctionarms.com/ they sometimes have cannon http://www.cannon-mania.com/ http://www.wildimports.com/default.htm Brass Cannon http://www.gunbroker.com/home.asp?src=14 Another auction house. http://www.dragg.net/users/steencannons/index.htm http://www.steinermachine.com/index.htm http://store.yahoo.com/landfallnav/bronzecannon.html http://www.hatchergun.com/blkpwdrcannon.htm http://bronzecannon.com/black_powder_cannons.htm http://www.dicannonworks.com/carriages.htm http://www.specialtymile.com/southbendreplicas/ Ther are others. Also, PM Cascabel and find out how to contact the guy with the cannons in Key West, Lawrence.
  4. Be thar a place for cannon fire demonstrations? I may not have the rig built by then, but mayhap I will...in either case, sounds like fun, although a bit far from the sea fer my tastes. An' tha' begs a new question...would the reunion change venue year to year, basing itself in various established pyrate festivities? Sould we, in true pyratical tradition, vote on that provision? Or would that tend to be divisive, setting the east coast vs the west? Just rambling here, but these questions will come up in any "family" reunion talks...best to handle them up front.
  5. I ran accross the usage of "Filibuster" in the context of pyracy and, being of curious nature, looked up the etymology, to wit: fil•i•bus•ter (fĭl'ə-bŭs'tər) n. 1. a. The use of obstructionist tactics, especially prolonged speechmaking, for the purpose of delaying legislative action. b. An instance of the use of this delaying tactic. 2. An adventurer who engages in a private military action in a foreign country. v., -tered, -ter•ing, -ters. v.intr. 1. To use obstructionist tactics in a legislative body. 2. To take part in a private military action in a foreign country. v.tr. To use a filibuster against (a legislative measure, for example). [From Spanish filibustero, freebooter, from French flibustier, from Dutch vrijbuiter, pirate. See freebooter.] So it would seem that pyracy lends us a word for political wrangling by pirating the floor debate. Others (ignoring various spellings): Filibuster Pirate Corsair Freebooter Buccaneer Privateer (in the eyes of the enemy) Rover (used on land as well) Picaroon Sea Dog Sea Robber Sea Rover Sea Wolf Mind you, these are only the English words. Picaroon, for example, is rooted in the Spanish "Picaron" Anyone else care to contribute? Just quote the list and add to it..
  6. Holy cats, Hurricane. Ye can surely whip up a tempest with even the simplest of posts. Mind you, I agree with all fo the others 'ere. To live in the south, have a verandah and not have a rockin' chair in which to enjoy one's mint juleps and tell lies after the quail hunt would be uncivilized. On the other hand, Lady Seahawke's suggested usage isn't so bad either, although that chair has far too many pointy parts on it. OUCH! I also agree with Pearl, too gaudy for me but a fine bit o' work nonetheless.
  7. Nae, lad. Put a man in kilts up on a wire an' 'is "dragoons" wouldna' stay hidden...different sorta movie...different weapons...
  8. Found this while browsing for something else. They can be found at Fantasy Steel Enjoy
  9. Biologist here. Wildlife ecology the specialty. I am working for a consulting firm that helps developers with permitting new development and monitoring said developers to see if they are adhering to the provisions of the permits. It's like playing both sides of the ball, offence and defense. Mostly I get to go out in the field and roam around untouched areas of Florida, evaluate what is there, cordon off/measure the wetlands, survey for endangered species. Then I get to come back to the site after it is "developed" (read: destroyed) to make sure that the water flowing off the site isn't dirty. Then I write long reports that no one ever reads describing how responsible the developer is. I have simply got to quit this job. I think teaching science is next. They have a High school here, the Braden River Pirates. Sounds like a fit to me.
  10. I second the reccomendation of "The Duellists". Kieth Carradine and Harvey Keitel, Ridley Scott.
  11. Aye, it were. He also would use a sling shot (a wrist rocket, for those of you of a certain age) to fire M-80's accross the bows of boats that refused to yeild. Even after he reduced a $3000 spinnaker to rags (errant shot) he refused to give up the habit. I can only hope that I will be remembered as the sort of scallywag that he was.
  12. I grew up in the Land of Flowers (that be Florida to ye dock-wallopin' land lubbers). Thar be Pyrate tales about each an' ev'ry one o' these 'ere islands. I grew up on the water, open water just out my back door, my first command a' Optimist pram, eight feet an' no guns, but she taught me t' sail an' t' respect th' sea. Years went by an' the boy got bigger, th' boats got bigger, an' rules began t' apply. Then I met Dr. Payne. A little leprechaun of a man, but a pyrate to be sure. We would sail in the Yacht Club regattas, but never won one, always disqualified fer raidin' other boats under sail, during the races in order t' steal more beer and often fair wenches. We became a' accepted course hazard, complete with time allowance. Later I moved away from the sea; a woman don't ye know. Ended up in Kentucky. Moved back, left th' wench there. Where am I goin' wi this? Oh, yes, Pyracy... Mix equal parts tropical upbringing, history knowledge, sword skills (karate), love of sailing and the sea, black powder, a need t' do some history reenacting but a disdain fer higher command tellin' me when t' shoot and ye get a Pyrate. Simple, ain't it?
  13. This is just what I did on my waistcoat and long coat, mixing various sizes and styles of brass and pewter buttons, as well as leaving a few missing to simulate wear. It surely enhances tha "patina of age" that began with a stint in the sun followed by distressing and tea staining (simultaneously) in a cement mixer.
  14. Patrick,I find that when I first light up my fireplaces downstairs, it helps to "prime the pump" by placing something on top of your initial fire lay that burns hot and fast. Sort of like putting tinder on top as well as on bottom. This seems to give an initial charge of hot air up the chimney and that hot air draws the rest up after it. Works for me anyway, and the downstairs chimneys are about thirty feet tall, so it takes a little push to drive the colder initial air up.
  15. I second Hurricane on this one. Furthermore, Jack Sparrow doesn't need to use a genuine, historically known flag, but the creators of Jack's (or anyone else's) signature flag should pay attention to historc flag elements and the fact that they were meant to be seen as a signature, a warning and a command at a distance, meaning that the elements must be simple, large, bold and unambiguous. A pyrate flag should convey a simple message, such as "I am the dread Pyrate Roberts. Give up or die." Sorry, couldn't resist.
  16. I believe that skill is a prerequisite for the skill called "walking the plank."
  17. So, lad be sharin'...whar did ye be findin' that thar buckle? Not tha' I be wantin' one, I want ta see iffen they offer anything else. I suppose me question ta th' group be: whar can I find large ornate buckles of various designs?
  18. Thanks Maggie.
  19. I've been keeping up with the ones on Piratefair.com, anything from this weekend?
  20. I had fully intended ta be lookin' ye up, but well, see me earlier post. Did ye record any etchin's (that be digital images fer you lubberly types) ta be sharin' wi' us house-construction-bound Pyrates?
  21. I'll be 'avin' the shore batteries warmed up ta be greetin' ye then... Not really lad, ye be one o' our own! 'Twould be an honor ta make yer aquaintance at PiP. See ye thar...
  22. Blast ye an' all o' ye California Pyrates! Here I be in the heat o' pyrate country, an I 'ave four, maybe five pyrate outings all year. Mind you that we 'ave the big one, Pyrates in Paradise...
  23. I don't change all that much. Perhaps too much practice. I often find other people more pleasant though. Is it that they are more pleasant, or that my perception changes? Need more research...
  24. Captain Mac, ye must be usin' hardwood fer yer blocks. Any ol' salt can see that ye be usin' pine. If yer gonna spend so much time, use real wood. Just me two penny's worth.
  25. Alas, I shall not attend this 'ere gatherin' even if it be in me own backyard. SWiMBO (She who must be obeyed, AKA Blzckwater Patti) has decreed that I will be layin' deck lumber in the new house instead. See y'all at PiP.
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