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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. William, can you post a link to a site verifying this as a Nationally recognized day of celebration? Not that I really need such an excuse, I just can't find a reference to give to my boss so I can leave work early.
  2. You mean...you're not a real Pyrate? I'm...I'm...crushed. Next you'll be telling me that Cascabel isn't a real Pyrate either...
  3. Amanjiria, Here is a link to an old thread about hat blanks you might find usefull. New Tricorne
  4. No, I'll be heading south for Lee Island Pirate Days. It is their second annual, a benefit for Make-a-Wish. See their website. Lee Island Pirate Days
  5. Huzzah!! Now if only th' wench would let go o' th' purse strings....
  6. 'Tis proof positive that there is hope left in the world when grown men cry at the passing of old dogs. 'Ere's to you an' yer dog mate.
  7. Me an' me mate Blackwater Patti... Its good to be the Pyrate... Never follow Cascabel in a photo group...He is the pyrate.
  8. Do ye not know that you will be passing by a Pyrate gathering on yer way? http://www.leepiratefest.com/ I will be there on both days with me powder monkey, an' maybe me wench. If it's not too late to change yer plans, that is. Perhaps the Pub Crawl on Friday as well?
  9. Pyrates singing....So who wants to take charge of putting together a list of songs? And how about a common/compiled CD that we could use to practice the same arrangements in our land craft (cars) for the next seven months? Mind you, I am aware of media piracy laws (Oh! The irony), but isn't there a way around that for amature use? William, feats of strenth and high climbing=invitation for liability insurance being cancelled. Heather, I think that Pyrate ships would fit right in. Several of the vendors were selling high-end pyrate gear (Capt Jack's Pirate Hats, for one) and rumor is that they did very well. Bring along a selection for display and sell for delivery later. Does anyone know where we can get a supply of metal (not plastic) coins to hand out? Cascabel has about the best treasure coin that I have seen, but they are no longer available. Kids love these things. I am looking for something that costs about 10-25 cents apeice at most. Perhaps the organizers of the event could create and supply a commemorative coin for us all to hand (not throw indiscriminately) to the patrons.
  10. Have ye got about a month of time to spend there? Key west alone is worth about a week. To start. First thing: Park yer car. Rent a bicycle if you're resonably fit or a scooter if you're not. You will see more and be closer to the island and it's people if you park the big iron. On the Pyratical vein, start with Mel Fisher's museum and Croce's Pirate Soul museum as well. Also, go by Fort Taylor to select your camping spot for PiP (http://www.piratesinparadise.com/) If ye are o' drinkin age, two not-to-miss spots are Captain Tony's (site of the original Sloppy Joe's) and of course the new Sloppy's. Lots of shops. Lots of restaurants, too. Tip well: it's a small island and the waiter you stiff in a restaurant may end up sitting next to you in a pub. Go sailing on one of the tall ships/schooners. Only the Wolf has cannon (last I heard). Most of the ships will have cannon and pyrates during PiP. Fishing and snorkeling. You could do this in the Keys for the rest of your life and see something new every day. Go with a guide service. Seems expensive, but it's not like you actually get to do this every day, and they know the best places. Tip well. (There is a theme developing.) There is history around every corner here. Take a little time to learn and apreciate it. Also remember that you are surrounded by the Gulf and Atlantic. Most of the things to do involve the water or the history of the water. Lastly, be absolutely sure you want to do this. The place is intoxicating and addictive, and you may not come back the same. If you ever come back at all.
  11. I was hoping to camp this coming event but it looks like I will be in a hotel again. My concern is with the locked gates: those of us who would like to hang out for a while at camp after closing before toddling off to bed cannot get in or out. Is there a way around this?
  12. For a closer look at her, ah...Hat, right click on the picture, select "properties" copy the url and paste in the address bar. Then, change the number just before the .jpg in the address. It begins at "01", but I do not know how far it (or she) goes. And her name is Vanessa.
  13. Good idea. And perhaps move the stage under the cover of one of the arches to get the performers out of the sun and wind and give them a backstage in the "haunted" area. Or move the pub to that end, opposite the end it was in last year, to give the pub more room. An' still charge fer a round fer safe passage.
  14. Firing BP pistols at night would definately get the locals attention. Cannons too!
  15. I am fairly positive that the vast majority of on-board swords did not have scabbards. They would have been stored in trunks, barrels or racks pending distribution prior to and engagement. But that is only on board ship. Ashore would be a different matter, where one might not carry a sword anyway, just a knife and perhaps a pistol. If one were to wear a sword ashore, it would probably be a smallsword or something similar and that would have a scabbard.
  16. Cool! I'll wear armor and change my name to Captain Rustbucket! Or Commander Ironpants!
  17. Aye, a Partagas and a single malt, Glenmorangie or Glenlivet 18 and I'm a contented camper. Throw in some good conversation or lively debate and the world is a good place.
  18. .- -. -.. / .. ..-. / - .... .- - / .. ... / -. --- - / . -. --- ..- --. .... --..-- / -.. --- / -.-- --- ..- / .--. . --- .--. .-.. . / .-. . .- .-.. .. --.. . / - .... .- - / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / .. ... / -. --- - / .--. . .-. .. --- -.. / -.-. --- .-. .-. . -.-. - ..--.. -.. --- -. .----. - / - . .-.. .-.. / ..-. --- -..- . .-.-.-
  19. -.-- --- ..- / - .-- .. - ... .-.-.- / .. - / - --- --- -.- / -- . / ..--- ----- / -- .. -. ..- - . ... / - --- / .-- .-. .. - . / -- -.-- / ..-. .. .-. ... - / .-. . .--. .-.. -.-- .-.-.- / -... -.-- . / - .... . / -... -.-- . --..-- / .. / - .... .. -. -.- / .-- . / .- .-. . / -... . --. .. -. -. .. -. --. / - --- / .- -. -. --- -.-- / ... --- -- . / .--. . --- .--. .-.. . .-.-.-
  20. --- -.- --..-- / .. / ..-. --- ..- -. -.. / .- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / - .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - --- .-. / --- -. .-.. .. -. . .-.-.- / -. --- .-- / - .... .- - / .. ... / -.-. .... . .- - .. -. --. .-.-.- / .-- --- .-- --..-- / .. / -.. --- / .-.. --- ...- . / - . -.-. .... -. --- .-.. --- --. -.-- .-.-.-
  21. .. / .-- .- ... / --. --- --- -.. / .- - / --- -. . / - .. -- . .-.-.- / -... --- -.-- / ... -.-. --- ..- - ... .-.-.- / .-.. --- -. --. / .- --. --- .-.-.- / .... .- -.. / - --- / -.. .. --. / ..- .--. / .- .-.. .--. .... .- -... . - / - --- / .-. . .--. .-.. -.-- .-.-.-
  22. Blackbeard retired once. Got himself a pardon from the governor and all. Became a landowner and influential in politics. Couldn't abide life ashore and went back to pyratin'. There are many other instances of pyrates giving up the life to recieve pardons. Some stayed ashore, some went back. As to retiring without the benefit of a pardon, some pyrate articles included the option of leaving the ship only after a certain ammount of plunder had been gotten by the crew. From Roberts' articles: "No man shall talk of breaking up their way of living til each has a share of £1,000. Every man who shall become a cripple or loose a limb in the service shall have eight hundred pieces of eight from the common stock, and for lesser hurts proportionately." What were they called? If I were a retired pyrate, the last thing that I would want is to draw attention to my former status by using some sort of title or label.
  23. Found some other pipes while looking for gun stuff. Colonial Gun Works They also have some shorter pipes.
  24. .... --- .-- / .. ... / .. - / - .... .- - / -.-. .... .-. .. ... - .. -. . / -.-. .... . .- - . -.. ..--..
  25. Greenighs, mayhap ye be havin' the wrong address. 'Tis a .net site, not a .com. So 'ere be the coordinates fer th' treasure ye seek. No Quarter Given Writ out it is http://noquartergiven.net
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