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Everything posted by captjacksparrowsavvvy

  1. The entire list of ads that will be shown before,during, and after the Superbowl, is listed at SuperBowl Ads I have some of the time slots but I don't have Disney's time slot yet, for those that do not want to watch the entire Superbowl just to see the ad. For those of you who are not football fans, the commercials have become the mainstay of the Superbowl and not only do people look forward to viewing them, fans are now voting for their best commercial and some companies are even having the fans make the commercial. All the commercials will be seen on iFilm,Google,AOL and Yahoo after they have run on that day. DMC's ad from last years Superbowl is still available on most of the NFL and Superbowl sites.
  2. and if I may be so bold to ask Iron Bess if she may be able to enquire about the date of the AWE premiere(or at least the weekend date) while she has JB on the line, so I can make plans for the 2nd annual Marty Klebba charity event to be held in California. We have hooked up with a special venue for this years event and I hope that all of you will be able to attend. More info to follow.
  3. Yes, it is true. Disney has purchased a spot for an AWE teaser. I am trying to find out what time slot it's in - perhaps Iron Bess will find that out from JB as well
  4. Hey, I don't want to live that long~LOL The aches and pains are bad now, I can't even begin to image 30 movies/years from now!! On the serious side, I would like to see another Jack Sparrow movie but not necessarily tied to AWE or the other characters, although him and Barbossa could really play off each other the entire movie. The grand adventure of Jack Sparrow, lying on a beach, drinking rum for 3 days. I like it. Simple. Easy to remember
  5. Terry replied on Wordplayer... false story
  6. found it! selling Jack Sparrow
  7. My daughter gave me the Jack Sparrow light. We use it in the living room at night and it's beautiful. In fact my hubby loves it and he's the one that turns it on for me, and I turn on for him...hehehehe. There was a complete list of POTC stuff on one site, almost 100 items. Wish I had saved the link. Now DelMonte and Stouffers have POTC offers. My son works in grocery so I get all the posters and window clings of anything pirate. My biggest score was the 5 foot poster of Johnny as Mort Rainey from BLockbuster.
  8. staple in our house! Went out to Ponderosa before I went into work tonight. My kind of meal-no dishes, no clean up...
  9. Oh, I am so sorry to hear this(((((lady snow))))) Met my captain in a bar many years ago. Following rock bands all across the east. Actually hippies we were, not pirates, but still traveled the 'high' seas...lol Spent more time at car shows than any other faires/still do car shows but we're slowing down...30 years, 4 kids later, we're still together. No magic carpet ride, nor buried treasure, just lots of hard work, respect and trust. :)
  10. and as always, Johnny is so damn humble and so damn cute and so damn sexy, and so damn sexy, er, I said that already!
  11. oi, that's so true. Every thing I buy I have to put somewhere and then it has to be dusted or up high enough so that the dog doesn't chew it up...and besides Rumbarue hit it right, Have to spend the money on priorites such as food. With 4 kids, groceries are a must. **my unfavorite line from child after I put all the groceries away. Child opens frig door and says"there's nothing to eat " and one hour after eating supper child says"I'm still hungry, what else do you have to eat?**
  12. I don' t have the link but it's archived on Wordplayer~Ted and Terry's site. Terry said that story line was for the PS2 game or Kingdom Hearts game. Whether this is the true pre-equel, I don't know. We may never know!
  13. It is the best movie of 2006, at least imo. I had no interest to see other movies in 2006 and I probably will only see AWE this year. But the sad thing is, I don't see a whole bunch of nominations being mentioned. I don't like the way the awards are divided out, since there can be many movies that are worth being labeled "movie of the year" regardless of the amount of sales. Johnny Depp has a very good attitude about awards which I think earns him more respect than, let's say, a Tom Cruise, who had a very bad temper tantrum when he wasn't nominated and Johnny was. Funny ol' world, innit?
  14. I don't think anyone is trying to discourage you and your endeavors but Ted and Terry will not look at anything you send them. And if you post it on their site, poor Annie has to jump in and remove all traces. My suggestion to you is this...your ideas and your character are yours. You sound as if you already have a story in mind. Instead of using "Jack", you could have another male character to parley with Black Rose. No legal troubles. Your idea probably would fall under the heading of historical romance fiction. Best places to start with your idea are http://www.absolutewrite.com http://www.writing-world.com/romance/flaws.shtml http://www.awpwriter.org/contests/series.htm http://www.writingforums.com/ https://www.rwanational.org/eweb/StartPage.aspx http://www.historicalromancewriters.com/ch...aractertype.cfm http://www2.lib.uchicago.edu/~llou/romance.html ****** this one has resources covering everything that you would need to know. Fanfiction.net is a good place for reading and writing works on POTC BUT the vast majority of the writers are extremely YOUNG. I had to laugh when I was reading a Jack/Elizabeth story and the writer had written" Jack took off his underwear..." LOL. A better online writing community is http://movies.adultfanfiction.net/ Much more better and very mature writing. I would keep your idea to yourself and start writing down your ideas. You may be the next Nora Roberts or Diana Gabaldon . Good luck...
  15. In one of Johnny's interviews, he said that he sometimes uses a "prop" to help him remember the lines or the scenes or to get inspired, hence he shoved a feather dusty down his jeans... or holds a banana in the scene from COTBP...he was trying to focus since he was pissed at Gore during that scene. I went to the local chicken feed store and the store is all out of chicken feet. I think it's a sign of fertility or perhaps being fertile? LOL I don't remember. I was going to buy a dozen chicken feet to make a little trinket for all my mates but I have to special order them, or go to China Town in Toronto. I just haven't figured out how to prevent the dogs, foxes and coyotes from chasing us when we do wear them!
  16. That's a load of bull. I am required to wear an eyepatch by advice of my doctor, and let me assure you, it is nothing you'd ever want to go to battle with voluntatrily. After a few days, you lose every sense of depth perception and this sense is vital for any hand- to hand or artillery action. I didn't see the outcome of the eyepatch test? What did the mythbusters conclude unless you can't post the spoiler here... I never heard that myth about the eyepatch being worn to enhance night vision in pirate lore or any lore. Children being treated for amblyopia wear eyepatches to help strengthen the eye that is not functioning properly. In these cases, the patch does help strengthen the weaker eye(olden days called Lazy eye)but it's actually tricking the brain into using the weaker eye. And I am all for kids being allowed to wear pirate eyepathes for this( or any design for that matter) to help the child get thru the time it takes for the eye to improve. So the eye doctors can give out pirate patches instead of safety suckers! LOL
  17. Let's face it, a few years ago, there'd be nothing about pirates on TV,in books or magazines. All are riding the coattails of POTC movies and well, now's the time to do it. Look at the increase of members in re-enactment groups and ren faires. It really is all positive despite being over-merchandized to death. And since the History channel has put on pirate segments, my husband is quite interested in something else besides "first and goal to go" if you catch my drift! LOL
  18. Keith Richards on the Pirates 3 Set! Source: Evan December 21, 2006 Scooper 'Evan' sent in this photo of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow, Martin Klebba as Marty and Keith Richards as Sparrow's swashbuckling dad from the set of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (it's now officially "World's" and not "Worlds"). Directed by Gore Verbinski and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, the highly-anticipated third installment sails into theaters on May 25. "At World's End" also stars Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, Geoffrey Rush, Chow Yun-Fat, Stellan SkarsgÄrd, Jack Davenport, Kevin R. McNally, Lee Arenberg, Mackenzie Crook, Andy Beckwith and Reggie Lee. Terry Rossio and Ted Elliott wrote the script. UPDATE: IMAGE REMOVED AT STUDIO'S REQUEST
  19. I live in NY. After the plane hit the pentagon, most of us felt that "we" were under attack. The airbase is less than 10 minutes away and it went on the highest alert. Our news reported that a plane was heading towards the power plants in Niagara Falls and EVERYTHING SHUT DOWN. Banks, malls, schools, stores, everything closed and people were sent home. I had kids in school and I couldn't get them out because the schools went into lock down. We couldn't get thru the phone lines were overloaded with calls. We stayed glued to the TV and local radio because the fear of that plane. If it would hit the powerplant, most of the East Coast would be out as it was once before when there was a problem. So we just sat there, waiting and praying. Kids got home and we all stayed in the house waiting for instructions. Our cousin was a block away from WTC. Her store was damaged with the white ash and she had to walk blocks into NJ to get away from all the destruction. She wasn't hurt but the memory is haunting. My girlfriend was in the tower the day before at a finance meeting on the top of the North Tower. The worst part was not knowing what was truly happening. One of my kids said something like "whatever happens, I hope that it happens to all of us so no one is left alone"
  20. UPDATE ON MARTY's C.O.D.A The official "Coalition of Dwarf Advocacy" is Marty's dream of aiding familiies adopting dwarf babies and children. As you know adoption fees are astronomical regardless of agency handling the paperwork. It is sad that the amount that is spent on redtape,filing and "administrative fees", not to mention lawyers or with overseas adoptions, there are immigration,traveling and legal costs between 2 countries. Marty had started his own foundation and I had asked him if the POTCinteractive group could do a fundraiser for his charity. We were traveling to California for the premiere of DMC anyway, and since we have held fundraisers with our group before, it was all old hat to us. Through an unfortunate and *entirely* unforeseeable series of circumstances that have nothing whatsoever to do with me, we had a few detours and bumps in the road to get this thing together. We did it. We held a meet and greet with Marty,Treva M Etienne,Maxie Santillan, Isaac C Singleton Jr, David Patykewich, and Vince Lozano. We sold teeshirts, pirate swag(most of which was handmade by some of our very talented members). We had fun but also raised money for Marty to present to the Little People of America organization. Marty had informed us that thru our help, a little boy by the name of Chance, was adopted. The show on the adoption aired this past weekend Saturday on TLC but it will be rebroadcast a few times. The show is an half hour and the program is called "Matt on a Mission" Matt Roloff and Marty have put together the C.O.D.A and the link is here: http://www.coda-lp.org/donations.html Link to TLC: http://tlc.discovery.com/ "Little People Big World" (Matt On a Mission) have tissues at the ready... I don't consider this spam because it's for a charity and it is connected with Pirates...sorta...maybe...kinda... There are a few photos up at potcinteractive.com from the fundraiser, held in Yucaipa, Ca.
  21. I think you need the "Single and how to find a pirate mate for dummies" guide. It's sad to have a whole yard of dirt and no one to share the dirt with... hmmmm, could we start a pirate dating service? Wanted: ~~Pirate~~ Tanned, sweaty and with some teeth. Must have workable compass and effects intact. Jar of dirt optional. Enuchs need not apply. Something like that...
  22. Oh Dear! That's it. Send this pirate a jar of dirt. He needs all the help he can get! LOL
  23. "Damn I hav' t' wait til' we been married over 25 years, t' be wort' more then a jar of dirt!" "Suppose it's not that far off. Oh well, gives me somethin' t' look forward t', sez I." It isn't that hard to make it to 25 as long as you remember these rules, er...guidelines. DO NOT, I repeat, do not buy appliances for birthdays, anniversaries or holidays. Remember to leave your dirty pirate boots at the back door. If she goes to bed with a cutlass at her side, beware of the Bobbitt curse. That means you better find a flower shop open during the middle of the night. Let her hang posters of men that she admires without comment. Don't reciprocate with posters of anything that you admire unless it has 4 wheels,a big block and 4 barrel carb. Be nice to Mother-in-law. And if you have kids in the mix, well, make sure that they have their homework done, clean clothes and lunches made, even if mommy is feeling good on that day.
  24. I did make a jar of dirt. The same size as Jack's jar, only it's plastic. Safer around the children at school should they pick it up or drop it. I use it for a prop. I also have a old fashioned feather duster that is a minature of Jack's. The ostrich feather dusters are extremely expensive and I'd rather put the money to something else. Besides I don't dust my house-against my religion. I am working on Parprika shakers...just don't have the time lately. Work, Holidays and family seem to take over any free time that I have
  25. "Iron Bess, I believe Captjacksparrowsavvvy is a girl! She just really wanted her dirt! Seems she knows Marty and Terry, too!" I do know Marty but I don't know Terry other than thru his board and emailings. Terry is a great guy as he has handled the nasty criticisms on his board very diplomatically and he answers many questions about the POTC movies, i.e., what he is allowed to discuss.
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