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Swashbuckler 1700

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Everything posted by Swashbuckler 1700

  1. This tread maybe useless but this is what I have always wanted to do So lists of classical "piratical" stuff and whether it was used in certain periods ( I say only what was not certainly used you can add some stuff if you like or say if there is errors) 16th century pirates/privateers had no: Telescope ship wheel cutlass flintlocks bicorne hats or other like 18th century fashion stuff like coats jolly rogers rum sextant or other clasical navigational instruments 17th century buccaneers had no: ship wheel bicorne hats or other like 18th century fashion stuff like coats Jolly rogers (on the most part) sextant or other clasical navigational instruments Gaop pirates early 18th century had no: bicorne hats etc sextant
  2. Really nice picture. Shadows are really nicely done and theme is also interesting. One thing that could be little better is that checkered shirt (is that what it is?) old shirts had check more of a windowpane style an not as much checked like an Italian table cloth. Nice work there keep up the good work... I would be happy if you would look my pictures too....
  3. Wiki offered a answer so coconust trees are not natural to west indies but there is other endemic palms there http://en.wikipedia....e_note-Morici-1
  4. What does sable mean in this context? interesting.....
  6. From the album: Realistic pirate art

    This is pirate lad about 18 years of age. But his age was quite typical for sailor in age of golden age of piracy. He wears monmouth cap, jacket, waistcoat and canvas trousers.
  7. I am not sure is this rigth place but is the coconut palm naturally growing in Americas? I have read that spanish brought there in 16th and 17th centuries like this source says http://www.nhm.ac.uk...#38;ref=coconut but this says that they were there before Columbus http://www.enviromul...DFs/History.pdf WHAT IS THE TRUTH???? :wacko: :blink: At least they were popular there in mid and late 17th century (buccaneers burned palm leaves to grill spaniandrs to give up their gold and that Dampier quote says that they were idle in west- indies (but they were there but they had no great purpose there unlike in the east)...)
  8. So that is the prob... I can put new image but it does not appear in my posts or profile. I would understand that it make take a while but i changed my photo days ago.... I understand that there is so many problems here that no one can fix them easily but just letting you know... So this is not so serious so don't need to hurry
  9. So “I was when crossing Towerhill accosted by a person in seaman’s dress who tabbed me on the shoulder enquiring in a familiar and technical strain “what ship”. I assumed an air of gravity and surprise and told him I presumed he was under some mistake as I was not connected with shipping. The fellow … gave a whistle and I a moment I was in the hands of six or eight ruffians who immediately dreaded and soon found to be press gang.” WILLIAM HAY 1744
  10. Several of the Lowther/Low gang used the flag with the skeleton piercing a heart which is usually ascribed to John Quelch. Yes, Bellamy had at least two, both described as black. I thought we'd established that black flags were around before 1718. Yes, that comes from the trial of the survivors from Bellamy's crew, except that in the original it's "under the said colours" Ok What is the original desription of Wynne's flag?
  11. This may not help much but this pen has been found on whydah perhaps replica is done somewhere....I personally think that quill of some oldinary bird would do.... lets say goose....
  12. Hi. Has anyone stories about navy Press gang from gaop or even Nelsons' time? I am just curious.... I have found a short one from 1740s I will post it when I have energy and if anyone is interested..... That quote is from "Ship: 5000 Years of Maritime History" written by Brian Lavery... Being visual person I post a picture and if anyone has found more they are free to post them here This is from latter part of the 18th century
  13. Is this real desription of bellmy's flag? " a large black flag, with a death's head and bones across and gave chase to Captain Prince under-the-cloud colors" I have found ti somewhere in this forum...
  14. From the album: Realistic pirate art

    Pirate crews often did had many nationalities and people from different backrounds. He has a Blunderbuss and he has hanger/cutlass. He wears linen shirt and kerchief working as a temporary sweatband made of spare sailcloth.
  15. To the average chap on the street a "pirate flag" is black with a white skull and crossed bones. Only someone who'd actually looked into pirate history is likely to be aware of different designs and colours. To the average George Shelvocke on the street a "pirate flag" was yellow with a black skeleton... "John Quelch's" flag wasn't John Quelch's flag. The only flag he's actually recorded as flying is the St. George's cross of England. Who did use that flag or did anyone? Well, he captured the ship... He got also cannons False colours were a common and accepted ruse de guerre. Also, Shelvocke wasn't noted for following the rules anyway. Oh ofcource sorry my sillynes... Drake definitely used black flags and pennants at Cartagena in 1585. I can't think of any 17th century buccaneers with black flags. Gordingly again.... he has (I am quite sure) said that somewere .... I've got quite a lot of them! A search on the forums should find you quite a few ok Wynne's flag and both of Bellamy's were black. Bellamy is also described flying a Union flag. Did the bellamy had more than one? so they did had black ones before 1718... I am not aruing of that yellow it was certainly popular style.... Not that I know of. Hmm.... No.
  16. Just curious is there any decent pirate flag book or someting ever made?
  17. I still think that we cannot say that before 1718 yellow was the commonest color but I think that we can say that it was clearly popular. If you have nothing to add lets stop talking yellow flags Is there any other evidence for yellow flag than that quote ?
  18. Some of the flags which color is unknow were perhaps black or some other colors like red, white or that yellow....
  19. Well yeah everyting is copmlicated but when we look at it all is damn simple some things are true some aren't or perhaps they are somewhere between but that do we knew what was rigth is not simple...
  20. ... If it is not great problem to you I would be happy if you could give some more flag descriptions of real flags like this one that was from that other tread... Lyne's flag is described in a newspaper of March 1726 as a "Black Silk flagg with a Representation of a Man with a Cutlass in one Hand and a Pistol in the other Extended". since these are hard to find... :lol: Do we know the Color of the Wynnes's flag or Bellamy's?
  21. You clearly haven't been doing this for very long... What do you mean (well i haven't ) if ship could not disappear (like you have discussed somewhere here) why could governor....
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