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Swashbuckler 1700

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Everything posted by Swashbuckler 1700

  1. This mid 18th century hat has something but not x http://www.metmuseum...ctions/80036806 I post this here just for fun here is hat from around 1690-1700s
  2. If people mean this kind of X thing I firmly believe that it is not historically accurate in any way. Feel free to correct me if needed. Real hats in Gaop period had feathers and some early form of hat cocards/rosettes or whatever. like in here: (dates are in pictures) no x no x but rosette thingies No x but rosette no x or rosettes neither here Same here in 1730 no x only rosette pic from 1730s and only rosette in like in here I wonder how the sides stay without string ....
  3. Question 1 The document gives some neat details about fire-fighting on land from this time. I wonder what "the two large bags containing Three Bushels at least" are? What do they contain? Question 2 This is a long-standing question I've had about shipboard fire-fighting. I read in W.R. Thrower's (too often unreliable) book Life at Sea in the Age of Sail. (Between this and, more particularly, his book The Pirate Picture, I have found enough provably incorrect facts that I don't trust him without corroborating what he says.) From the book: "For a long time ships all carried piss tubs in various places, which not only served the purpose indicated but also provided ‘fire points’, to use the modern term. With the ever-present risk it was essential to have water supplies handy, and using urine instead of sea water waved work: filling buckets over a ship’s side is never easy and is especially difficult when an ample supply of water is suddenly needed to douse a fire. Urine somehow acquired a reputation for being better than water for extinguishing fires…” (Thrower, Sea, p. 82) Is this generally true? Is their proof for it? Was it a GAoP practice? Is there proof of that? At least there is urinals shall found on QAR. And perhaps urine was stored in some way. For example Bart's crew's water run out in some long voyage and pirates needed to drink pee instead of water..... Some of that pirate romance
  4. Cheers chap =o) comes from not having much of a life outside historical stuff, started as a hobby and has ended up as my job. Mr Swashbuckler; For muddyevil straw hatness have a look at the lovely Karen Larsdatters site http://www.larsdatte...m/strawhats.htm Many many luvverly pictures, in fact it's always worth bookmarking her site, makes for a good 'jumping off' point for image searches and 'taint just mud eater stuff either, Karen also has started putting together an 18thC version too. Muddyevil http://www.larsdatter.com/index.html 18thC http://larsdatter.com/18c/index.html I I I I I I say boy! thank you very much!
  5. From the album: Realistic pirate art

    There is high ranking RN officer from early 1720s. I must admit that there is hint of 1748 uniforms but Colors (other than blue) are not from that uniform stuff. I used period pictures of naval officers and gentleman to create this. some examples http://prints.rmg.co.uk/image/330247/sir-godfrey-kneller-admiral-edward-russell-1st-earl-of-orford-1653-1727 , http://prints.encore-editions.com/0/500/pirates-sir-godfrey-kneller-portrait-of-admiral-edward-russell-earl-of-orford.jpg (here the cuff design is from ) and http://www.britishmuseum.org/collectionimages/AN00476/AN00476504_001_l.jpg Captain has luxurious outfit and he has cutlass / hanger like so many real officers seems to have.
  6. Intersting officer pic http://prints.rmg.co.uk/image/330247/sir-godfrey-kneller-admiral-edward-russell-1st-earl-of-orford-1653-1727
  7. I like to say soemting about sailors's straw hats: Sailors in Napoleonic times (around 1790-1810s and later) used straw hats especially in the West- Indies. But it appears that before that time they were not very sailorous so to speak. Not to say that they were not used before but there was no common habit to sailors to use them extensively.
  8. Not the picture I was looking for... but here one man have that hat I keep looking that pic that I am after.... but it seems that it will take few days...
  9. I have yet to find picture of 15th century farmers with straw hats......
  10. I fin d interesting that that hat seems to be tricorn or really close to it..... There is another interesting picture from him this is circa 1730
  11. See also this http://arthistory.ab...Two-Beggars.htm So date is right....
  12. Aye so it is to me.... pic is from circa 1730 BTW.... relying on Ivan Henry (there is 3 datong errors in his gallery( no offence) two Woodes Rogers picture and one Sailor returns picture is not from 1728 but 1750) it is mabe by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giacomo_Ceruti .....
  13. Actually, if you read the my treatise on amputation, you'll find that amputation was a pretty common among the population at this time. In fact, it was probably done to save the fellow's life. Yeah...
  14. Big hats are fashion in this season http://jcb.lunaimaging.com/luna/servlet/detail/JCB~1~1~4022~6240006:-Dwarf-wearing-a-hat-?sort=Normalized_date%2CCreators%2CPublisher%2CTitle&qvq=w4s:/when/1651-1700;q:hat;sort:Normalized_date%2CCreators%2CPublisher%2CTitle;lc:JCB~1~1,JCBBOOKS~1~1,JCBMAPS~1~1,JCBMAPS~2~2&mi=3&trs=4
  15. That slave reminds me of Long John Silver compare with this with this http://jcb.lunaimagi...~2~2&mi=4&trs=5
  16. Still about hats see this circa 1698 pic (page has usually right dates like with that Woodes Rogers pic and there is no reason not to believe the date style and all seems to be good and publisher is mentioned and it fits to bill) http://jcb.lunaimagi...~2~2&mi=4&trs=5 note the slave's hat. Note this is from Martinique (it is propably made in europe..) and it was French colony and French were one of the earliest and most significant tricorn users at the time... To Mission see slave's leg! Cruel torture....
  17. I can't recommend this site enough it is awesome site and dates are right http://jcb.lunaimagi...om/luna/servlet
  18. Parrot hunting circa 1708 ;q:west%2Bindies;sort:Normalized_date%2CCreators%2CPublisher%2CTitle;lc:JCB~1~1,JCBBOOKS~1~1,JCBMAPS~1~1,JCBMAPS~2~2&mi=0&trs=1"]http://jcb.lunaimaging.com/luna/servlet/detail/JCB~1~1~4899~7690002:-Method-of-hunting-parrots-in-Jamai?sort=Normalized_date%2CCreators%2CPublisher%2CTitle&qvq=w4s:/when/[1708];q:west%2Bindies;sort:Normalized_date%2CCreators%2CPublisher%2CTitle;lc:JCB~1~1,JCBBOOKS~1~1,JCBMAPS~1~1,JCBMAPS~2~2&mi=0&trs=1
  19. I said first hand stuff like Snelgrave or individual or lesser know cases but... I know all Low stuff and all Some stuff in the Buccaneers of america is (same with GHoP) are questionable like did Morgan use monks as human shield in Porto Bello at that case it is odd that there is no Spanish mentions of it even that Spaniards usually used all opportunities to defame English Buccaneers but in that case there is no mentions of that cruelty from Morgan only the book. Book also says that Morgan was low born which he was not....
  20. If we trust book "The Marlboroughs Army" soldiers (in early 1700) had quite loose tricorn hats http://books.google....mYC&redir_esc=y I have heard some bad rumors about these books but it seems to be pretty much right in this case...
  21. I was wondering that how many first hand descriptions of pirates committing murder or two?
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