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Swashbuckler 1700

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Everything posted by Swashbuckler 1700

  1. I have never think that they would not get their hands on some expensive or exotic weapon... So I don't thinkl so....That is well possible I dare to say.... There is found some nice western small swords found from whydah (note that in that age even many naval officers preferred cutlasses so small swords were not too easy to find) why not pirates in the Indian Ocean etc. could get their hads on some weapons too....
  2. May I help see wikipedia http://en.wikipedia....of_Vigo_Bay.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludolf_Bakhuizen I have this in other tread but Port from same artist There is interesting mixture of hats: monmouths and trumps, Peter the Greats and round hats and some others as well.... Painter was certainly well informed and his pictures are accurate...
  3. This is Dutch naval captain circa 1690s-1704 Hmm.... armor would not be in daily use I think That waistcoat reminds me of Bart Roberts....
  4. I know that many pirates who sailed there got many exotic goods as loot certainly weapons too... Foxe can know better he has after all wrote book of Henry Every.....
  5. You can copy text at "text" section http://digital.lib.ecu.edu/17001
  6. From the album: Realistic pirate art

    This is simple pirate crew member. He has boarding axe that is mainly based period ones. He also has Waistcoat (with sleeves) and Thrum cap.
  7. I don't believe that people always write everyting down... so that there is no written documentation of them does not mean that they did not existed..... I think that there is metions if straw hat and few of those can well be tricorns.....
  8. Eyes eyes...." silly decorations"!! :o take that back there is nothing silly about hat decorations..... Maybe you don't think so, but you wouldn't catch me dead in a hat with those things on it outside of a spirited (by which I mean drunken) hat swap game. A cross stitch, possibly. A rosette - no. Damned silly looking to my eye. (OTOH, so are knee pants and yet I wear those... ) Well it is silly but it is also fun...... come on people do more silly things........ I think knee pants are good looking
  9. sorry Off topic more hat pics russian soldier 1700 This is from circa 1736 circa 1720 man hey note this 1725 pic of Stede Bonnet (we don't know how much it looks Bonnet but it is period pic and has period hat) It seems to have one lace thing on the back
  10. I have been wondering what is this hat from circa 1725 picture of Spanish sailors's clothing etc. " sombrero
  11. Those hats are quite close to the Bicorns see evolution in late century..... Like I have said: "In history really often things do not happen suddenly but little by little and it is especially true with clothing"......
  12. Eyes eyes...." silly decorations"!! :o take that back there is nothing silly about hat decorations.....
  13. To me, this looks like a straw hat with a wide brim and the sides are pinned up, not a tricorn. the other picture definitely looks like a straw hat done up like a tricorn and even worn backwards, unless it was easier to draw/paint it that way so to define it as a tricorn... I dunno, but it does look like a tricorn. No one has claimed that it would be tricorn. I was talking about the other pic not that one..... now meaning the first pic where is two men. I say that it is tricorn since it looks too much of it. Also the painter have painted many details etc. so well that it is hardly a error made by artist....
  14. Hmmm there is 3 new treads about hats.... As for reenacting I don't see those mid/ late century laces prob as far I don't see x on the pictures I am not going to complain ( and those lace thingys were around at least in 1730s like seen in the one pic)..... I see exaggeration of tricorn hats as a bigger issue. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with tricorns but often I see that about 80% of pirate reenactors use them while I think that 10%- 25% would be better and more accurate... I ike posting hat pics so I post few This boy (on right corner) has interesting hat it seems to be tricorn (see the corner) http://www.1st-art-g...-Shop-1709.html same pic http://www.verreverw...gemak/1048.html
  15. Glad to see that someone have (or had) as bad hand writing as I have .... Speaking of old documents. It is blessing that many european nations used so clear writing style. But not all see what kind of font Swedes had in 17th century
  16. Exactly and we have , counting this one, one pic of straw trics. So straw trics should'nt be common at reconstructions. It's one of the things that often goes awry when representing history be it in modern, film, illustrations, re-enactment, etc is the making the common uncommon and the rare common. Folded girly hat circa 1730 not a tricorn, but then the different perspective/side view makes that obvious, it the woman was painted from the front I think we'd be discussing women wearing straw tricorns =o) The Curds and Whey Seller c.1730, in The Museum of London I agree but that hat in the previous picture was is quite clear tricorn.....
  17. It is clear tricorn or really really really close to it and the person ( no offence to anyone) don't want to admit that he was a little wrong. the hat has at least 2 sides turned up and it is more than likely that there is third side too..... Still this kind of tricorns were not very popular..... History is not so simple that "this was used but this was not" it is often more "this was popular and this was really really rare"......
  18. This italian pic is good piece of evidence things are often not so simple....
  19. I have 3 thinks to say 1. It can be thing that attach the rosette to the hat 2. there is no doubt that some kind of clamps whatever were indeed around at least later period than Gaop but this 1730s pic gives a picture that it was not so late style and indeed it can have nip to GAOP but many of the hats in Gaop had no need for those since the tricorn then was little more loose. see this hat in latter part of the same century (well replica but) 3. it is still not x
  20. sorry I should start read whole comments before I reply sorry.
  21. I don't see x there and it seems not to have any (see how far away sides are from crown) It is just worn but there is not x at least visible one.
  22. there is also said some pictures witch have wrong dates whitch are not from GAOP found on some bages but majority of them have real dates see this tread http://pyracy.com/in...il/page__st__20 these are from 1760s, 1770s or 1780s and not from gaop
  23. Is there any english made pictures of english sailor from 1700-1735 period? I have found only GHoP illustrations and some Dutch pictures.
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