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Swashbuckler 1700

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Everything posted by Swashbuckler 1700

  1. In any case H.pyle and hollywood have exaggerated them greatly but there is some true in them...
  2. I am quoting Foxe and I agree wit him " There is a tendency to assume that most pirates were not so successful as the "big names", but in practice the companies of Bellamy, Roberts, Blackbeard, Taylor, La Buse, Low, and other "successful" pirates made up a very considerable portion of the pirates active in the GAoP." Foxe quote ends here.... There is some records of finer pirate clothing but there is no dought that normal pirates looked mainly like sailors so I am not arguing against you. Like Mission said pirates weren't just a mass of people who all did the same thing but NOTE that actually really many pirates knew each other and so many stuff like flag tradition speard..... the too generalization is always bad.... As for black wool. silk is recorded as flag material quite many times but there is ofcourse others... I gues that sometimes pirates would just sew their dirty handkerchief together and that was their black flag... I am not actually a reenactor but they should look more like sailors instead of gentlemen..... and often they are little bit too clean and all.....
  3. Sorry if this is offtopic but plants are already here so... I have been immersed in Caribbean nature and found old interesting book http://www.wdl.org/e...group=1&page=35 it is from 17th century and it desripes nature of caribbean.... And if palms Interest someone wiki has sone good info http://en.wikipedia....f_the_Caribbean odd usually I don't find biology very interesting but if it is even a little bit pirate related then yes...
  4. There is good page here http://www.piratebrethren.com/articles/hats/hats01.html they aren't pirates but period people who use head scarfs. Note that it seems that they use it for keeping the hat on the head (and that is also what sailor would do if hat would be little too large)....
  5. Oh eyah REALLY LITTLE! who have energy to do that... well good to us that some have done this...
  6. On the neck scarfs were in common place during whole age of sail at least from 17th to 19th century it is just small innovation to put one on your head... On the neck scarfs were in common pacle like here Bonny 1680s. pirate
  7. I've got your unicorne right here! I don't think it's period correct, though. On a serious note, I've heard earrings were either rare or non-existant among sailors. That is not so simple. Firstly there is 3 pictures total of them from 1690s and from 1720. In later time they were really sailorous lest say in 19th century. here is one from 1695 next from 1720 but note these are Dutch sailors see this tread http://pyracy.com/index.php/topic/6921-an-earring-for-your-perusal/page__st__20
  8. But of course records were not all that accurately kept of things like this, these dates already seem a bit muddled and of course one should not believe all that they read online. Rum was not at least in popular in use in 16th century.
  9. So this is topic for kerchief in sailor use especially in Gaop They are exaggerated in movies but lets take a look of history some "evidence" so to speak: http://jcb.lunaimagi.../what/Artifacts, industry, and human activities/Pirates/where/[Amsterdam];sort:Normalized_date,Creators,Publisher,Title;lc:JCB~1~1,JCBBOOKS~1~1,JCBMAPS~1~1,JCBMAPS~2~2&mi=1&trs=22 Black sailor in 17th century next one is offperiod but it proves that: even that some have claimed that bandanas were impractical (which they are not. the sweat and all and if you are sailor you can make a good knot and kerchief stays firmly on the head) that was from 1807 Next: Avery from Johnson from 1725. banbana in slave use Someone post here that Bonny and Read court thing!
  10. Aye! To others Earings can be found on "interesting pictures" tread and there is actually little GAoP evidence that even Foxe had admitted somewhere. but earrings were quite rare and mainly Dutch sailor style then...... Parrots are not completely !00 % myth but not true either. there is records from e.g Dampier about nice talking parrots but not n pirate use but still....Sailors indeed sometimes had some and as pirate loot parrots were not impossible to get since they were transered from America to europe to be walthy people's pets.... Bucket boots in gaop are myth but there is record of one pirate having pair of boots while he was riding.... and this not aply to buccaneers but we were talking about gaop here
  11. Aye! To others Earings can be found on "interesting pictures" tread and there is actually little GAoP evidence that even Foxe had admitted somewhere. but earrings were quite rare and mainly Dutch sailor style then...... Parrots are not completely myth but not true either. there is records from e.g Dampier about nice talking parrots but not n pirate use but still.... and as pirate loot parrots were not impossible to get since they were transered from America to europe to be walthy people's pets.... Bucket boots in gaop are myth but there is record of one pirate having pair of boots while he was riding.... and this not aply to buccaneers but we were talking about gaop here
  12. I have always know that sloops can have 1, 2 or 3 masts but we are meanig that sloop that is now "cutter" and it has 1 mast. I was wondering that did Condent's sloop had 1, 2 or 3 masts. To me ship size is about masts, cannons number of hands not tonnage but it tels still the size but no appearance....
  13. Ofcourse he had astrolabe. but I was meanig sextant and octant that were not used in these periods but others were...
  14. Some minor perusal suggest to me that brigantines were really popular vessels (E.G. one of Vane's or Roberts' ). do all agree? BTW I have found whole book "pirate ship 1660-1730 on the wed (it is not very good I can tell) there Edmund/ Cristopher Condent's vessel is two masted sloop but do we know that what was reality (it BTW has that faulty Jolly Roger Constam has been fooled.... )?
  15. 'Pirates life for me! (I never been in that ride (yet ))
  16. Perhaps... Do you like my new photo? Swashbuckler, All of your images look great! I would like to think that everything worked as it should on your first attempt - the Pub doesn't have any major technical problems that I'm aware of. . . It can take a few minutes for the webservers and database to sync up with each other and ( to Mission's point ) sometimes it's just a matter of clearing one's browser cache. In any case the results of uploading or replacing one's Avatar User Images should be rather instantaneous. Mission is rigth and there is not major probs here
  17. Wikipedia has actually some really nice information about this http://en.wikipedia....lking_the_plank
  18. Myths almost always have at least small grain of truth and so does this have....I personally have never have big issue with walking the plank only thing that should be remenbered is that it was not typical punisment (not in gaop at least) and did not got it's fame untill 19th and 20th century related to pirates... I think that slaver's sailors or captain had as demoniac mind as many pirates Mutinous slaves have got cruel punisments (like here) so why not walking the pank like you proved...
  19. Yep I mean bicorne (so often seen in movies like potc 4) but Tricones could have been(almost) around in buccaneers time since they evolved by late 17th century from cavalier hats... and there were buccaneers as late as 1697 when tricorne was already formed in western fashion.....
  20. Kiitos Swashbuckler! That's awesome. You welcome
  21. Well that was really bad choise of words. Often octants are related to pirates (seen that many times).... but astrolabe and cross staff were used in all these berionds....
  22. Great page here http://jcb.lunaimagi...om/luna/servlet
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