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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. (Captain Ciaran awakens this friday morning with his face resting in the half-eaten chocolate cake. He licks his lips and wipes his face.) Mornin'. Hmmm, no one around. Well good that no one saw me wallowing in the cake. (clears throat) Yo ho! William, me mate. How about some powerful coffee this mornin.
  2. May the waters of the North Atlantic be bountiful fer ye, Hook, and the Ocean Goddess protect ye. --Ciaran
  3. (Ciaran scoops off the nuts and puts 'em in his mouth) Mmmm, here Christine, ye eat the cake and I'll eat the nuts. Well, I do want a bit of that chocolate, too!
  4. Long Dong Silver (it's a movie)
  5. Bonjour Tempest! Merci beaucoup pour la boisson. William, a hearty congratulations on yer first anniversary here at the Pub.
  6. left lane of Interstate 95 (when it's running unclogged!)
  7. (Ciaran opens the door to the Tsunami after hearing fiddle music coming from within. Sees the old fiddler) Good gods! Hector! Hector McBarley from Halifax, Nova Scotia! It's been ages since I last heard his fine music. (Ciaran nods to the fiddler and throws three Crowns into his tip cup) What festive drinks, William! I'll have a Tsunami, please. (slides Crown to William) So, why all the celebratin' on a Thursday?
  8. Bob Denver (Gilligan)
  9. Queen (Caribbean Queen -- song from the 80s fer ye who were then sprogs)
  10. It is so cool to see all of these great pictures! We be a dashing, dastardly, delightful crewe of pirates! Cheers to all!
  11. (Wheeling into the Tsunami, Ciaran hears one of his favourite drinks -- hot chocolate!) I'll have mine topped with Kahlua and whipped cream please, William. (nods to MW and Dorian) G'day mates! So, William, I hear rumour that ye're openin' a bed and breakfast here. Any truth to it?
  12. http://www.pyracy.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=683
  13. (sitting in the middle of the bar, Ciaran has had drinks given to him everytime some pirate has hollered, "more drinks!". Wobbling back and forth now, he says....) Blimey, I b'lieve someone done spiked me watermellon with rum!
  14. (Ciaran opens the door to the Tsunami, jes a wee bit, expecting a blast of water to hit him, but instead sees that all is quiet, so enters.) Afternoon, William, Mercenary, Dorien, Diego, DaggezEber. (sees the mellon) Yo ho ho! Watermellon! A most perfect choice after this er, um, soggy weekend. I'll have a slice, please, William.
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