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Posts posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. I jes returned from a 3-week holiday with me treasured heartie up in Newfoundland. And shiver me timbers, me newfie pals 'screeched' me whilst I was there!

    Aye, indeed I did kiss the cod (believe me I've kissed worse things than that!) and drank the fiery rum. I now have a framed certificate which reads:

    "This is to certify that Ciaran of North Carolina has consumed on this day, the 7th of January in the year 2006, some of Newfoundland's golden elixer. The bearer of this certificate is hereby enrolled in the Royal Order of Screechers."

    So, in celebration, mates, drink up! This one be on me!


  2. (Ciaran, accompanied by two strapping lads carrying two big kegs, enters the TK)

    Ahoy mates! Happy New Year!

    I jes returned from a holiday voyage up to Newfoundland, where I was officially 'screeched'. So, in honour, I have brought back a couple barrels of the rum fer our enjoyment. Drink up, mates!

  3. Glad to be back. I just returned from visiting my special friend in Newfoundland. Went up two weeks after my hernia surgery, so took it very easy up there, as we celebrated the holidays.

    I continue to make good progress recovering from the surgery and go back for a check up on Monday.

  4. It's nice and it helps. Which is why I come here to escape. My real life be such a mess right now. I'll take any compliment I can get, even if it is thru cyber land.

    Arr, Christine, love, ye brighten this Pub everytime ye enter it. I be very glad yer here.

    As fer me, I be very happy to be able to sit again. Continuing to mend after the hernia surgery. It's funny how when ye can't do 'normal' things like cough, sneeze, laugh, sit up, and such fer a week, ye realize how important such little things are.

  5. (Ciaran eases gingerly into a chair)

    Yo ho, so happy to be back and to finally be able to sit up again.

    (Pulls his breeches down enough to show his new scar which be jes mendin')

    Arrgh. Twas a tough fight, nasty devil sliced me with his rapier, but in the end I came out alive. Ye should see what I duns to him! ***

    William, good sir, do ye have any egg nog fer the holidays, ye know, the real stuff fortified with lots of rum and brandy? I'll take a big mug.

    ***I endured double hernia surgery a week ago and am jes able to start feeling halfway back to meself***

  6. (As the last laughs faded and those who could still walk made their ways to their places of slumber, Ciaran was relieved to see that Mister Lasseter had secured enough mates fer the night watch. Although he never drank too much himself...a lookout must never do so...he was definitely ready fer a good sleep. But with Diego away and the old cook no longer with us, Ciaran made one last stop by the galley. There, he brewed up a large pot of coffee and carried it and tins up to those poor lads who would need open eyes tonight. Many words of sincere thanks were given before he returned to his bunk and fell into the richest of sleeps.)

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