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Posts posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. The lookout drew himself over toward Mister Lasseter so to align both their bodies in the same direction. Squinting in the sunlight with his naked eye, Ciaran focused and then pointed...."there, Sir, far on the horizon, even without the glass I can make out the white sails"

    Mister Lasseter followed his own eyes to the point of Ciaran's finger and looked, and nodded aye.

    Both then raised their glasses and looked.

  2. The two sharks circled a good ways out, then seemed to catch the smell of blood in the water and swiftly came toward the Watch Dog. As they got within 20 feet of Lady Ilex's writhing figure, Mister Lasseter ordered her quickly hoisted upward. The lines were hauled and the drenched, screaming figure was heaved out and upward just as one of the big sharks passed below. Both sharks were now so close to the surface that ye could see their horrible mouths. And through her screams of sheer terror, Lady Ilex were begging Mister Lasseter fer mercy.

    On the ship, came great sounds of laughter and shouts to 'feed her to the sharks' came from some of the crew. Ciaran threw back his head laughing, and as he leaned forward, he saw it....a speck on the horizon. Quickly he pulled out the lens and placed the glass to his eye. Aye, twas a ship!

    "Sail Ho!" the lookout shouted. The laughter and screams from below were so loud that no one seamed to hear him. Ciaran turned his head downward and with all his might yelled, "SAIL HO!". This time he was heard and a silence slowly settled on the deck. Lady Ilex however continued her screams, so Ciaran had to continue shoutin' to the top of his lungs.

    "Sail Ho, Mister Lasseter! East North East Larboard....Aye, she be slowly growin' in size, so she be headin' in our direction. Still a long ways out, Sir, but heading roughly towards us."

  3. I had this lifetime, oh, must've been three hundreds years ago when I sailed.....

    Oh, but this life, aye, had an interest in pirates as far back in childhood as I can remember. Growing up here in North Carolina, ye study about Blackbeard very early on. Combined with that, me family has owned a beach cottage, near Wilmington, since I were a wee sprog, so I've always had a very deep attachment to the ocean, the seashore, pyrates.

    As a former children's librarian and as a professional storyteller since 1991, I have constantly kept me pirate side visible and nurtured.

  4. (Ciaran turns a deep shade of green)

    Arr! Malta be very high on me list of places to one day visit. Every photograph I've ever seen mesmerizes me. Indeed there be places on this earth that touch our souls deeply; I am happy that ye've found one of yours, Cap'n Straw. Aye, do share photos and more when ye can, mate.

  5. Ahoy mates. I am selling a few NEW, still in the box, wooden Blackbeard ornaments on eBay (purchased at a local museum gift shop last year).

    I have two listed now and will list two more in the next few days, fer a total of 4. The auction on the first two will end this coming Saturday.

    Perchance ye be interested, ye can sail to the eBay and do a search fer "Blackbeard ornament" or use these links:

    eBay pirate ornament 1

    eBay pirate ornament 2

    Ye can also check all of me items fer sale by searchin' me seller name which is "bardelf".

    Thanks, mates.

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