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Posts posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. oh, ciaran, how did your surgery go. i know it was a whilke ago, but i was still wondering

    Arr, thank ye fer askin, Lady Snow. It went well. The surgeon found two hernias, not just one as was thought. I laid low for a good 3 weeks, but then recovered enough to enjoy the latter part of the holidays. In fact, sailed up to Newfoundland, Canada, to be with a special friend.

    For all practical pyrate purposes, though, we will call my hernia surgery a nasty sword fight, eh?

    Hope ye are well.

    (dashes over to the cold area and retrieves a tall glass of chocolate milk for Miss Kendra). Here ye are, Kendra!


  2. (His face as white as alabaster, Ciaran encounters Mr. PEW, Petee, and Mr. Franklin carrying the enshrouded body of the Monsignor)

    "I jes heard," he exclaims. "Is it, is it true? DDDiego is dead?"

    (Ciaran appears to tremble and his voice is crackin')

    "Aye, laddie," Petee responds. "The Monsignor has entered the Gates of Heaven."

    (The Lookout seems to brace himself briefly against the wall, before gaining his composure and taking a deep breath.)

    Let me help carry him, please. He was, he was my dearest friend.

    (The three make room for Ciaran at the Monsignor's feet and silently the four begin their journey toward the deck.)

  3. I'm feeling like a crappy person. A friend from childhood found me on myspace.com. She's very adamit about trying to reconnect. The problem is I'm not excited about reconnecting with her. I've got a million reasons why but they all sound so weak when I say them out loud.

    Ye could jes choose not to respond to her at all, Rogue Mermaid. Perhaps it's the chicken way out, but it works. Jes a suggestion.

  4. do realise once you own one GBS CD you will have to own them all . . . it's an addiction, that will be impossible to break.

    Arr! yet another addiction to add to me list! Thanks, Merc! :huh:

    Mornin' all. William, I'll have a bit of eggs with my steak and a hot cup of coffee, please. Gramercy.

  5. So, Ciaran, offical screecher now are you? So's me sis . . . and now, I've been dying to ask . . . in your maritime travels, have you ever encountered the beauty that is "Great Big Sea"? I hardly think you could go to Newfoundland, and not, but I thought I'd ask . . .

    Aar, jes enough to know how wonderful their music be. I definitely need to purchase some of it!

    One thing I love about Newfoundland is how house parties jes happen so spontaneously...10:00 at night, folks jes show up at yer door ready to sing and drink...tis the way life should be.

  6. It be a Jamaican rum imported to Canada, where it be distilled in Newfoundland. It's 40% alcohol, but fer me that was strong enough...burned like hell going down! LOL

  7. (removes hat and bows sweepingly)

    Miss Bunny, I don't believe we've had the pleasure. I see that ye joined our faire Pub on the day I set sail fer the Northlands.

    I be Captain Ciaran of North Carolina, land of Blackbeard. A pleasure to make yer acquaintance, m'Lady.

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