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Posts posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. (The sun blazed beautifully and bright in the clear morning sky. As Ciaran looked out from the nest, all sorrow from the night before seemed to be melting away. Somehow he knew in his heart that Diego and Mr. St. Anthony were now onto new adventures and all was well with 'em. The Lookout breathed deeply and lifted his tanned face toward Ol Sol for jes a moment. Then, glass in hand, he began his trusted duty of scanning the horizon.)

  2. Aye, sure this table be fine, Bunny.

    (Ciaran tries to sit down but careens starboard and lands on his butt, the plate of fruit falling in his lap.)

    Maybe, jes some orange juice and a straw fer me.

  3. Avast! Sorry Rummy, didn't mean to jump over yer lyrics. Got a bit confused by the bullfrog.

    Okay, so again, how's about:

    I am the son and the heir of a shyness that was criminally vulgar...

  4. (After spinning around most all the night with Bunny, Ciaran has become quite dizzy -- arrgh, no comments, thar, mates! LOL)

    Bunny, let's stop fer breakfast. Stand still! Avast! Bunny, stop spinning around!

    (At last the two walk over to the feast that Dorien has prepared.)

    Yum, some of these little fruity things look tasty.

    (Ciaran stuffs half a dozen of 'em in his mouth.)

  5. Hid radio controlled cars under desks, and at the right time drove them up folks' legs, scaring the ca-ca out of them...

    Arrr! That reminds me of when I used to be a school librarian. We had a small collection of stuffed animals. (These were ancient things probably stuffed back in the 1950s, so by the 1980s when I was working there, they were already on their last leg -- literally.) Anyway, we would often take the stuffed raccoon, which looked pretty darn fierce with its sharp teeth showing, and hide it under teachers' desks, when they weren't around. Shiver me timbers! The blood-curdling screams we'd hear a few minutes later were priceless. Tis a wonder we didn't send someone into cardiac arrest.

    Ah, the good ole days!

  6. Blimey! I see the face of a fierce-looking catfish there in the rock beside ye, Oderlesseye.

    And, Capt. Siren, that is indeed the orb of some faery being! Cool.

    Of course none of it may mean anything, but it's fun to believe it is. Life would be pretty dull without the 'could it be's.

  7. (mornin' dawns and the couples finally collapse around a table)


    We need bacon and orange juice and.....I'll be right back!)

    (Ciaran bee-bops into the kitchen and soon emerges with plates fer his mates. He slow dances, carrying the plates, over to their table, spins around and places one in front of each pyrate.)

    One for Lady Snow, Mercenary, William, et moi.


    (Tangos to the kitchen and re-emerges with mimosas fer all.)


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