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Posts posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. (Ciaran pulls out his rapier)

    Shall I take care of the bastards fer ye, Mercenary?

    Oh, btw, I wanted to tell ye that I bought me first Great Big Sea album recently. Ye are right, these mates rock! Feel better m'dear.

  2. Arr, Hurricane, I jes purchased me first 'Great Big Sea' album recently and am thoroughly enjoyin it.

    Right now, howe'er, I be listening to Celine Dion's new French Greatest Hits album, 'On ne Change pas' (one does not change). Many folks don't realize that she, as a native Quebecer, has maintained a fully distinct and seperate career singing in French. C'est magnifique!

  3. Glad ye be feelin' better, Bunny, luv.

    I be fine today. Jes stuffed me gut at a new Thai restaurant in the neighborhood.

    Went to me dermatologist today fer him to scrape off a (hopefully) benign kerotoses from me face. Arrgh. Spent too much time worshipping Ole Sol in me younger days.

  4. Feelin' good today. Had a wonderful time with friends down at the beach this past weekend. Got in exhausted last night and slept 11 hours! The power of sleep is magickal.

    Charity, sending a transAtlantic hug to ye! Hope ye have a blast at the Western European faire!

    Diego, mate, yer pal here wishes he could make ye smile again. Jes remember that time heals and life is a big ship's wheel. Ye be going thru the downside of that right now. Good fortune will return I promise ye.

    (Ciaran keeps his distance from the sick Bunny, but blows a get well kiss to her)

    (hands Petee two aspirin)

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