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Posts posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. (The Quartermaster motioned toward the lookout and quickly, silently, Ciaran slid down the long rope, landing sure-footed beside Mister Lasseter. A dram was poured fer the lad, which he raised high, turned toward Captain William and joined the crew in the toast.)

    Hip hip Huzzah!

    Welcome back, Sir!

  2. (Ciaran watched with great excitement as the dingy slowly made its way back toward The Watch Dog. His heart beat with excitement. The Captain! The Captain was alive and looked well and was returning home! All over our ship was great movment on deck. It seemed that everyone aboard was running to the railing to watch the Captain's return.)

    Oh, Diego, (Ciaran thought to himself. Where was the Monsignor? He needed to be here at this happy moment.)

  3. Just a quick note mates to say the hernia surgery went fine last Thursday. The surgeon actually found two hernias, so I have a nice long incision and meshing. Cannot sit and am very very sore. Good pain medicine though. Thanks for all your good thoughts and prayers. I am mending fine, it is just a very slow process.

    Hope to be back soon.

    Love to all,


  4. Friends,

    I just found out that I have to have hernia surgery first thing tomorrow, Thursday. Been havin' trouble in me lower left side area fer over a month and saw a specialist on Monday. He says it is a hernia and needs attention, so here I go.

    The technology fer such operations is greatly advanced, so hopefully I will be fully repaired and up and about, albeit slowly, soon. Keep me in yer best thoughts and prayers, please, tomorrow and Friday. I'll try to make a posting over the weekend.



  5. (Ciaran knocks over his chair)

    Lady Snow! Welcome back! How are ye? Catch us up on yer happenin's since last ye were here.

    (offers chair)

    Please join me. William, please put all of m'Lady's drinks on me own tab.

  6. Was foolin' around last evenin' with me old vinyl records, enjoyin' the music and the artwork on the covers. Ye know, there's been some fantastic images over the years, and that tradition continues on even with today's cds.

    One of me all-time favourites is the cover to Heart's 1977 Little Queen. Remember it? Tis the one where the Wilson sisters and their band are dressed like gypsies on both the front and back covers. Arr, a real gem in my opinion.

    So, I'm not talkin' bout the music here, jes the cover art. What be one of yer favs?

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