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Posts posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. (The Spanish brig drew closer, close enough that Ciaran no longer needed his glass to make out the movement of men on deck. Still he used the magnification for the subtler details, such as the fact that now there were two officers standing on its deck looking and pointing toward the Watch Dog.)

    Mister Lasseter, there be much more movement about the Spanish vessel now, as ye are probably noticing, too. I see two officers on deck and a flurry of movement. Looks to be a dozen hands or more on deck and quite a bit of running to and fro, from the deck below and back up.

  2. (Slowly the ship on the horizon draws close enough that Ciaran can -- with the help of his glass -- make out more about it)

    Mister Lasseter, (Ciaran yells) the ship appears to be a merchant. And, she be flying the flag of Spain. With her present position and speed, I'd say that we should come within a couple miles of one another, Sir. I see little activity on her deck at present.

  3. Hey Lady Seahawke,

    The only bit of info I know is that earlier today someone (don't recall who) had started a thread about folks not putting their phone numbers, addresses and such on the web. And he/she particularly mentioned ye.

    Sorry I don't know more; only read it quickly in passing to another thread. Perhaps Duchess can PM you about it.


    Hope that helps and let's split a drink. :D

  4. (Ciaran appears carrying a large tub of fresh, homemade cranberry sauce)

    Blimey! Made way too much at Thanksgiving. What to do? What to do? Hmmm, I wonder......

    (Reaches under bar and pulls out blender. Pours cranberry sauce into it. Pour bottle of vodka into it.)


    (pours into glasses)

    Drink up me hearties!


  5. When I drink heavily, my ability to speak Spanish increases... odd.

    So does my French speaking. I think it has to do with losing inhabitions and the fear of screwing up.

    Although not a speaking language, many years ago I worked at the NC School for the Blind, so am still fairly proficient in the reading and writing of Braille. (Sighted people simply use their eyes to know the letters...I couldn't tell ye diddlysquat by running me fingers across the dots.)

  6. (Ciaran strolls, no make that waddles, into the Tsunami after Thanksgiving Day festivities down on The Cabin Buoy.)

    Aargh! Ate too much yesterday, mates, but need some breakfast anyway.

    Mercenary, might there be any of yer scrumptious looking pie and ice cream left? Twould love some warmed up for breakfast, s'il vous plait. And, a mug of coffee would be nice, too.

    Grammercy. (Places a fistful of Crowns on the counter for MW.)

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