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callenish gunner

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. o think the two a masted would be quite nice m'self ....... and as for names i would probably go for the morning star . :)
  2. ok i'd say crow .....antelope ....and pandora (as you don't what kind of hell you'll reap if she opens up)
  3. the last seven days of hearing a heart monitor beep gives a man too much time to think about what's important :angry:
  4. yeah just look how many time HERBIE THE LUV BUG has come back and each one stinkier than the first.......
  5. sounds like a good group of souls to get this event fully on track and grow in future years ....let's hope they are more than successful!!!
  6. yeah the peeking at christmas gifts thing is a pain in the arse allow the giver to give the gift i.e. their work and wait to see the splendor of what they have created .....a friend and i used to exchange and wrap christmas gifts for our respective spouses weeks before christmas because we both used to have wives that snooped and mine would actually carefully unwrap peek and then re-wrap the gifts to know what was inside ....imagine her surprise when she didn't get the cashmere sweater with the string of matched pearls ....just once she blew it and asked who got those gifts and was i having an affair ....told her no i was aware of her snooping and had taken precautions so as to never have her know what her gifts were ...i later used to lock them in my office in secured government contractors facilities so she couln't even get in if she'd wanted to.....the security guards used to know before she did
  7. creativity is a wonderful thing ..we're each entitled to express our own however making suggestions to other writers with your ideas is like coming back now and re-writing Shakespeare because you think it would play better if Desdemona jumped up and killed Iago in Othello ...just because she is "not dead yet" ...or coming back and rewriting Gone With the Wind so the south wins the war .....taking ideas from other writers and recreating your own stories and plots with unique characters has been done forever and thereis nothing wrong with that but to say that your ideas is what will save a story is ludicrous....stories have i life of their own and it has been created by an author or in this case a pair of authors they were hired to do a job and they have done pretty well so far in a fantasy pirate yarn ...but there is room for more yarns and exploits of other pirates and other seas ....and like most creators of any worlk of art it is their vision ...as a painter i am always told "it would be a better painting if it was more green to match my couch"i tell them commission me and i'll paint whatever you want .... but until i see the colour of thier money i paint what i choose! so write what you choose and make it your own and give it life then you can say what and who goes where that's the way the arts work :) good luck to ye lass and i hope ye can create the next big pirate franchise
  8. let's see start off with 3 new murdocks and 3 sea service pistols and 2 doglock blunderbusses and a geogian lock blunderbuss as well a 2005 jeep wrangler with a trailer a new laptop computer and various and sundry other goodies (slops and shirts and buckle shoes) a couple of new cutlasses etc. i was a pretty good boy this year ....yeah right!!!!
  9. :) true the english are a bit poofter ...we SCOTS on the other hand are a rowdy randy bunch sorry lad kass set me up!!!
  10. nice kits ..i might just have to try a couple of them out i especially like the 1700 danish pistol ....it has a nice line and a we bit shorter than some of my others i'm sure i have a birthday or something coming up to justify buying one or two ......who am trying to kid i'd do it because i want them
  11. i'd be more concerned that foxe wants to be fanned by a slave BOY ...my fantasies all entail beautiful bare-breasted nubian women fanning me and feeding me grapes and peacock tongues
  12. it is quickest to deal with fulvio directly ....he has quite a back order and even through there are a couple of outlets here in the states the wait is about the same ...he is a wonderful man to deal with ...i have done business with him for about 15 years and i used to go through museum replicas but he has stopped using them to distribute his weapons so now i go directly with him and going to him you will have a better idea of delivery time as well
  13. that looks almost exactly like the one i brought with me from scotland (and i know it's over 100 years old it was my grandfather's built by his father in the 1890's and used on the fishingboats until i came to the states in 1967-68)...and about the same size too .....i have been working on several new ones for myself and the lad with fancy carved handles instead of rope beckets
  14. when i actually get to lay eyes on the lass again some of the finer points might be ironed out
  15. i think what was being interjected was the assumption of some people that pyracy only pertains to the "Golden Age" but that was only my assumption....only symantics but an important point of view
  16. m'lady .... ye have my most sincere sympathies i hope ye can find the srength you need to continue on and know that those of of us here at the pub will always listen and share what we have with you. may god grant you peace and strength in this your hour of grief. you and yours will be in our prayers in the days, weeks and months ahead. -hugh/callenish
  17. god willing the new clockwork heart will keep me going though the next year or so :) :) :) and all things being equal i'll be there making my new sutler's packing cases this week to load the tent and goods onto my trailer with the lad's help perhaps he and a couple of more will be with me come 2007 ..we'll see how his college schedule looks for the fall
  18. unless you're a 14 EEE would nay do me any good to swipe yer shoes nice ones though :)
  19. just a thought ...if a man was to climb the riggin' to get a shot at the opposing deck wouldn't he want a way to carry such a weapon aloft???
  20. threads on here drift or fade as is seen by how many boot posts there are and cutlass posts etc. was thinking a sticky about getting a downladable or hard copy reference would be helpful for those new to our way of doing things is what i was referring to so that those new to the pub don't have to reinvent the wheel every time a lubber comes aboard ....just a thought
  21. sounds like the plans are coming together ....what would the thought be a simple reference (more like guidelines rather than rules)booklet of patterns and accoutrements that we coulld print off and send to those who would want to come and re-enact with us and have available for sale on site for those who attend .....i'm willing to work it up with perhaps some help from say.............................. KASS!!! and GREG!!! and a few others!!!sort of on the lines of the sketchbook series... :)
  22. [/size][/font]about damned tyme ye' dragged your scabourous arse back aboard ye scurvvy cur .....now whare's that rum ye be pouring!!! good to have ye back lad ....have made sure there was a berth kept open fer yer return ..... stow yer kit and get to pourin' [/i][/b]
  23. i think that perhaps one o' m' major passions is a certain potter who i'd like to spend the rest of my days with if she'll have me???
  24. i'm glad that i can come play in Harry's yard and his ball so i'm fyne by playing by HIS RULES!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)
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