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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. nicely done!!! well you should be proud of his work!!!
  2. Well I for one want to thank ye lad for all of your efforts ....ye deserve all the accolades you're gettin' and I'm sure you'll hear some grousing as well ....looks like the ol' home is in need of some plunder to liven her up a bit
  3. three things are dead give aways that these are not maps created in 1723 first off the size is useless to anyone needing good maps from that period ...secondly the paper they have been printed on would be foxed at that age and very fragile unless they had been kept vacuum they would have yellowed and the natural effects of age would make these "originals" much more expensive than $14.99
  4. most stage combat styles are based on sabre techniques since they are more swings rather than quick point work and since foils are so flexible they don't allow much in the way of parrying or blocks while sabre has a more substantial blade what you would learn in that form of fencing can be more readily transfered to the stage ...classically trained actors all use sabre training to gain a basis for their stage combat techniques ...the royal academy and most acting schools only teach sabre techniques because it also looks better from a distance than the fine point work of foil or epee the schlager blades that most stage work is done with would not work well with the foil type moves or the use of a cutlass for field use at a reenactment event would almost be impossible to perform with the foil techniques ....depending on the university if they have a good theatre department they might have a stage combat class that would make a good elective and in some cases can also be applied to phys. ed. requirements as well!!! good luck!!!
  5. sorry dutch I only drink bloody ice water from the leather bucket ..... I prefer my rum from pewter
  6. when i said the mug is huge i seriously meant it!!! it will take 3 fifths or rum at once .....providing those of you want to keep pace!!! the mug!!!
  7. try track of the wolf http://www.trackofthewolf.com/(S(2lz1e455n...Page=1&Status=2
  8. for nearly forty years I've just been known as " THE DAMNED DRUNKEN BASTARD" and have the tankard to prove it (will have to post a pic of that huge rascal) ....I'll try to be a future role model for you lads as the prime example of what a life of drunken debauchery will lead to ...."this too could be you; if you don't mend your ways"
  9. i guess she'll be taking notes and timing contractions at the same time!!! she is a rather determined young lass!!!! either way i'll be the designated driver ...so the toasting will take place at home!!!
  10. that's only a 3 hours drive from us ....mmmmm perhaps the ol' santa could make an appearance too
  11. the one we have is a 3 gallon coffee pot in copper that will make enough coffee for quite a large campfull... http://www.westminsterforge.com/teancoffee.html
  12. From what I saw at Beaufort, Salty,Hamish and I would love to barter for 3 of your seabags ...... let us know!!
  13. since it appears that my openly sutlering at PIP is restricted there is no reason I can and will be doing weapon repair/maintenance perhaps some sword sharpening if I can bring the waterwheel in the trailer..... showing the crowds how the guns were striped and field cleaned and maintained Plus we will be doing a lot of camp cooking as well including some baking
  14. i'll promise you'll eat well around my camp lad!!! also will be bringing both a reflector oven and a dutch oven with us to do a bit of baking
  15. mmmmmmmmmm that ham is delicious!!! with some fine 60 month renetless amish cheddar and a loaf of hearth baked whole wheat tuscan bread and french stone ground mustard and fresh gingered dark rum chased down with dark cider!!! .... already ordering the next hams for Deltaville and will bring 2 down to PIP
  16. shame our little car problem happen just 40 miles up the road instead of going to the beach with you folks ....would have rather stayed on the beach rather than in a motel in a shopping center just off the highway ....you definately had more fun than we did ....sort of
  17. MadL, I have dealt with these folks for years they make one hell of a fine mug with a design on the outside or plain https://3harpiesltd.net/dandu/proddetail.php?prod=scf
  18. B]the event went great except for the one misadventure that happened to Captain Sinbad's first mate who was injured during the sea battle ...I'm sure that the entire pub will want to keep her in our prayers ....the North Carolina Black Flagger's and the Devilmen of Cape Fear, Blackbeard's Crew and the Archangel crew also the Shadow Players with the efforts of Sinbad and the crew of the Meka II worked so well together that the crowds were thrilled and spent the day following the exploits of what we were doing ....most of the scenarios were highly ad-libed but they were very well received by the audience ....hopefully we'll get pictures on here soon if some of Blackbeards crew send the pics... of the efforts I took to whip some sense into Dutch (if it is possible!!! ) we want to get all the picture Madame grace wasn't too pleased with the lesson but Dutch and I had a great time with the preformance and the crowd's reaction (and the reactions of the other pirates who witnessed the show) we're having a wee bit of car trouble on the way home so we're sitting in a motel in NC while we wait for a garage to open on Monday morn to get the car running and back on the road!!! NO Salty isn't going into labour yet!!![/b]
  19. Alright who's going to be the first to post some bleedin' pictures from this event???
  20. Welcome aboard Sweeney m'bucco!! How far west of the PA line are you? We're about an hour east of the line always good to know other pyrates in the general neck of the woods. We'll both be having a black Barbados rhum with a wedge of fresh ginger -Callenish & Saltypots
  21. I took a few short cut's of my own work in my book but I won't be doing that in any that I receive from anyone else ....I know what my work looks like so I'm more than willing to put more effort into the books of others than my own...
  22. mine went out a couple days later than i had hoped but it is priority shipped 200 miles should be there in a day or two sorry lady seahawke
  23. Sterling go to Staples,or the like, and get a ream of parchment stock and print the pdf out and then stich and bind it in Morrocan leather since you obviously have nothing else to do!!!
  24. in most Latin countries it is also referred to as three kings day as to when the "wise guys" showed up with the loot ....growing up in Scotland this was the day when our gifts were exchanged ...Christmas was a quiet day of church and prayer and a simple "feast"with the first of the "puddings" ...the last of the "puddings" was served on twelfth night and that one had three coins in it a sovereign a shilling and a penny ...the feast for twelfth night was always the grandest we could put on the board ...roast goose and rack of mutton mashed ruddies with lots of butter and carrots and peas in applejack glaze with lots of wine and stout and brandy or whiskee throughout the eve
  25. Congratulations lad and to your lovely wife, Salty will be not far behind, so I know the anticipation that goes along with it. May your angel give you a lifetime of joy and apprehension when the time comes when she starts dating somebody like you! Slainte!!!
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