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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. very nice work indeed ....did you make that with interior pockets or dividers? plans to make more perhaps?
  2. I have met the crew and they have done an excellent portrayal of the period and the level and if they have gotten media attention it is about time that others take that for what it is ....they have a distinct look and authenticity that many wish they could achieve, but too many are reluctant to go outside the comfort zone of the more modern concept of clean and laundered and snappy dressing "Hollywood Pirates" ....these youngsters have reset the bar for many of us to emulate ....just as Dutch and M.A.Dogge and Patrick and a few others have striven to obtain a more hardcore level of authenticity that more should try to follow. These young folks have gone to a level that has brought them to the attention of the media by being different from the run of the mill ...but as has been stated they have drawn down the wrath of the so-called more "knowledgeable reenactors" ...I, myself, will attempt to follow their lead. I salute these dedicated young reenactors that will be the next generation of this genre of the hobby!!!
  3. I have finished a few pages and will have my book in the post either Friday or Saturday
  4. I was nudged into agreeing with the idea of Hugh Jackman and perhaps Liv Tyler in the Olivia DeHaviland role and perhaps Antonio Banderas as Levasuer .Michael York as Bishop ....just an idea
  5. A lot of the period sutlery have finally begun to catch on that the serious period pyrate re-enactor community is another source for trade.....most have been so busy with F&I, RevWar that they can't book the smaller festivals (by comparison to their known venues) but they want to broaden their revenues like any good business and what better way than with pyrates hungry for good period kit!!! I have read Smoke and Fire over the years and dealt with them even before I had gotten into Pyracy. They are a good outfit.
  6. Welcome aboard Barnaby..... whomsoever' coinage is paying the barman ...I'll be having a flagon of Barbados's black rum with a few lime wedges and a few slices of fresh ginger root....for medicinal purposes only
  7. Well then Dutch, I hope your clothes have the good sense to bring you home for a decent burial when you drown ...God only knows they are strong enough to walk there by themselves! had hoped that was a dung cart passing when we anchored in Hampton
  8. as i had referenced earlier on this thread the travelers bound for jeruesalem were tattooed by the muslims as sign of passage that they had paid for the priviledge of entering the holy city after the crusades.
  9. Dutch, I have seen your "finery" and I have a firm grasp on the fact that you have little to no knowledge of the concept of cleanliness. I have felt compelled to assist Grace in any attempts to remedy this condition by assembling a crate of supplies to correct your deficiencies in these matters. To date, I have assembled 10 pounds of strong lye soap and various stout brushes (ranging from wire to boar bristle), a large stone for pounding the filth out( as she will). So far the one thing I have had difficulty packing has been the cauldron large enough to place both you and your clothing into for a good long BOIL!!!
  10. See what I meant.... give a man an inch and he'll piss down your leg and try to claim it's jellyfish repellent!!
  11. Too Late!!!
  12. Always remember the phrase POINT BLANK RANGE!!! ....even with just wading a blank load can be fatal if mishandled it is always safest to just use powder only!! unless you have a clear downrange zone for firing :angry:
  13. Welcome aboard lad!! make mine a pint of black barbados rum!
  14. got the sketchbook about to cover it to give it a more period look and will begin the drawings and inking this weekend ....got some appointments the rest of the week that will keep me pretty well occupied Dr's for m'self and salty ....also going to look at a new house ...wish us luck bigger place for the same money.... 5 bedrooms with studio space and a 5 stall garage/workspace ...no more rental storage locker!!!
  15. I too missed the chance yesterday lad ....happy birthday to you and yours all be it belated ....hope to see you again soon!!!
  16. The second item in the photo I posted is an extention beam to draw circles larger than the compass arms could reach. The picture is just a detail from a larger set of instruments. The earlier inking rule held it's distance by shear skill of the draftsman/cartographer and by friction... .. the later models used the set screw to keep the points accurately spread in the right set of hands the lines were consistent over long lengths and with precise line weight .........the first ships drafts i did i used those sorts of later points that was in 1962 in school by '66 i was working in a shipyard drawing plans for a few ships and large fishing boats....
  17. yes dutch the brass one is a lead holder the other is an inking point it would draw various thicknesses of inked lines.... the tips would work like a metal pen nib holding the ink between them ....they didn't change too awfully much in 300 years before the advent of the rapidograph technical pens ....i worked as a designer /technical illustrator for almost thirty years and in the beginning of my career we used tools like those and drew on gessoed linen then along came drafting mylar and rapidograph pens......damn !!! i'm older than i thought
  18. I might just have to organize a raid on Havana to plunder a few of those fine smokes I hear tell they make down there. :angry:
  19. <span style='font-size:16pt;line-height:100%'>Mr Bagley did me the honour of showing me one of his boxes at Hampton; a fine piece of work indeed. My thought was to stock a few in the armoury for those who need the full accoutrement package. :angry: I have been making a few hunting bags and got some new musket tools in stock along with flint wallets ....so the addition of a few of these boxes to the line can't hurt!</span>
  20. Welcome aboard lad ....as long as yer purse stings be slack tell Ray the barman to make mine a Barbados black rum with a wedge of lime and a slice of fresh ginger.. :angry:
  21. Once the hoopla from your weekend's endeavour conclude perhaps we can talk about my acquiring several of said boxes from you upon your convenience ....respectfully
  22. Damn you really were distracted at Hampton!!! :angry: just talk to Grace she'll fill you in lad!!!
  23. I'm sure with the lot of Dutch Uncles & Aunties he'll have at PIP that there will hardly be time for us to hold the wee devil ....Thanks for the offer! I have seldom turned down the offer of assistance when it comes to keeping a weather eye upon the youngsters when we travel to events. :angry: even with such a scuvvy lot as this bunch!!!
  24. Congratulations to you lad to the lass I offer my condolences (you could have done so much better!!! :angry: ) I do hope that you have a long and happy life together!!! We do hope to see you again quite soon!!! Slainte!!!
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