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callenish gunner

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. Yes indeed ....we've been making plans since the trip this year fell through ....getting the things for the armoury and the encampment set preparing for the loading of the whole baggage making sureit all fits into the trailer!
  2. A right and proper seaman, says I! ...looks quite good there lad
  3. That's right 'never go anywhere without your marvelous towel!" ...........oops wrong story
  4. Best wishes upon the arrival of your natal day's passing ....may you have a hundred more!! DAMN .....YOU'D BE REALLY OLD!!!!
  5. I should have several dozen pistols with me and 10-12 blunderbusses ...and a few dozen swords and knives and a few boarding axes as well ....just keep the drool off the goods or as they say "you rust 'em you bought 'em" :angry:
  6. Aye m' gentlemen! I'll be there!!! Weapons and all!!!
  7. Happiest of days to ye lad!! Here's to ye!!!! May ye gets all ye want and want all ye get!!!
  8. 1ΒΌ hours 10 min prep Change to: servings US Metric corned beef potatoes 1 large onion (chopped) salt pepper butter milk 1. Use pound for pound corned beef to potatoes (ex. 1 lb corned beef and 1 lb potatoes) wash off any seasoning on corned beef, use any juice on a none seasoned corned beef in the boiling water. 2. Figure 20 minutes per pound for cooking. 3. Cook at a low boil, high boil will produce a tough roast. 4. Boil beef with salt and pepper until half way through cooking time. 5. Remove meat. Cut off the fat and dispose; dice meat into small pieces and put back into pot. 6. Wash, peel, and dice potatoes; add to the pot, along with the onion and continue to low boil until potatoes are done. 7. Be careful not to over cook potatoes. 8. Drain well over a large bowl to reserve juices. 9. In another large bowl mash potatoes and beef adding milk, butter, and salt and pepper to taste. 10. If additional liquid is needed, you can use some of the reserved "pot liquor" instead of more milk. 11. **TIP** For breakfast; fry up some like hash and have with eggs. 12. Its great! Is this the sort you were looking for???
  9. William, you have captured some of the finest booty any pyrate could ask for ....You're a very lucky man indeed!!!
  10. So, Dr. Mission you ministered to another sailor, eh????? died of a hang-nail did he???
  11. A grande idea lad!!! You can count me in as well ....I'll provide a common seaman's type knife and sheath to "his effects"
  12. looks like you had a grande time of it!!! best of luck with it!!
  13. Incredible workmanship ....too bad more folks don't take that sort of pride in doing such a detailed job! ...but you get exactly what you are willing to pay for!!!!
  14. That's a fyne looking axe, sir ...too bad there aren't more modern reproductions of this quality ...I'm sure I could sell a small boat load of them
  15. Because the rum doesn't walk to him!!!!
  16. I went to a friend who owns Fort Augusta Woodworking ....pm me and I'll send you the particulars excellent period and modern modifications for convenience
  17. been putting the fine tuning on my sutlery tentage ...finally fixed the ridge pole for the fly so it's portable and sturdy and had to add some battens to the edges of the fly to keep that secure and i will be making painted tent floors/rugs for inside (very period) made a period looking enclosure for the portable shower unit with the propane water heater .... also have been working on the rest of the camp with the kitchen box and other additional accoutrements have to make a couple of open woodne crates to haul the cast iron pots and skillets.....i have several dutch ovens and large cast iron skillets and a four gallon covered kettle with tripods and fire-irons with trammels ....just placed the order for the camp beds and a couple of chests .... once the weather breaks here i'll post pictures of the tentage with floor plans and details
  18. There's always a market for plus-sized shirts and slops and waistcoats and frock coats for that matter .... and good solid work shirts are a plus
  19. don't know about Silkie posting it but I will!!! She looked lovely and it was only about 75 degrees that day
  20. Aye Patrick still waiting to close me bedroom window ....it's been open for 4 years and last night it was 18 degrees Fahrenheit. .... the couple of times i have been to PIP in the past we camped and used just a lightweight blanket for the week ...the one night it did go down to at least 68 ....
  21. Aye will be a year of incredible expectation!!!
  22. I'll be toasting in the New Year with with some Jamaican Blue Mountain with a large jigger of Tellamore Dew and topped with fresh whipped creme and freshly ground Nutmeg ....
  23. The kit looks good to me, lad!! A right fyne looking rogue.... a bit on the clean side of the game but good for gathering information while in port as to the cargo and shipping routes being sailed ................
  24. Dorian, I have checked here as well and haven't seen them done by the Pittsburgh Coke Cola bottling co. it might just have been a regional or optional packaging promotion offered by certain bottlers. ...too bad for us!
  25. Nicely done, Doctor Mission! I'd like to suggest that sites like this be added as links off the Pirates in Paradise site along with a fyne collection of photographs made into a well developed slideshow, so that perspective attendees might get an excellent idea as to what to expect from this event. I would like to see an overhaul of the PIP site to make sure that the most current photos are being used so that we can attract the largest number of serious attendees and or participants to the event from all over the country and perhaps international pirates as well. So as a sort of open challenge to those who would love to see this event continue to grow and develop; would say the Callahans consider building a slideshow from the collected and assorted photos with some good period music to accompany it to be placed as a link to the site. with some title slides and the lot to make it appear as professional a presentation as possible: one that might also become a link to the Fort Zachary Taylor State Park website as well. We have so many talented photographers and graphic artists aboard this pub that the making of an awesome presentation to promote and recruit for this event should be an easy undertaking with some joint co-operation from the members.
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