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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. Congratulations lad!!! excellent marks! ....I just graduated with a 3.53 and got my teaching credentials; Secondary- English (not bad for several heart surgeries and a new babe) ....now looking for a teaching position nearer a lot nearer to the Atlantic(Virginia or the Carolinas)
  2. Within the the park, large banner type signage would draw folks to the different areas. The multiple sign posts got a bit confusing...i will be bringing down my full gunvise and tools set and some shot casting equipment but I'd like especially if i can find a source of antimony rather than lead for shot(would hate to give the little darlin's lead poisoning from just handling their souvenirs!!!) Some of their parents I'd like to shoot I'm also looking for a whetstone wheel to sharpen knives and swords or dull them as needs be. I think I have found the stone but will have to build a new frame ....we're also hoping to have a foot wheel for salty to make pottery on site We're gonna need a bigger trailer!!! with all our weapons(usually enough for a small ship's crew) we try to always have someone in the encampment so anyone needing a "safe-house" for valuables can contact us to stow those items
  3. You are what you think you are, both of you! Titles and ranks belong to the navy Pyrates shouldn't need such foolishness!!!
  4. I might be interested ladd!! here are a couple samples
  5. I got the two books from withoutaname and have already begun working on them they will both be ready to go out on schedule I'll send them out separately to keep the next person from going daft!!! B)
  6. Hamish, Salty & M'self(Callenish) From the island trader Fairge Iolaire will be returning come hell or high water!!!
  7. M'self and Salty had a great time and the wee nipper had a good time too being so spoiled by all the attention ....We'll be back again next year all things being equal ...Thanks for having us!!!
  8. we made about 350 miles in the 6 hours after Salty got out of class and hamish needed to be fed and changed again and this ol' scoundrel peepers were getting weary ..we'll be up at 5 and on the road by 6 with the smancy continental brekkie and bucket o' coffee!!!! <_< need to figure out how to get the entire crew there all in the same year William, Bo, et. al.
  9. Damn Sweet!!! a six pack ye say.....what would an entire case run??? <_<
  10. Sixty miles down the road and I just remembered I forgot the packets at the house ...have to wait until Salty gets out of class to see if she remembered them!!!! If not We'll have to rush the gates guns blazing!!! Or perhaps Harry can come t' the rescue <_<
  11. Lass, I'm interested in them I'll PM you for the contact info!!!
  12. If I'm a two legged gargoyle then you MUST be my long lost father. Yaaaar!

  13. Aye lad we will ...how's the family?? is Shanghaiing a few pyrates a hanging offense in Virginia???? :angry: :angry: :angry:
  14. Ladies, you both look stunning ...and quartermaster where did you find that two legged gargoyle?
  15. I'd have to agree with Patrick ...it's easier for authentic to blend with Hollywood than the other direction and the shoes should be one thing to begin with since ill fitting shoes WILL destroy any event you go to ...if your feet hurt you ain't happy!!! just my two farthings worth :angry: :huh:
  16. welcome aboard lass!!!
  17. Sorry to hear that lad is there anything that can be done???
  18. OTHER MISC. TENT ACCESSORIES TENT STAKES, IRON, 12 INCHES LONG (STANDARD) #T028 $1.95 BUY NOW! that was the item I was referring to on the web page ...listing but NO Picture
  19. Aye Capt' Bo is a gentleman and a scholar ...and one hell of a fyne pyrate .....one day I'll get him there even if I have to kidnap him and his whole family!!!! :D
  20. tent stakes they ship quickly!!
  21. I'm in!!! Who or when do you need my contact info and when do we know who to get our gifts for???
  22. you stop by my page and never say Hello..so tag your it!

  23. as of today I still have no books .........but I will send them out within 24-48 hours after receiving any (cut & paste)
  24. I checked out several of the recipe pages there is a lot of good information hidden in them.....some I think I'm going to try out ...perhaps at PIP
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