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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. We know what you mean lad ...Salty & M'self feel our "Pyrate Family" is closer and more dear than those of blood. We'd rather spend time and trust those we cherish as true friends than any others we know ....as Pyrates we have met such a fyne class of people.
  2. Have to have mine reworked from overuse and abnormal wear and tear ...after all it's really old and loose in the joints
  3. ....That was my third cousin ....one time and it was a very cold winter's night .....damn now it has been assumed that we're all buggering sheep my my I do admire a lass with thick woolie locks
  4. but with the expanded memory feature you'll know where to look ....with all the bits of knotted yarn tied around his fingers and toes The gig could also be that small barbed spear for skewering fish and the ram ....well he'd be better off with a ewe ...however we are speaking of dutch
  5. Thank the Gods for the icy waters of the Western Ocean ....with the extreme shrinkage factor at least he'll never breed And Mdm Grace had him swimming in it, chasing sticks and balls her dogs wouldn't even fetch (shrewd woman!!!) ...I knew I liked her!!!
  6. Good God lad take time to breathe.... Damn near wore me out just reading that
  7. Now that idea of the horse sounds good to me ...it's been too long since i went out camping from horseback i know a bit about the knees swelling from too much walking ...got no cartilage in me knees these days been grinding away after a fall ten+years ago
  8. That is a fyne model you have got there. No need to discuss gigs or ram with a fyne piece of technology such as that. Functions at the speed of thought!!!
  9. now that is naughtywork i'd pay t' see ....i mean knotwork yeah right
  10. I have sewn for most of my life (well over 55 years at least) and I have used all sorts of patterns. It is my choice to never again buy or use one of Reconstructing Histories patterns; the sizing and instructions were lacking is all that I choose to say about them. I feel as though I wasted my time and fabric for the four pairs of slops and the two frock coats(justacorps) I made from them. But that is just my opinion (the rise of the slops didn't even come up to the top of my or my sons pubic bone) I agree with the expressed opinion that having to redraft a $25-30 pattern is not acceptable for my money's worth. If I'm doing the drafting of a pattern I will use the Waugh book or other period piece sources or just use the references out there and just draft my own. This is not meant as an attack on any individual or their veracity or their chosen profession, but as a consumer I have the right to express my opinion as to the results that I have found about the use of a commercial product. That is the consequences of putting yourself out there in a position of trade; there will be"satisfied customers who will tell 10 friends they are happy with a product and there are those dissatisfied customers who will tell EVERYBODY"
  11. Happy Birthday to ye Darlin' !!! Hope you're a having a wonderful Birthday with your friends and family sharing your joy! May I wish you the best for every day; Fair winds and clam seas, lass. God bless you and yours!!! -Callenish
  12. we are thinking perhaps Salty, Hamish n' M'self will try to make it down again this year
  13. i had but one book that just went out today this is the second of which i got from without a name the first of december have not received anything from since then
  14. I'd vote for the former #6 now #2 with the alchemist's symbol...... so confusing!!! not that my vote matters a bucket of bilgewater!!!!
  15. Just in case i had missed this before Salty, Wee Hamish & M'self are planning on attending this event we're coming down with Mickey & Kate
  16. they came into play around the mid 1600's and are actually still worn today with some modifications (minor)
  17. A fine looking bunch of rogues!
  18. the entire trilogy!!!
  19. We have always waited several hours before oiling our guns to allow proper drying ...then we will apply a second coat of oil a few days later
  20. A Scot's bonnet isn't exactly the same as a flat cap this would be a flat cap -it has a separate brim usually pinned up on one side this is a Scot's bonnet in boiled wool also known as a Tam o'Shanter
  21. G'day lad hope ye enjoy your stay here and just for your edification n'erey a soul here, save a scant few, can use a word with more than a few letters much less needing a Oxford education. That will just befuddle them and allow you to skip out without settling your bar bill.
  22. the black sheep will out
  23. Appears that the Capt.'s family tree is an entire bloody thicket!!!! QUITE A TANGLED MESS!!! and he is so quick to attempt to save face by denial of the provenance of the family bloodline!!!!
  24. Appears that the Capt.'s family tree is an entire bloody thicket!!!! QUITE A TANGLED MESS!!!
  25. WHOA!!! Pricey but incredible detail!!!
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