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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. Here hold this nail for me when you nod your head I'll hit it with a hammer!!!
  2. There is also a street fair in the downtown area with carnival games and concessions for the kids and usually concerts that are more than just pirate music....so there can be something for everyone in Hampton
  3. Obviously the angels watched out for fools and drunks ....this time you wound up with JUST A COUPLE OF SCARS ....but mind you that that sort of luck never holds!!!! When the time comes I'll start the hat to gather the collection to send flowers I'll have to remember to keep an eye out for any event that you plan to attend
  4. Everybody is looking good nice work Kenneth; good use of what's at hand(frugal is a good thing!!! )
  5. Ahoy Silkie! 3 hours west of Pittsburgh; Take the Sure-kill & get on the turnpike and keep going until you hit Columbus
  6. Aye Michael we'll just mix it directly into the rum like any good pyrate should ...It was grand seeing you again Jess hope to see you again very soon...Hope you had a wonderful Birthday with the likes of us; you helped make it special for us this weekend!!!
  7. Aye sir, the new kit looks quite nice ....hope to see you in it ....oh perhaps, next month, at say, Hampton!!!
  8. M.A.d'Dogge, the exact same people who would have been afraid of you before, will Be afraid of you now....."Who's afraid of the Big Bad Dogge, Big Bad Dogge" .....Ladies, Nice Guns!!!!
  9. What???? No Stays or Chemises or Mantuas??? I see a wonderful hand-sewn linen shirt that right now is going for a cheap pricePerhaps some pettycoats????
  10. from the sleeves and neckline and the long hem it looks as though it could be a knitted sweater similar to a Guernsey Isle frock which would have been around in this period....just an opinion
  11. You need to post lots more pictures of the lot of you working on Luna ....we can hardly wait to see her when we come down in a few weeks!!!
  12. We had a great time as usual ...it's been awhile since I've been at an event where I got to blast away with so much powder since I'm usually so tied up with tending to the sutlery ....was good to spend the weekend aboard and meeting folks I know by pub-names but got to meet them in person ...and all the fantastic goodies that Lady Constance sent along with Silas and the lads(you were missed lass!!!)
  13. A fine looking lass regardless of whatever attire she's wearing
  14. Tell her to come period and she can leave you at home ....From the picture you posted of her would be incentive enough to convince me she should come Siamese period correct You selfish bugger!!!
  15. Fine looking cannon are you making the carriages for said guns?
  16. Like my Gunner... oops did I write that outloud?! this will teach me to take me eyes off a thread for a week or so
  17. Aye Maddogge just tries to fit in with the natives of the Conch Republic ...besides it gives him a chance to show off his lovely frocks
  18. While the slops contracts covered those sailors in the King's Navy they didn't cover the larger merchantman fleet that plied the world's seas ...so basing all sailors as King's Navy wouldn't give a whole and complete picture of seaman of the period; just as today not every sailor or fisherman or seaman wears the uniform of any nation's navy. To logical thought that is ethnocentric bias not based in fact or research. It's the problem of making cookie cutter solutions to complex problems. Just my tupence worth of oppinion
  19. Aye Dorian today's straight razors are a bit of a cry from those of 300 years ago the quality of the steel and the ability of sharpening them ...I also usually shave with a modern straight razor but perhaps once a month or so i do get a small nick on a raised hair follicle or clogged pore. But one more item that you might have overlooked lad was the shaving soap which would have been a luxury rarely afforded by any common seaman....
  20. During the GAOP in Britain almost any one who was bearded was referred to as being from across the seas(ethnocentric fashions) ...anyone who has shaved with a straight razor can attest that nicks and cuts from a razor are frequent combine that with seawater to clean your face since often fresh water was in short supply....I would think many sailors would have at the very least stubble and perhaps that shaving would have waited to be done in port.
  21. Welcome aboard lass! You'll find this to be of a passable sort here. Friendly banter and wisdom spoken here There is always room for another pyrate at PIP And as long as you're willing to put some effort into your impression there will be a crew's berth for you at the festivities. There be plenty about who will offer you advise on putting your kit to rights(whether you ask or not!!!) if'n you would lass I'll be having a large jar of black Barbados rum
  22. posted to myspace hope it helps!!!
  23. Anytime you get there is fine by us lass ....just as long as you get there!!!
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